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River Campus Libraries 1 CUIPID Project Catalog User-Interface Platform for Iterative Development David Lindahl Director of Digital Library Initiatives University of Rochester Libraries Jeff Suszczynski Lead Developer University of Rochester Libraries
2 What is CUIPID? Catalog User Interface Platform for Iterative Development Project of the Digital Initiatives Unit at the University of Rochester Libraries CUIPID is a technology platform that enables iterative, user-centered design of new catalog user interfaces It will help us relate metadata and user needs.
3 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences
4 Users must select a search type. Example: Choose “title” if you know exact title, or the beginning of the title Choose “title keyword” if you know some words in title Users must select the correct type for optimal or acceptable results Usability Issue
5 Users should not enter initial articles. Initial articles are “a” “an” and “the” Certain search types are left-anchored and user must leave off initial articles when these are used
6 Usability Issue Users must undestand what a left-anchored title search is and when it is called for. Some search types are, some aren’t Patron is looking for the “Journal of Cell Biology” Patron selects Journal Title for search type and enters: “Cell Biology” – fails “Journal of Cell Biology” - success “Journal of Cell” - success
7 Users must use “set limits” to navigate large result sets. User needs to resubmit search Too many choices for language, location, etc Date limits confusing Usability Issue
8 Users don’t understand the invisible boundaries of our information islands. Users search for journal articles in the catalog Users search for books in website search
9 Collecting multiple records to print, save, or email is confusing. Too many buttons and choices Layout confusing Doesn’t remember choices between different results pages Usability Issue
10 Opportunity Libraries should hide the technology. Systems Online Catalog Website Databases Interlibrary Loan Features Search Engines Authentication Mechanisms Requests
11 Opportunity Incorporate other content indices Course pages Web pages (subject guides) Institutional Repositories Digital content repositories
12 Provide automatic spelling suggestions Voyager Catalog Google RCL Site Search CUIPID Opportunity
13 Opportunity Support number searching whether spelled out or numerical
14 Opportunity Provide more useful information with record displays. Display suggestions of other titles instead of just subject headings Book cover images, sample pages Reviews Recommendations Donor information
15 Opportunity Provide context-sensitive services based on circulation status Examples: If item is available, provide a stack map If item is checked-out, provide a recall form If item is lost, provide an interlibrary loan request form
16 Opportunity Automatically recognize journal title abbreviations Interpreting citations with journal title abbreviations is difficult without extensive knowledge or a reference book This can be accomplished with a web-service that can translate abbreviation to full-title
17 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences
18 FRBR Model AACR2 FRBR MARC Anglo-American Cataloging Rules Machine Readable Cataloging Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records ? ? AACR3 ?
19 FRBR Example What might FRBR accomplish for users? Here is an example…
20 FRBR Example
21 FRBR Example Susan B. Anthony Keyword Search – Top Hits 1) Biography 2) Biography 3) Biography 4) Susan B. Anthony Preservation District 5) Her Writings 6) Biography 7) Biography 8) Biography 9) Correspondence 10) Virgil Thomson opera recording 11) Biography 12) Proceedings of her Trial 13) Virgil Thomson opera recording 14) Music from the Ken Burns film 15) The Ken Burns film 16) Biography 17) Biography 18) Analysis of her writings 19) Women’s Studies Newsletter 20) Her papers 21) Biography
22 FRBR Example
23 FRBR Example
24 FRBR Example
25 FRBR Example Why is this better? Collocation: materials with the same or related content are grouped together. Easier navigation through search results Precise results with simple search queries.
26 What is FRBR? Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records IFLA publication, 1998 A conceptual model, not a standard Relates bibliographic data to user tasks Tools and rules are available
27 FRBR Entities GGroup 1 WWork, Expression, Manifestation, Item PProducts of intellectual or artistic endeavor GGroup 2 PPerson, Corporate Body TThose responsible for intellectual or artistic content GGroup 3 CConcept, Object, Event, Place SServe as subjects of works
28 FRBR Group 1 Entities Work Expression Manifestation Item Goethe’s “Faust” L. Filmore’s English translation of Faust As published by W. Smith, 1847 The copy owned by my library
29 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences CUIPID
30 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences Videos / DVDs Audio / CDs eJournals Project Timeline Site Search SARA CUIPID Voyager
31 Voyager Demo Voyager Demo
32 Voyager Architecture - Voyager Metadata Index User Interface INDEX Examples: - Title index - Author index - Journal index Voyager UI SQL database MARC Examples: - Bibliographic Record - Holding Record - Authority Record
33 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences Videos / DVDs Audio / CDs eJournals Project Timeline Site Search SARA CUIPID Voyager
34 DVDs and Videos Why? Common queries were for specific titles, genres and directors Voyager just didn’t cut it Not browse-able Cumbersome limits page to work through Integration with website UC Berkeley example Videos / DVDs
35 DVDs and Videos What? WWeb interface for searching and browsing DVD and Videos collection FFully automated system MMaintain data in Voyager AAllow users to search by keyword, and browse by title, genre, language, and director CCustomized metadata display on results screen DDemo Videos / DVDs
36 ColdFusion Architecture - Videos Metadata Index User Interface Voyager SQL database MARC INDEX Voyager UI SQL database Videos Cached Queries Find Videos/DVDs
37 DVDs and Videos (etc) “DVDs and Videos” is related to FRBR Primary language = expression level attribute Genre = work-level attribute User needs for metadata Unknowingly implemented aspects of FRBR Videos / DVDs
38 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences Videos / DVDs Audio / CDs eJournals Project Timeline Site Search SARA CUIPID Voyager
39 SARA Why? OOvercome limitations of commercial metasearch application IInfluenced by grouped-search-results page at Amazon.Com EExperiment: Can we search everything from a single user interface?
