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State system of accounting for and control of nuclear material (SSAC) in Japan Seiji Uchikoshi Nuclear Material Control Center JAPAN 1 SEMINAR 20 YEARS OF ABACC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Palácio Itamaraty, 10 - 11 November 2011
Contents of presentation Contents of presentation 1. Basic Policy 2. Structure of SSAC 3. Large Complex Programm in Japan 4. SSAC Inspection in Japan (2010) 5. Implementation of Additional Protocol 6. Introduction and Implementation of Integrated Safeguards 7. Summary 2
Basic Policy commitment to peaceful Uses of nuclear energy ● Atomic Energy Basic Law(1955) ● Law for Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors(1957) ● Three Non ‐ Nuclear Principles (since 1967) ● NPT CSA (Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement) INFCIRC/153Type(1976) ● Additional Protocol INFCIRC/540Type ( 1999 ) 3
History of related national safeguards activities in Japan History of related national safeguards activities in Japan ● July 1957 : IAEA’s Activities started ● May 1964 : First Inspection was done by IAEA in Japan ● May 1976 : Japan joined NPT ● December 1977 : Entry into force IAEA/JAPAN Safeguards Agreement ● December 1999 : Entry into force Additional Protocol ● June 2004 : First Broader Conclusion for Japan by IAEA ● September 2004 : Integrated Safeguards Implementation 4
Organization for safeguards implementation in Japan JSGO(Japan Safeguards Office), MEXT ● Responsible for Safeguards Implementation in Japan ● Cooperation with IAEA ● Supervision of NMCC NMCC ( Nuclear Material Control Center) ● Designated Organization by Law ● Safeguards Information Processing and Safeguards Inspection 5
Nuclear Material Control Center ● Established in 15 April 1972 ● Designated by the Government - 1977 Data processing (including Data Analysis) - 1999 Inspection (including Destructive Analysis (DA+DA Lab.) / Non Destructive Analysis (NDA)) 6
SSAC Structure in Japan BIRATERAL AGREEMENT COUNTRIES BIRATERAL AGREEMENT COUNTRIES Additional Protocol (INFCIRC/540) - Nuclear fuel-related R&D activities without NM - Buildings in sites - Activities specified in Annex I - Uranium mines, etc. NUCLEAR FACILITIES - Report on Inventory & Material Transfer - Notification/Confirmation of Transfer etc. International Inspection Data Processing GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN (Japan Safeguards Office, MEXT) National Inspection Comple- mentary Access NUCLEAR MATERIAL CONROL CENTER Accountancy Report - Inspection Result - Conclusion Report on buildings, activities, etc. under AP Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (INFCIRC/153) International Atomic Energy Agency - Accountancy Report - Inspection Report Annual Declaration
MEXT (JSGO) NMCC Nuclear Facilities Routine Inspection Assignment -Access -Item count -Book Audit -NDA -DA sampling -C/S Inspection Reports (inspection results & analysis results) Inspection -Scheduling -Inspection -DIV -CA NMCC is only the organization which has been approved on the national law to carry out the national SG inspection State Inspection Scheme 8
Large complex nuclear programme in Japan Large complex nuclear programme in Japan ● Reactors : 54LWRs, 24 Research Reactors ● Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities : 2 Enrichment Plants, 3 Reprocessing plants, 2 MOX Fuel Fabrication Facilities ● Routine Inspection Efforts Per Year : Approximately 2,500 – 3,000 PDIs(Person Days of Inspection) 9
Safeguards Inspection for Main Facilities ・ DNLEU FFP (GNF-J) ・ JNFL LEU Enrichment Plant (REP) ・ JNFL Reprocessing Plant (RRP) ・ Kyoto University (KUCA) ・ JAEA -Monju Tokyo Osaka ・ DNLEU FFP (NFI-K) ・ TODAI -YAYOI Rokkasho ・ JAEA -Fugen ・ (LEU Enrichment Plant/R&D) JAEA -Ningyo ・ NRF TSUKUBA ・ NDC-HL ・ JCO R&D ( DCA, JOYO,FMF,JNC-O R&D) ・ JAEA (JMTR,JMTRC,HTTR, R&D) ( PCDF,PPFF,PFPF,TRP,R&D) ・ JAEA (FCA, TCA,JRR-2,3,4, NSRR,VHTRC) ( SCF,R&D) ROKKASHO Branch DNLEU FFPs RRCAs JNC-1 JNC-4 JNC-2 Spent Fuel Storage JNC-5 Small Facilities/LOF : Under IS : Under TS TOKAI Branch ・ Kyoto University (KUR) Oarai Area ・ NFD-HL Tokai Area ・ DNLEU FFPs (MNF/NFI-T) 10
