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Assembly Language Chapter 2 MIPS –arithmetic instructions –control instructions Translating Instructions to binary MIPS –memory instructions Advanced data.

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Presentation on theme: "Assembly Language Chapter 2 MIPS –arithmetic instructions –control instructions Translating Instructions to binary MIPS –memory instructions Advanced data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assembly Language Chapter 2 MIPS –arithmetic instructions –control instructions Translating Instructions to binary MIPS –memory instructions Advanced data structures

2 Learning a new ISA Learn the syntax, semantics of: _______________ operations

3 MIPS Registers – 32 registers NameReg NumberUsagePreserved across call? $zero0The constant 0Yes $v0-$v12-3Function resultsNo $a0-$a34-7ArgumentsNo $t0-$t78-15TemporariesNo $s0-$s816-23SavedYes $t8-$t924-25More temporariesNo $gp28Global pointerYes $sp29Stack pointerYes $fp30Frame pointerYes $ra31Return addressYes Page 140, Figure 3.13

4 Saved vs Temporary regs Saved: –Register __________ value after function call –Easier to program Temporary –Register __________ value after function call –More efficient

5 Design Principle 1 Simplicity Favors Regularity

6 Arithmetic “R-Format ” Two input registers One output register register #5 Operationrsrtrd shamtfunct # meaning add $2,$3,$5352 032 # $2 <- $3 + $5 sub $2,$3,$5352 034 # $2 <- $3 - $5 addu $2,$3,$5352 033 # $2 <- $3 + $5 slt $2, $3, $5 352042# if ($3 < $5) $2 <- 1 #else $2 <- 0

7 Arithmetic “I-format” One input register One hard-coded constant One output register Operationrsrtrd shamtfunct # comment addi $2, $3, 832 8 # $2 <- $3 + 8 andi $2, $3, 1032 10 # $2 <- $3 & 10 slti $2, $3, 7 32 7 # if ($3 < 7) $2 <- 1 #else $2 <- 0

8 Design Principle 2: Small is faster Variables must be loaded into registers before use How many registers should ISA provide? More: Fewer: How many bits necessary for each operand? 32 regs:_____ 64 regs______ N regs:

9 Conditional & Unconditional Branches goto loop if (i < 100) goto loop Operationrsrtrd shamtfunct # comment beq 32distance to loop # if ($3 == $2) goto loop bne 32distance to loop # if ($3 != $2) goto loop jr 3 | | 8# goto $3 j loop # goto loop

10 MIPS Example 1 if (x == y) equal = 1; else equal = 0; assume x is in $s0, y is in $s1, and equal is in $v0.

11 MIPS Example 2 sum=0; for(i=0; i < 100; i++) sum += i; translated into more detailed C (with gotos) sum = 0; i = 0; loop: if ( )goto ______; sum += i; ; goto ______; end:

12 MIPS Example 2 In Assembly

13 Translating into machine code assembly inst oprsrtrdshamtfunccomment add $s0, $0, $0 # i = 0 slti $t0, $s0,100 # t0 <= (i < 100 ?) beq $t0, $0, end # if (i >= 100) goto end la $t0, A # t0 <= r0 + A lw $t2, 0($t1) # ti <= M[A+i] = A[i] addi $s0, $s0, 1 # i++ jump loop # goto loop

14 Why memory operations? Problem: _____________ (collection of regs) must be small for ______________ Register number is _______________into instruction Register number not always known at compile-time (__________________)

15 Why memory operations? Solution: Build a ________________________ called ___________ that will store memory that does not fit in ___________. Allow registers to hold the ________________________________ that data resides. Many _________________________ are supported by different ISA’s.

