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Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research “ Research Cooperation and Funding Opportunities in the Netherlands” Daphne den Hollander (MA) International.

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Presentation on theme: "Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research “ Research Cooperation and Funding Opportunities in the Netherlands” Daphne den Hollander (MA) International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research “ Research Cooperation and Funding Opportunities in the Netherlands” Daphne den Hollander (MA) International Relations NWO September 28, 2005 “Forum Enhancing International Cooperation”

2 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Research Funding: a variety of sources Public funding sources : –TNO –NL universities –Association of Universities (VSNU) –Nuffic –NWO Private funding : not included in presentation

3 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NL Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO. (which can be compared to German Fraunhofer Gesellschaft). Contactperson International Relations: Dr. Geert Schoch T +31 15 269 49 15 P.O. Box 6080 2600 JA Delft, The Netherlands E: Example international cooperation: -Sinotech & TNO Environment

4 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Universities in the NL 13 in total - 175.000 Bacherlor+Master students Leiden University: Utrecht University: University of Groningen: Erasmus University Maastricht University of Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Radboud University Tilburg Delft University of Eindhoven University of University of Wageningen University & Research

5 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Universities and VSNU The VSNU or Association of Universities in the Netherlands is an organisation that represents the interests of Dutch universities. -The principal goal of the VSNU is to strengthen the position of university education and research in society. -The VSNU represents the interests of the universities vis-à-vis political, governmental and community organisations; -The VSNU is an employers’ organisation that negotiates with the government and with employees’ organisations regarding working conditions of university employees; Contact person International Relations: Mr. David Bohmert (, Tel: (+31) 70 30 21

6 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NUFFIC –For Scholars and Scholarschips –Information on visa matters etc –Grant schemes, for Taiwan: DELTA Scholarschip DELTA (Dutch Education: Learning at Top level Abroad) is a programme that enables Dutch higher education institutions to award scholarships to students from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand or Vietnam, to help students cover the costs of studying in the Netherlands.

7 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Funding source NWO Our different grant schemes for foreigners –Travel and visitors grants; between 3-12 months –Dutch Innovative Incentive Scheme (next page) –NWO Divisions special grant schemes –NWO Institutes special grant schemes Special grant schemes for NL-Taiwanese cooperation: –Funding for joint seminars under MoU –Joint research projects: first pilot in the field of sustainable catalysis

8 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Dutch Innovative Incentive Scheme = largest possible grant for foreign researchers (up to 1,2 mln euro) CRITERIA Track-record/quality of the researcher -Scientific excellence (publications, track record) -Best 10-20% of his/her population -International position -Leadership, persuasiveness Innovative character of the proposed research plan -Originality -Scientifically innovative content: fronteers of science Quality of the research plan -Challenging, effective, international standing -Embedding within university context (Vidi and Vici)

9 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Chemical Sciences (CW) Earth and Life Sciences (ALW) Physical Sciences (EW) Humanities (GW) Social Sciences (MaGW) Medical Sciences (Via ZonMw, a partnership between NWO and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport) Physics (N) (Mainly via FOM) Technical Sciences (Via the Technology Foundation STW, a partnership between NWO and the Ministry of Economic Affairs) Netherlands National Computing Facilities Foundation (NCF) Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO) Divisions/Foundations Temporary Task Forces Advanced Catalytic Technologies For Sustainability (ACTS) Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI) Institutes ASTRON CWI FOM AMOLF Rijnhuizen SAF/NIKHEF ING NIOZ NSCR SRON Key to abbreviations ASTRONNetherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy CWINational Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science FOMFoundation for Fundamental Research on Matter AMOLFFOM-institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics RijnhuizenFOM-institute for Plasma Physics ‘Rijnhuizen’ SAF/NIKHEFFOM-institute for Sub Atomic Physics/National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Engergy Physics INGInstitute for Dutch History NIOZRoyal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NSCRNetherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement SRONNetherlands Institute for Space Research ZonMwNetherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development Netherlands ICT Research and Innovation Authority (ICTRegie) NWO Organisational structure Governing Board/Management and Central Organisations

10 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy (ASTRON) Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) Sub Atomic Physics/National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics (SAF/NIKHEF) FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics ‘Rijnhuizen’ (FOM) Institute for Dutch History (ING) Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) NWO institutes

11 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Thank you for your attention More information: Email: International Relations Department NWO: +31–

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