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24/10/2006Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Physics Program of the experiments at L arge H adron C ollider Lecture 3
24/10/2006 2 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs The LHC physics programme Search for Standard Model Higgs boson over ~ 115 < m H < 1000 GeV. Search for Supersymmetry and other physics beyond the SM (q/l compositness, leptoquarks, W’/Z’, heavy q/l, unpredicted ? ….) up to masses of ~ 5 TeV Precise measurements : -- W mass, WW , WWZ Triple Gauge Couplings -- top mass, couplings and decay properties -- Higgs mass, spin, couplings (if Higgs found) -- B-physics: CP violation, rare decays, B 0 oscillations (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb) -- QCD jet cross-section and s -- etc. …. Study of phase transition at high density from hadronic matter to plasma of deconfined quarks and gluons. Transition plasma hadronic matter happened in universe ~ 10 -5 s after Big Bang (ALICE)
24/10/2006 3 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Outline of this lecture Physics programme: precise measurement of the W and top-quark mass detector comissioning with top physics
24/10/2006 4 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Keyword: large event statistics Expected event rates in ATLAS/CMS for representative known physics processes at low luminosity (L=10 33 cm -2 s -1 ) LHC is a B-factory, top factory, W/Z factory,.... also possible Higgs factory, SUSY factory, …. Process Events/s Events/year Other machines (total statistics) W e 15 10 8 10 4 LEP / 10 7 Tev. Z ee 1.5 10 7 10 7 LEP 0.8 10 7 10 4 Tevatron 10 5 10 12 10 8 Belle/BaBar QCD jets 10 2 10 9 10 7 Tevatron p T > 200 GeV
24/10/2006 5 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Precise measurements: motivation W mass and top mass are fundamental parameters of the Standard Model since G F, EM, sin W are known with high precision, precise measurements of m top and m W constrain radiative corrections and Higgs mass (weakly because of logarithmic dependence) So far : W mass measured at LEP2 and Tevatron top mass measured at the Tevatron radiative corrections r ~ f (m top 2, log m H ) r 3% Fermi constant measured in muon decay Weinberg angle measured at LEP/SLC Electromagnetic constant measured in atomic transitions, e + e - machines, etc.
24/10/2006 6 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Precision of direct measurements 1983: UA1 5 GeV 1989: UA1 2.9 GeV 1990: UA2 900 MeV 1995: CDF 180 MeV 2000: DO 91 MeV combined Run I 59 MeV ( L =120pb -1 ) 2004: LEP 42 MeV Tevatron, Run II data : CDF: 79 MeV D0: 84 MeV preliminary results from winter/spring conferences integrated luminosity ~ 200 fb -1 (in June 2005 Tevatron declared collected 1fb -1 )
24/10/2006 7 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Why we need precise measurement? For equal contribution to the Higgs mass uncertaintity M w ~ 0.7 10 -2 m t LHC will measure top mass with 1 GeV precision to match it the 7 MeV error on the wish list ?! -> test for the Standard Model consistency -> prediction for the Higgs mass
24/10/2006 8 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Measurement of W mass Method used at hadron colliders different from e + e - colliders W jet jet : cannot be extracted from QCD jet-jet production cannot be used W : since + X, too many undetected neutrinos cannot be used only W e and W decays are used to measure m W at hadron colliders
24/10/2006 9 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs W production at LHC q’ q W e, Ex. e, (pp W + X) 30 nb ~ 300 10 6 events produced ~ 60 10 6 events selected after analysis cuts one year at low L, per experiment ~ 50 times larger statistics than at Tevatron ~ 6000 times larger statistics than WW at LEP ~ 50 times larger statistics than at Tevatron ~ 6000 times larger statistics than WW at LEP
24/10/2006 10 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs W boson production at LHC
24/10/2006 11 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs W boson decay
24/10/2006 12 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs W boson production at Tevatron
24/10/2006 13 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Transverse momentum of the charged lepton
24/10/2006 14 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Transverse momentum of the charged lepton
24/10/2006 15 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Transverse mass of the W boson (m T )
24/10/2006 16 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Transverse mass of the W boson (m T )
24/10/2006 17 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs W mass measurement at Tevatron
24/10/2006 18 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Uncertainties on m W Come mainly from capability of Monte Carlo prediction to reproduce real life, that is: detector performance: energy resolution, energy scale, etc. physics: p T W, W, W, backgrounds, etc. Dominant error (today at Tevatron, most likely also at LHC): knowledge of lepton energy scale of the detector: if measurement of lepton energy wrong by 1%, then measured m W wrong by 1%
24/10/2006 19 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Calibration of detector energy scale Example : EM CALO e - beam E = 100 GeV E measured if E measured = 100.000 GeV calorimeter is perfectly calibrated if E measured = 99, 101 GeV energy scale known to 1% to measure m W to ~ 20 MeV need to know energy scale to 0.2 ‰, i.e. if E electron = 100 GeV then 99.98 GeV < E measured < 100.02 GeV one of most serious experimental challenges