16 Registers vs Memory Registers are _______________ memory Everything residing in a register has a real home_____________________________ Variables live in memory and are brought into registers ______________________ When that register is needed for something else, the item _____________ _________________________________

17 Memory Setup in C/Java int X; What does this do? What does the memory look like? Memory is an endless list of memory spots Each spot has a “memory address” X is located here. An int is 4 bytes, so it takes 4 locations &X &X + 4 “&X” means “address of X”

18 Operationrsrtrd shamtfunct # comment lw $2, 32($3) 3 # $2 <- M[32 +$3] sw $2, 16($3) 3 # M[16 +$3] <- $2 lb $2, 0($3)3# $2 <- M[0 +$3] sb $2, 3($3) 3 # M[3 +$3] <- $2 Load/Store Instructions Displacement addressing mode Register indirect is Displacement with 0 offset lw = load word (4 bytes), lb = load byte (1 byte)

19 Possible Memory Addressing Modes (MIPS supports few) ModeExampleMeaningUse DisplacementLw R4, 100(R1)$4 <- M[$1 + 100]Arrays w/constant offset Register IndirectLw R4, (R1)$4 <- M[$1]You have pointer IndexedLw R4, (R1+R2)$4 <- M[$1 + $2]$1 has base,$2 has offset Direct or absoluteLw R4, (1001)$4 <- M[1001]Globals, static data? Memory indirectLw R4, @(R1)$4 <- M[M[$1]]Double-pointer AutoincrementLw R1, (R2) +$4 <- M[$2], $2 = $2 + d Stepping through array in loop AutodecrementLw R1, (R2) -$4 <- M[$2], $2 = $2 - d Stepping through array in loop ScaledLw R4, 100(R2)[R3]$4 <- M[100+$2+ ($3*d)] Indexing arrays of large elements

20 Variable Types Local variables on __________________ Global variables declared and allocated in ________________________ Heap variables created with ________________________

21 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Global Variables C: int GlobalA = 3; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { } Java: public class MyClass{ public static int GlobalA = 3; }; GlobalA:.word 0x03.text main:

22 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Local Variables C: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int LocalA = 5; } Java: public class MyClass { public static void main(String[] argv) { int LocalA = 5; } }; MIPS: add $sp, $sp, -(24 + x + 4)# where x is space for preserved regs addi $t0, $0, 5 sw $t0, 0 ($sp)

23 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Heap Variables C: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int *LocalA = (int *)malloc(4); *LocalA = 5; } …Real MIPS…. add $sp, $sp, -(24 + x + 4) addi $a0, $0, 4 jal malloc sw $v0, 4($sp) addi $t0, $0, 5 sw $t0, 0($v0) Java: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int LocalA[] = new int[1] LocalA[0] = 5; } …….MIPS Simulator…… add $sp, $sp, -(24 + x + 4) addi $a0, $0, 4 addi $v0, $0, 9 syscall sw $v0, 4($sp) addi $t0, $0, 5 sw $t0, 0($v0)

24 How do I get &X (address of X)? int GlobalA; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int StackA; int *HeapA = new int; } Global (Static) Vars Local (Stack) Vars Dynamic (Heap) Vars

25 MIPS Memory Notes la $s0, variable is a pseudoinstruction – assembler replaces it with –____________ Register ________ - not enough registers, must save a value in memory Alignment – Integers must have addresses that are evenly divisible by _________

26 MIPS Example 3 A = B + A; B = 2 * A; Assumptions: A is a global var B is a local var at 16+$sp

27 Memory Setup in C/Java C++: int *intarray = new int[10]; Java: int[] intarray = new int[10]; What does this do? What does the memory look like? Where is intarray[5] located? Where is intarray[i] located?

28 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Local Arrays int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int LocalA = 5; int LocalB[] = {1,2,3}; } add $sp, $sp, -(24 + x + 4 + 12)# where x is space for preserved regs addi $t0, $0, 5; sw $t0, 12($sp) addi $t0, $0, 1; sw $t0, 0($sp); addi $t0, $0, 2; sw $t1, 4($sp); addi $t0, $0, 3; sw $t1, 8($sp); // and so forth Not possible in Java!!!!! In Java, arrays are references to Array objects.