Safeguards Inspection for LWR s Under IS=RII, IIV, Pre-PIV, post-PIV, PIV-E 11 LWR(54 units) = BWR (30 units) + PWR (24 units) Kashiwazaki Shika Tsurga Mihama Ohi Takahama Shimane Kaminoseki Genkai Sendai Ikata Hamaoka Tokai-2 Fukushima-Daini Fukushima-Daiichi Onagawa Ohma Namie-Odaka Tomari Tohoku EPCO-Higashidori TEPCO-Higashidori Operating Under Construction Preparing for Construction Output Scale < 500MW < 1,000MW Over 1,000MW Operating Under Construction Preparing for Construction Total UnitsTotal Output (MW) : Fresh MOX use 2011.1.1
12 Number of reports processed by NMCC Number of Obligatory Accounting Records and Reports(3/3)
SSAC Inspections in Japan for 2010 Note: PDI does not include the persons day of DIV and CA 13 Categories Number of Facilities and LOFs Number of Material Accountancy Persons Day Inspection (PDI) ReportsDataJSGONMCC Fabrications64863160533024306 Reactors813,323295,04359946553 Reprocessing386271,8841,038106932 R&Ds, LOFs2091,93185,58941832386 Total2996,572484,1212,3852082,177
Implementation of Additional protocol(Declaration) ● Initial Declaration(June 2000) Annual up-date Declaration (Middle of May in Every Year) ● 198 Sites (7,183Buildings) 120 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Related R&D Activities by the Government 28 annex I Activities (INFCIRC/540) were declared (as of End of Dec. 2010). 14
Complimentary Access (CA) 15 ● One of Purposes of CA is to confirm the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities etc. at sites ● CAs were carried out by IAEA from November 2000 to December 2010
Broader Conclusion on Japan ● Introductory Statement of the Director General of IAEA at Board of Governors(14 June 2004) “I am pleased to note that the secretariat was recently able to reach all conclusions needed for the implementation of integrated safeguards in Japan-the State with largest nuclear programme subject to Agency safeguards. ・・・・ ” 16
● Smooth Implementation of IS in Japan Since September 2004 when Japan’s IS was introduced, the IS approaches has been implemented successfully, phased implementation. ● Development of IS Approaches - Dec.1999 : Into force of the Additional Protocol - Jun. 2004 : The Broader Conclusion was drawn for Japan Introduction of IS (Integrated Safeguards) in JAPAN (1/2) 17
Development of facility-level approach and site approach. 1) LWRs w/o MOXSince September 2004. 2) Spent fuel Storage Since September 2004. 3) RRCAsSince September 2004. 4) LWRs with MOXSince January 2005. 5) DNLEU Fuel Fabrication PlantsSince January 2005. 6) JAEA-Tokai area (JNC-1)Since August 2008. 7) JAEA-Monju (JNC-4) Since October 2009. 8) JAEA-Oarai (JNC-2)Since December 2010. 9) JAEA-Ningyo (JNC-5) Since January 2011. 10) JNFL-2Since January 2011. 11) Small Facilities/LOF Since January 2011. 18 Introduction of IS (Integrated Safeguards) in JAPAN (2/2)
Concept of IS ● An optimum combination of all safeguards measures available to the IAEA under CSA and Additional Protocol to achieve the maximum effectiveness and efficiency ● Reduction in verification effort for declared material, based on assurance of the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities through Additional Protocol Measure ● Utilization of Random Interim Inspections (RII) etc. 19
Implementation of IS ● IS has been implemented smoothly ● Preliminary data indicated Reduction of SSAC inspection PDIs ● LWRs: Much reduction has been confirmed since 2004 in inspection activities ● As for IS, it is necessary for SSAC to streamline the resource for the inspection (including stand-by personnel) 20
IS (September) SSAC Inspection Effort at LWRs 21
SSAC Inspection Effort at RRCAs IS (September) 22
SSAC Inspection Effort at DNLEU FFPs IS (January) 23
SSAC PDIs of IS Site Type distinction SSAC PDIs of IS Site Type distinction 24
Summary ● IS has been introduced very smoothly under SSAC, and JSGO/NMCC will continue to cooperate with IAEA to maintain smooth implementation. ● Further improvement of efficiency could be achieved through SLA or enhanced co-operation with IAEA. To this end, development of IS approach should be promoted. ● Continued cooperation among the relevant parties is essential for implementation of Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant Safeguards. 25
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