24/10/2006 20 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Calibration strategy detectors equipped with calibration systems which inject known pulses: calorimeter modules calibrated with test beams of known energy set the energy scale inside LHC detectors: calorimeter sits behind inner detector electrons lose energy in material of inner detector need a final calibration “ in situ ” by using physics samples: e.g. Z e + e - decays 1/sec at low L constrain m ee = m Z reconstructed known to 10 -5 from LEP cell out in check that all cells give same response: if not correct
24/10/2006 21 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Use Z events to calibrate recoil in W events
24/10/2006 22 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Expected precision on m W at LHC Source of uncertainty m W Statistical error << 2 MeV Physics uncertainties ~ 15 MeV (p T W, W, W, …) Detector performance < 10 MeV (energy resolution, lepton identification, etc,) Energy scale 15 MeV Total (per experiment, per channel) ~ 25 MeV Combining both channels ( e ) and both experiments (ATLAS, CMS), m W 15 MeV should be achieved. However: very difficult measurement
24/10/2006 23 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Recent (summer 2005) results from CDF
24/10/2006 24 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Measurement of m top Top is most intriguing fermion: -- m top 174 GeV clues about origin of particle masses ? Discovered in ‘94 at Tevatron precise measurements of mass, couplings, etc. just started Top mass spectrum from CDF tt bl bjj eventsS+B B -- u c t d s b m (t-b) 170 GeV radiative corrections
24/10/2006 25 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Why is top quark so important
24/10/2006 26 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Top production at LHC e.g. g g t t t t q q (pp +X ) 800 pb 10 7 t tbar pairs produced in one year at low L ~ 10 2 times more than at Tevatron measure m top, tt, BR, V tb, single top, rare decays (e.g. t Zc), resonances, etc. production is the main background to new physics (SUSY, Higgs)
24/10/2006 27 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Top decays t W b BR 100% in SM -- hadronic channel: both W jj 6 jet final states. BR 50 % but large QCD multijet background. -- leptonic channel: both W l 2 jets + 2l + E T miss final states. BR 10 %. Little kinematic constraints to reconstruct mass. -- semileptonic channel: one W jj, one W l 4 jets + 1l + E T miss final states. BR 40 %. If l = e, gold-plated channel for mass measurement at hadron colliders. In all cases two jets are b-jets displaced vertices in the inner detector
24/10/2006 28 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Tagging a b-quark
24/10/2006 29 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Example from D0: tt Wb Wb b bjj event
24/10/2006 30 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Expected precision on m top at LHC Source of uncertainty m top Statistical error << 100 MeV Physics uncertainties ~ 1.3 GeV (background, FSR, ISR, fragmentation, etc. ) Jet scale (b-jets, light-quark jets) ~ 0.8 GeV Total ~ 1.5 GeV (per experiment, per channel) Uncertainty dominated by the knowledge of physics and not of detector. By combining both experiments and all channels : m top ~ 1 GeV at LHC From m top ~ 1 GeV, m W ~ 15 MeV indirect measurement m H /m H ~ 25% (today ~ 50%) If / when Higgs discovered, comparison of measured m H with indirect measurement will be essential consistency checks of EWSB
24/10/2006 31 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Detector commissioning with top physics Top one of ‘easier’ bread and butter Cross section 830±100 pb 1. Used as calibration tool 2. Rich in ‘precision and new physics’ Top mass M t, cross section σ t What are we going to do with the first month of data? Many detector-level checks (tracking, calorimetry etc) Try to see large cross section known physics signals But to ultimately get to interesting physics, also need to calibrate many higher level reconstruction concepts such as jet energy scales, b-tagging and missing energy
24/10/2006 32 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Learning from ttbar production t t Abundant clean source of b jets 2 out of 4 jets in event are b jets O(50%) a priori purity (need to be careful with ISR and jet reconstruction) Remaining 2 jets can be kinematically identified (should form W mass) possibility for further purification
24/10/2006 33 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Learning from ttbar production Abundant source of W decays into light jets Invariant mass of jets should add up to well known W mass Suitable for light jet energy scale calibration (target prec. 1%) Caveat: should not use W mass in jet assignment for calibration purpose to avoid bias If (limited) b-tagging is available, W jet assignment combinatorics greatly reduced t t
24/10/2006 34 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Learning from ttbar production t t Known amount of missing energy 4-momentum of single neutrino in each event can be constrained from event kinematics Inputs in calculation: m(top) from Tevatron, b-jet energy scale and lepton energy scale Calibration of missing energy relevant for all SUSY and most exotics!
