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Description, Narration, and Example Comm Arts I Mr. Wreford.

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Presentation on theme: "Description, Narration, and Example Comm Arts I Mr. Wreford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description, Narration, and Example Comm Arts I Mr. Wreford

2 Description, Narration, and Example Description: you can show your reader what you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste. Narration: you can tell a reader a story that makes a point. Example: you can provide specific illustrations.

3 Description, Narration, and Example Description: Paints a picture for the reader. Sense Impressions. Spatial Order. Use of a Dominant Impression.

4 Description, Narration, and Example Sense Impressions: Sight. Hearing. Smell. Taste. Touch. Exercise 2 on page 91.

5 Description, Narration, and Example Spatial Order: Shows the layout of anything that takes up space. Exercise 3 on page 92.

6 Description, Narration, and Example Establishing a Dominant Impression: Every detail should join in conveying a single dominant impression. Adds unity. Exercise 4 on page 93.

7 Description, Narration, and Example Narration: The art of storytelling. Steps to Writing a Successful Narrative: Select Detail Carefully. Use Chronological Order. Keep the Timespan Short. Center on Conflict. Use Dialogue. Know Your Purpose. Exercise 5 on page 100.

8 Description, Narration, and Example Examples: One of the best ways to get a point across. Provide a concrete illustration of your point.

9 Description, Narration, and Example Examples: The Short Example: A short example may be a word or a phrase, but it must be a specific, concrete example. Exercise 6 on page 105. The Sentence-Length Example: Sometimes you need more than just a word or phrase to illustrate an idea. Exercise 7 on page 107.

10 Description, Narration, and Example Examples: The Extended Example: Sometimes you may wish to develop an idea with an extended, paragraph-length example. Your topic sentence states the general idea and the rest of the paragraph provides a detailed example. Usually ends with a summary sentence.

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