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2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM Create, Test, and Consume Web Services with the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Jeffrey Liu, Release.

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Presentation on theme: "2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM Create, Test, and Consume Web Services with the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Jeffrey Liu, Release."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM Create, Test, and Consume Web Services with the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Jeffrey Liu, Release Lead IBM Rational Software Session ID# TS-4160

2 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 2 Learn how to create, test and consume Web services without knowing its gory details Learn how to create, test and consume Web services Develop Web Services using WTP

3 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 3 Agenda Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Web Service Tools Call for Participation

4 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 4 Agenda Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Web Service Tools Call for Participation

5 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 5 Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project ● ● Provides Web & J2EE tools to end user, and a Web & J2EE platform to vendors ● Two subprojects and two incubation projects: ● Web Standard Tools (WST) ● J2EE Standard Tools (JST) ● JavaServer Faces Tools ● Dali (EJB 3.0) ● Includes tools for open standards defined by W3C, Oasis, WS-I, Java Community Process and others ● Includes tools for other open source project and commercial products (e.g. Apache Tomcat)

6 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 6 WTP Architectural Diagram

7 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 7 Who’s involved?

8 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 8 WTP Roadmap ● WTP 0.7, July 2005 – End User Tools ● WTP 1.0, December 2005 – Platform Quality APIs ● WTP 1.5, June 2006 – Quality, Callisto ● WTP 2.0 – Java EE 5.0

9 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 9 Agenda Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Web Service Tools Call for Participation

10 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 10 Creating a Web Service ● Wizard that guides the user through the develop/assemble/deploy/install/test/publish lifecycle of a Web service ● Supports bottom-up (from Java) and top-down (from WSDL) Web service creation ● Configures project, server, and SOAP engine ● Highly extensible ● SOAP engines ● Code generators ● Test facilities

11 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 11 Web Service Wizard ● Supported SOAP engines include Apache Axis 1.3 ● Supported servers include Apache Tomcat

12 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 12 WSDL and XML Schema Editors ● Design your Web service using WSDL and XML schema editors ● Support both graphical and source editing modes ● Seamless integration for editing inline XSD ● Content Assist ● Extensible for WSDL extension elements

13 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 13 WSDL Editor

14 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 14 WSDL Editor

15 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 15 XML Schema Editor

16 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 16 WSDL, XML Schema, WS-I Validators ● Validators to verify the correctness of your WSDLs and XML schemas ● Ensure your WSDLs are WS-I compliant

17 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 17 DEMO Create a Web Service

18 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 18 Unit testing a Web Service ● Web Services Explorer ● Dynamic invocation based on WSDL ● Inspect and edit SOAP messages ● WS-I compliant ● Publish Web services to UDDI registries ● Discover Web services from UDDI registries and WSIL documents

19 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 19 Web Service Explorer

20 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 20 Web Service Explorer

21 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 21 TCP/IP Monitor ● View HTTP-based SOAP messages using the TCP/IP monitor

22 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 22 WS-I test tools ● Support WS-I Basic Profile 1.0/1.1, Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0, Attachments Profile 1.0 ● SOAP 1.1 Message Monitor/Analyzer

23 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 23 SOAP 1.1 Message Monitor/Analyzer

24 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 24 Unit Test a Web Service DEMO

25 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 25 Consuming a Web Service ● Wizard that guides users to create a Java stub that binds to a Web service. ● Generate JSPs to visually invoke the Java stub

26 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 26 Web Service Client Wizard

27 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 27 Sample JSPs

28 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 28 Consume a Web Service DEMO

29 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 29 Agenda Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Web Service Tools Call for Participation

30 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 30 Call for Participation ● Try it out yourself ● Test and report bugs ● Write tutorials, articles ● Present WTP in a conference ● Participate in the discussion of design of new tools ● Fix bugs ● Contribute enhancements ● Become a committer ● Build tools on top of WTP

31 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 31 References ● WTP website ● WTP newsgroup news:// news:// ● Jeffrey Liu

32 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 32 Q&A

33 2006 JavaOne SM Conference | Session TS-4160 | © 2006 by IBM 33 Legal Notices IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. in the United States, other countries, or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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