24/10/2006 35 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Learning from ttbar production t t Two ways to reconstruct the top mass Initially mostly useful in event selection, as energy scale calibrations must be understood before quality measurement can be made Ultimately determine m(top) from kinematic fit to complete event Needs understanding of bias and resolutions of all quantities Not a day 1 topic
24/10/2006 36 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Various scenarios under study pp collisions What variations in predictions of t-tbar – which generator to use? Underlying event parameterization Background estimation from MC Aim to be as independent from MC as possible. Detector pessimistic scenarios Partly or non-working b-tagging at startup Dead regions in the LArg Jet energy scale Get good ‘feel’ for important systematic uncertainties – use data to check data Estimate realistic potential for top physics during the first few months of running
24/10/2006 37 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs UE / min-bias determination LHC? at = 0 M top for various UE models Top peak for standard analysis using 2 b-tags Difference can be as large as 5 GeV Extremely difficult to predict the magnitude of the UE at LHC Will have to learn much more from Tevatron before startup Energy dependence of dN/d ? Really need data to check data on UE – Only few thousand events required
24/10/2006 38 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs QCD Multijet Background Not possible to realistically generate this background Crucially depends on Atlas’ capabilities to minimize mis-identification and increase e/ separation of 10 -5 This background has to be obtained from data itself E.g. method developed by CDF during run-1: e-,0e-,0 Use missing ET vs lepton isolation to define 4 regions: A. Low lepton quality and small missing E T Mostly non-W events (i.e. QCD background) B. High lepton quality and small missing E T Observation of reduction in QCD background by isolation cut C. Low lepton quality and high missing E T W enriched sample with a fraction of QCD background D. High lepton quality and high missing E T W enriched sample The QCD reduction factor B/A can be applied to the “W enriched sample “ (region C and D). The non-W candidate in D will therefore be (B/A)xC. Therefore, the fraction of non-W events in the region D will be: (B.C)/(A.D)
24/10/2006 39 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Top Mass: physics TDR reconstruction Gold-plated channel : single lepton p T (lep) > 20 GeV p T miss > 20 GeV ≥ 4 jets with p T > 40 GeV ≥ 2 b-tagged jets | m jjb - |< 20 GeV Uncertainty on light jet scale: Hadronic 1% M t < 0.7 GeV 10% M = 3 GeV B-tagging essential, JES dominate Uncertainty On b-jet scale: Hadronic 1% M t = 0.7 GeV 5% M t = 3.5 GeV 10% M t = 7.0 GeV
24/10/2006 40 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Pessimistic scenario: LArg dead Regions EM clusters Jets m top (without ) – m top (with) ATLAS Preliminary Argon gap (width ~ 4 mm) is split in two half gaps by the electrode ~ 33 / 1024 sectors where we may be unable to set the HV on one half gap multiply energy by 2 to recover Simulated 100 000 tt events (~ 1.5 days at LHC at low L) If 33 weak HV sectors die (very pessimistic), effects on the top mass measurement, after a crude recalibration, are: Loss of signal: < 8 % Displacement of the peak of the mass distribution: -0.2 GeV (Increase in background not studied)
24/10/2006 41 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Pessimistic scenarios: b-tagging & JES Algorithms benefiting from early top-sample for calibration B-tagging Identify jets originating from b quarks from their topology Select a pure t-tbar sample with tight kinematical cuts Compare 0 vs 1 vs 2 b-tagged jets in top events Can expect the b-tagging efficiency different in data from MC Jet energy scale calibration Relate energy of reconstructed jet to energy of parton Dependent of flavor of initial quark need to measure separately for b jets Observation of hadronic W for calibrating JES In most pessimistic scenario b-tag is absent at start Can we observe the top without b-tagging?