40 What is SARA? Search And Retrieval Application CColdFusion as a platform for metasearch MMultiple concurrent Voyager searches DDemo SARA
41 ColdFusion Architecture - SARA Metadata Index User Interface Voyager SQL database MARC INDEX Voyager UI SARA Verity Indexes Stored Queries
42 CUIPID Roadmap Usability Issues and Opportunities FRBR Model UB Alternative Catalog Stanford XOBIS Influences Videos / DVDs Audio / CDs eJournals Project Timeline Site Search SARA CUIPID Voyager
43 What is CUIPID? Catalog User Interface Platform for Iterative Development Metadata platform (infrastructure) User-Centered-Design platform CUIPID
44 What is CUIPID Metadata platform (infrastructure) MARCXML Information Silos Extensible CUIPID
45 What is CUIPID User-Centered-Design platform No training Results that are Precise Comprehensive Meet expectations CUIPID
46 CUIPID Version 1 PProof of concept UUsed technology we had on hand AApproximately 2000 records, four authors: JJane Austen CCharles Dickens WWilliam S. Burroughs IIgor Stravinsky DDemo CUIPID
47 Verity Index Verity Filesystem ColdFusion CUIPID Version 1 - Architecture Metadata Index User Interface Voyager SQL database MARC INDEX Voyager UI CUIPID 1 MARCXML
48 CUIPID Version 1 - Issues Slow (10 seconds for a search) Record Limit (<250,000 records) Limited indexing (maximum 2 fields) Limited API CUIPID
49 CUIPID Version 2 PPurchased server (Windows) IInstalled XML database (TextML) AAdded data CCreated indexes IInstalled API (COM) NNext Steps TTest and tweak performance DDesign metadata platform DDesign and build user interface(s) DDemo CUIPID
50 XML Database ColdFusion CUIPID Version 2 - Architecture Metadata Index User Interface Voyager SQL database MARC INDEX Voyager UI CUIPID 2 MARCXML extra metadata Dublin core METS Wrappers Index XPath COM API
51 CUIPID Version 2 – Create MARCXML Create MARCXML Bib_Data Record segment BLOB PERL Script 1 MFHD_Data Record segment BLOB Voyager Tables Bib records MARCXML Holdings records MarcEdit + (VB script to split into individual files) MARCXML Bibliographic records Holdings records PERL Script 2 MFHD IDs CUIPID
53 CUIPID Version 2 – Populate DB Populate repositories Add a DocBase for CUIPID Add two repositories (Bibs and MFHDs) Add XML files using TextML GUI (browse / select) Copies files into the repositories Creates log file to capture formatting problems in the records CUIPID Holdings records Bibliographic records CUIPID DocumentBase Repository: Bibs Repository: Holdings MARCXML TextML
54 Steps to create index Assign a name Select type Design XPath statement Add comments Examples Keyword Anywhere Author Title Subject TextML indexes repair and update automatically Voyager index maintenance requires manual intervention, and server resources (keyword index regeneration). CUIPID Version 2 – Create Indexes CUIPID //collection/record/datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="a"] Searches for 245 $a field in MARC record
55 CUIPID Version 2 – User Interface Interfaces to TextML Web Interface COM API Cold Fusion COM CreateObject() embedded in Call TextML API commands to submit queries from inside ColdFusion programs Pass XML formatted query object CUIPID Code to connect to TextML from ColdFusion APPLICATION.COMObjects.ClientServices = CreateObject("COM", "TextmlServer.ClientServices", "Local", ""); ClientServices = APPLICATION.COMObjects.ClientServices; APPLICATION.COMObjects.ServerServices = ClientServices.ConnectServer(""); ServerServices = APPLICATION.COMObjects.ServerServices; APPLICATION.COMObjects.DocbaseServices = ServerServices.ConnectDocBase("cuipid"); DocbaseServices = APPLICATION.COMObjects.DocbaseServices; APPLICATION.COMObjects.SearchServices = DocbaseServices.SearchServices; SearchServices = APPLICATION.COMObjects.SearchServices; APPLICATION.COMObjects.DocumentServices = DocbaseServices.DocumentServices; DocumentServices = APPLICATION.COMObjects.DocumentServices; XML Formatted Query Object: #searchterms#
River Campus Libraries 56 CUIPID Project Catalog User-Interface Platform for Iterative Development David Lindahl Director of Digital Library Initiatives University of Rochester Libraries Jeff Suszczynski Lead Developer University of Rochester Libraries
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