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Upper Respiratory Tract Infection URTI ?

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2 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection URTI ?

3 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection URTI
Common Cold / Influenza Sore Throat Acute Otitis Media Sinusitis

4 Common Cold = Influenza?

5 Pharyngotonsillitis Tonsillophayngitis
Acute Pharyngitis Pharyngotonsillitis Tonsillophayngitis

6 Inflammation of the Pharynx and Tonsils
One of the most common pediatric infections.

7 Pathogens:

8 Pathogens: Viral: Rhino/Adeno/Corona/EBV/CMV HSV Bacterial:
Streptococcus spp. (GAS,GCS,GGS) Cor. Diphth, Gonococcus, Tularemia etc. Mycoplasma. Toxoplasmosis.

9 Pathogens: 0-2 years Viral ++++ GAS+ 5-above Viral GAS++ (15-20%)

10 A Study in Makkah showed 40% GAS and high resistance to Penicillin
Telmesani/Ghazi 2002

11 Presentation: Cough Sore throat Dysphagia Fever

12 O/E: Erythemetous Throat Enlarged tonsils Exudates Palatine Petechiae
Ant. Cervical Lymphadenopathy Ulceration&vesiculation(HSV/Coxack) Conjuncitvitis(adenovirus) Gray-white fibrinous pseudomem (diphtheriae) Macular rash/white tongue(GAS)

13 Complications: Peritonsillar abcess
Internal jugular vein septic thrombophlebitis (Lemierre Synd.) Lymphadenitis and abcess Nonsuppurative e.g. rheumatic fever





18 Diagnosis: Throat culture Rapid GAS antigens testing
EBV (heterophil/serology) Cold agglutinations (mycoplasma)

19 TTT: Penicillin for GAS
Macrolides (alternative/Mycoplasma) Erytheromycin/Clarithomycin/ Azethromycin

20 TTT: Lactamase producing bacteria needs Amoxicillin-clavulanate acid
or 2nd generation Cephalosporin's e.g. Cefuraxim, Cefaclor

21 TTT: Aspiration or Derainage for abscess
Proper management for any other complications

22 Tonsillectomy

23 Tonsillectomy Recurrent tonsillitis Peritonsillar Abscess (Quinsy)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Kissing Tonsils)

24 Adenoidectomy

25 Adenoidectomy Chronic Secretory Otitis Media
Upper Airway Obstruction (Snoring)


27 Ottits Media

28 Suppurative infection of the middle ear cavity

29 Epidemiology 6/12 to 2 y High risk group Boys Cleft Palate
Formula Feeding Down Eskimos Winter- Low Socioeconomic

30 Pathogenesis


32 Pathogenesis Blocked estachian canal Micro-organism
Viral RSV CMV Rhino etc Streptococcus Pneumonia H.Influenzae Moraxella Catarrhalis Mycoplasma Staphylococcus


34 Presentation Preceding URTI Fever, irritability, pulls ears
V/D,bulging A/F Bulging, immobile injected T.M Loss of land marks Perforation


36 Normal ear drum and other one with central perforation

37 large central perforation in the right ear of a patient
who had suffered a long standing ear infection.

38 Therapy Antibiotics ( Beta Lactamase) Amoxycillin-Clavulenic acid
Cephalosporins TMP-SMX Macrolides Oral/nasal decongestants Tympanocentesis

39 Prevention S. Pneumoniae conjugated vaccine (small effect)

40 Chronic Secretory Otitis Media (Glue Ear)

41 Chronic Secretory Otitis Media (Glue Ear)
Secondary to recurrent O.M Treatment Prevents conductive Deafness -Long term Antibiotics -Insertion of ventilation tubes (Grommets)


43 Sinusitis Suppurative infection of the sinuses

44 Predisposition Common cold, Allergic rhinitis
Nasotracheal/nasogastric intubations Cyanotic heart disease C.F, Ig disorders ,immotile cilia syndrome HIV, immune compromised patients

45 Sinus Formation At birth Maxillary ,Ethmoid and Sphenoid are present.
At one year Frontal sinus Pneumotization comes later


47 Pathogenesis

48 Pathogenesis Mucociliary flow obstruction Bacterial growth
S. peunoniae H.Influenzae (nontypable) M.Catarrhalis Anaerobic bacteria Strept/Staph Gm –ve (nosocomial) Aspergillus (nutropenic pt.)

49 Presentation Mucopurulent rhinorrhea. Night cough. Nasal speech.
Facial swelling (pain,headache,tenderness). X-Ray/CT shows clouding/air fluid level.


51 Therapy Amoxicillin /Amox+clavulenic acid
Cephalosporin(2nd generation)

52 Complications orbital cellulitis (read it) epidural/subdural empyema
brain abscess dural sinus thrombosis Meningitis Pott’s puffy tumor

53 TTT of complications Drainage Broad spectrum antibiotics.


55 8/12 comes to your clinic with the problem of not growing well?

56 5 years boy comes to E/R with the problem of high fever and crying?

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