24/10/2006 42 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Top analysis w/o b-tag First apply selection cuts Assign jets to W, top decays 1 lepton P T > 20 GeV Missing E T > 20 GeV 4 jets(R=0.4) P T > 40 GeV Selection efficiency = 5.3% TOP CANDIDATE 1 Hadronic top: Three jets with highest vector-sum pT as the decay products of the top 2 W boson: Two jets in hadronic top with highest momentum in reconstructed jjj C.M. frame. W CANDIDATE
24/10/2006 43 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Signal-only distributions M W = 78.1±0.8 GeV m top = 162.7±0.8 GeV S/B = 1.20 S/B = 0.5 S B m(top had )m(W had ) TOP CANDIDAT E W CANDIDATE Clear top, W mass peaks visible Background due to mis-assignment of jets –Easier to get top assignment right than to get W assignment right Masses shifted somewhat low –Effect of (imperfect) energy calibration Jet energy scale calibration possible from shift in m(W) L=300 pb -1 (~1 week of running)
24/10/2006 44 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Consistency checks m(t) Subset of events where chosen 3-jet combination does not line up with top quark Empirical background shape describes combinatoric background well under peak
24/10/2006 45 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Signal + Wjets background S/B = 0.45 S/B = 0.27 S B m(top had )m(W had ) TOP CANDIDAT E W CANDIDATE Plots now include W+jets background –Background level roughly triples –Signal still well visible –Caveat: bkg. cross section quite uncertain Jet energy scale calibration possible from shift in m(W) L=300 pb -1 (~1 week of running)
24/10/2006 46 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Signal + Wjets background TOP CANDIDAT E W CANDIDATE Now also exploit correlation between m(top had ) and m(W had ) –Show m(top had ) only for events with |m(jj)-m(W)|<10 GeV m(top had ) B S S/B = 0.45 S/B = 1.77 m(W had ) L=300 pb -1 (~1 week of running)
24/10/2006 47 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Signal + Wjets background TOP CANDIDATE Can also clean up sample by with requirement on m(jl ) [semi-leptonic top] –NB: There are two m(top) solutions for each candidate due to ambiguity in reconstruction of p Z of neutrino Also clean signal quite a bit –m(W) cut not applied here m(top had ) B S S/B = 0.45 S/B = 1.11 SEMI LEPTONIC TOP CANDIDATE |m(jl)-m t |<30 GeV L=300 pb -1 (~1 week of running)
24/10/2006 48 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Exploiting ttbar for JES calibration Use the W mass constraint to set the JES –Rescale jet E and angles to parton energy = E parton / E jet –Takes into account variation of rescaling parameter with energy and correlation between energies and opening angle before after
24/10/2006 49 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Exploiting ttbar as b-jet sample TOP CANDIDAT E W CANDIDATE Simple demonstration use of ttbar sample to provide b enriched jet sample –Cut on m(W had ) and m(top had ) masses –Look at b-jet prob for 4 th jet (must be b-jet if all assignments are correct) W+jets (background) ‘random jet’, no b enhancement expected Clear enhancement observed! ttbar (signal) ‘always b jet if all jet assignment are OK’ b enrichment expected and observed
24/10/2006 50 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Use b-tag of 4 th jet ttbar W+jets Standard analysis (for comparison) Cut on b signal probability > 0.90 on 4th jet ttbar W+jets Use b-tag of 4th jet to clean up hadronic top
24/10/2006 51 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs How well we understand W+jets bgd.? We know that we underestimate the level of background –Only generating W + 4 partons now, but W + 3,5 partons may also result in W + 4 jet final state due to splitting/merging –MLM matching prescription to explicit elimination of double counting. W l W + 4 partons (32 pb * ) W + 3 partons (80 pb * ) W + 5 partons (15 pb * ) parton is reconstructed as 2 jets 2 parton reconstructed as single jets * These are the cross sections with the analysis cuts on lepton and jet pT applied at the truth level
24/10/2006 52 Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Richter-Wąs Summary on the top mass Understand the interplay between using the top signal as tool to improve the understanding of the detector (b-tagging, jet E scale, ID, etc..) and top precision measurements Can reconstruct top and W signal after ~ one week of data taking without using b tagging Can progressively clean up signal with use of b-tag, E T -miss, event topology Many useful spinoffs Hadronic W sample light quark jet energy scale calibration Kinematically identified b jets useful for b-tag calibration Continue to improve realism of study and quality of analysis Important improvement in W+jets estimate underway Incorporate and estimate trigger efficiency to few (%) Also continue to improve jet assignment algorithms Expect estimate of (ttbar) with error ~20% in first running period One of the first physics measurements of LHC?
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