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TDT 69 TDT69 Artistic Software: Products and Processes Letizia Jaccheri

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Presentation on theme: "TDT 69 TDT69 Artistic Software: Products and Processes Letizia Jaccheri"— Presentation transcript:

1 TDT 69 TDT69 Artistic Software: Products and Processes Letizia Jaccheri

2 Formalities 3.75 SP (6 hours per week work) Support for project but not only Exam 1 st December 2010, oral 25 minutes Monday 13/09 27/09 25/10 08/11 presentation by students Workshop OSS technology (arduino, processing, scratch, ?) from 9.00 to 14.00, 4 th october

3 Software Work VisitorArtist

4 visitor - work

5 visitor – work visitor - visitor

6 artist- software artist – (art)work artist - artist

7 visitor – work artist – work visitor - software

8 software- work

9 visitor- work

10 Hardware issues

11 research questions The research questions explore the interplay between artwork, technology, artist, and audience. – Who does use which software? – How do users choose their tools? – Why do users choose OSS tools? – Which influence has software technology on the creative process?

12 W 35 literature Buechley, L., Eisenberg, M., Catchen, J., and Crockett, A. 2008. The LilyPad Arduino: using computational textiles to investigate engagement, aesthetics, and diversity in computer science education. In Proceeding of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05 – 10, 2008). CHI ’08. ACM, New York, NY, 423-432. DOI= Ryokai, K., Lee, M. J., and Breitbart, J. M. 2009. Children’s storytelling and programming with robotic characters. In Proceeding of the Seventh ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition (Berkeley, California, USA, October 26 – 30, 2009). C&C ’09. ACM, New York, NY, 19-28. DOI= Resnick, M., Maloney, J., Monroy-Hernández, A., Rusk, N., Eastmond, E., Brennan, K., Millner, A., Rosenbaum, E., Silver, J., Silverman, B., and Kafai, Y. 2009. Scratch: programming for all. Commun. ACM 52, 11 (Nov. 2009), 60-67. DOI= For each work, write a summary page (1000 words). Identify, if possible, artist, work, software and hardware, audience, research questions, research process, results. We work with the texts. Important to write well.

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