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Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Welcome to the class of Communicating Ressearch Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Welcome to the class of Communicating Ressearch Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Welcome to the class of Communicating Ressearch Results

2 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Communicating Results 1. Writing Reports for Busy Managers 2. The Format of Research Report 3. Presenting Readable Tables Formats Percentages The regression sandwich 4. Effective Oral Presentations Organizing the presentation Staying on time Answering questions Using visual aids

3 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Contents of Report Title page Table of contents Executive summary Description of research methods Detailed results Appendices

4 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Report should have Completeness –answer all questions –understandable –too brief or long Accuracy –carelessness –illogical reasoning –inept phrasing –punctuation –spelling Clarity –logical order –short sentences –do what you say –rewrite!!! Conciseness –appropriate? –don’t restate –use of each work –read aloud

5 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Charts Pie charts –clear visual sense of overall breakdown Bar charts –breakdown across groups Line graphs –movement of one variable relative to another

6 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Pie Chart Emphasize relationship of parts to whole.

7 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Bar Charts For data arranged in segments

8 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Line Graph and Area Graphs Display trends or continuous data

9 Dr. Satyendra Singh, Department of Adminstrative Studies Oral Presentations Organize presentation Stay on time Relate to your listeners Use effective visuals

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