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The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Or How a Racist Stopped Sexism LBJ Signs the Civil Rights Act, MLK and Others Look On.

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Presentation on theme: "The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Or How a Racist Stopped Sexism LBJ Signs the Civil Rights Act, MLK and Others Look On."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Or How a Racist Stopped Sexism LBJ Signs the Civil Rights Act, MLK and Others Look On

2 Proposed Civil Rights Act (1963) Enforces the Constitutional right to vote (ends poll tax & literacy test). Justice Dept. can sue segregated schools. Integrates hotels, theaters, and restaurants. Ends discrimination in federally funded programs. Outlaws hiring discrimination based on race, religion, or national origin. Speech Writing: Your job is to explain why you, a venerable southern senator, support segregation and oppose at least two sections of this law.

3 Historical Background Civil Rights Activists John Kennedy & Lyndon Johnson The Proposed Bill in 1963 Exemptions (for hiring discrimination) --Religious Institutions --Businesses with less than 25 workers

4 Race and Sex?! Howard “Judge” Smith (D-Virginia) Martha Griffiths (D-Michigan) Racism vs. Sexism (Discussion) “When this bill is passed, white women will be last at the hiring gate…. It [would] be incredible … that white men would be willing to place white women at such a disadvantage except that white men have done this before …. Your grandfathers were willing, as prisoners of their own prejudice, to permit ex-slaves to vote, but not their own white wives.” –Martha Griffiths (1964)

5 Civil Rights and Senate Filibusters Strom Thurmond (D/R-South Carolina) Cloture The “Nucular” Option A “Young” Strom Thurmond Senator Bill Frist (R-Tennessee)

6 Bibliography Gwendolyn Mink, “Civil Rights Act of 1964” Readers Companion to US Women’s History (Houghton Mifflin Publishers) 00_civilrightsa.htm 00_civilrightsa.htm Viewed (6/7/05) Linda Simmons, “Teaching Activities for the Civil Rights Act of 1964” (National Archives and Records Administration) vil_rights_act.html vil_rights_act.html (Viewed 6/7/05) US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Legislative History of Titles VII and XI of Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1968). Charles and Barbara Whalen, The Longest Debate: A Legislative History of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Washington: Seven Locks Press).

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