29 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Global Arrays in HLL int GlobalA = 3; int GlobalB[] = {0x20040002, 0x20080001, 0x200b0001, 0x8b502a, 0x15400003, 0x01084020, 0x20840000, 0x800fffa, 0x10010200, 0x00000000}; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { } public class MyClass{ public static int GlobalA = 3; public static int GlobalB[] = {0x20040002, 0x20080001, 0x200b0001, 0x8b502a, 0x15400003, 0x01084020, 0x20840000, 0x800fffa, 0x10010200, 0x00000000}; };

30 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Global Arrays in GlobalA:.word 0x03; GlobalB:.word 0x20040002 0x20080001 0x200b0001 0x8b502a.word 0x15400003 0x01084020 0x20840000 0x800fffa.word 0x10010200 0x00000000.text main:

31 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Heap Arrays in HLL int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int *LocalA = (int *)malloc(4); *LocalA = 5; int *LocalB = (int *)malloc(12); LocalB[0] = 1; LocalB[1] = 2; LocalB[2] = 3; } public class MyClass{ public static void main(int argc, String argv) { int LocalB[] = new int[3]; LocalB[0] = 1; LocalB[1] = 2; LocalB[2] = 3; } };

32 Declaring, Allocating & Initializing Heap Arrays in MIPS …..Real MIPS…… add $sp, $sp, -(24 + x + 8) addi $a0, $0, 4 jal malloc sw $v0, 4($sp) addi $t0, $0, 5 sw $t0, 0($v0) addi $a0, $0, 12 jal malloc sw $v0, 0($sp) addi $t0, $0, 1 sw $t0, 0($v0) addi $t0, $0, 2 sw $t1, 4($v0) addi $t0, $0, 3 sw $t1, 8($v0) …..Simulator MIPS…… add $sp, $sp, -(24 + x + 8) addi $a0, $0, 4 # how much space addi $v0, $0, 9 syscall sw $v0, 4($sp) # address in $v0 addi $t0, $0, 5 sw $t0, 0($v0) addi $a0, $0, 12 # how much space addi $v0, $0, 9 syscall sw $v0, 0($sp) # address in $v0 addi $t0, $0, 1 sw $t0, 0($v0) addi $t0, $0, 2 sw $t1, 4($v0) addi $t0, $0, 3 sw $t1, 8($v0)

33 MIPS Example 5 Translate from C code int A[100]; // ints are 4 bytes in Java/C char B[100]; // chars are 1 byte in C void main() { char c = B[50]; A[1] = A[5] + 7; } Assumptions: A&B are global, c is in the stack, 6 bytes from $sp

34 MIPS Example 6 Translate int A[100]; int i; … x = A[i]; Assumptions: &(A[0]) is in $s0, x is in $t0 i is in $s1

35 Objects Members variables are _______________ from the beginning of the object Member functions have hidden ________ __________________________

36 Linked List class Link { public: (since we don’t know how to do method calls yet) Link*next; void*data; public: Link(){next=NULL;data=NULL;} inline void SetData(void *d){data = d;} inline void *GetData(){return data;} inline void SetNext(Link *n){next = n;} inline Link *GetNext(){return next;} }; If “this” pointer (address of current Link) is stored in $a0, what is the memory location of the current object’s “data” variable?

37 Assembly code for Link For all methods, assume “this” pointer is in $a0, first argument is in $a1 Place the return value in $v0. SetDataGetData // = d// return Which is the source? Which is the destination? Is d in memory or in a register? Is in a register or in memory? Which is the source? Which is the destination? Is in memory or a register? Is $v0 in a register or in memory?

38 Linked Lists The memory is not ________________ – it is scattered about. Allocated dynamically, so we must call ___________________________ allocator gives you the address of the beginning of the allocated memory in ____

39 Linked List class LinkedList { private: Link*head; Link*tail; public: LinkedList(); ~LinkedList(); void InsertHead(void *data); void InsertTail(void *data); void *RemoveHead(); }; class LinkedList { private: Linkhead; Linktail; public: LinkedList(); ~LinkedList(); void InsertHead(Object data); void InsertTail(Object data); Object RemoveHead(); }; C++ syntax Java syntax

40 Code for void InsertTail(void *data) “this” Linked List is in $a0, data is in $a1 Link link = new Link(); //Link *link = new Link(); = data; //link->data = data; = link; //this->tail->next = link; this.tail = link; //this->tail = link; Java Syntax //C++ Syntax

41 Voluntary Assignment Create a snippet of Java, C, or C++ code that you are unsure how to translate into mips. E-mail it to me before class Thursday I will choose from among them to do more examples

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