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Integration into the 9-12 Classroom. K-12 Teachers continuously strive to: Create a sense of classroom community Promote life-long learning Many things.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration into the 9-12 Classroom. K-12 Teachers continuously strive to: Create a sense of classroom community Promote life-long learning Many things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration into the 9-12 Classroom

2 K-12 Teachers continuously strive to: Create a sense of classroom community Promote life-long learning Many things prevent this from occurring: 50-60 minute class periods State standardized testing School-wide common assessments Required core curriculum Everyday interruptions

3 Online Collaborative learning environments act as: Classroom extensions More time Convenient for teachers Students see the value of learning outside classroom Collaboration between peers 21 st century skills

4 Predators Inappropriate material Misuse of technology …but Students spend large percentage of time on Internet “Culture of Fear” (Boyd) Students must be enrolled in online collaborative learning environment Password protected Teachers model appropriate use Techs have ability to monitor


6 System of posting information


8 Forums Wikis Student blogs Polls Interactive lessons Assessments Assignments

9 All subjects can benefit: History Science Language Arts Foreign Language Health/P.E. Math Art Sample Moodle Unit

10 boyd, danah. “Understanding Socio-Technical Phenomena in a Web 2.0 Era.” MSR New England Lab Opening, Cambridge MA. Sept. 2008. 1 Dec. 2010. Web. Selfe, Cynthia L. Multimodal Composition: A Resource for Teachers. Hampton Press, Inc. 2007. Print. Soren, Kaplan. “Building eLearning and Blended Learning Communities.” iCohere, Inc. 2010. 1 Dec. 2010. Web.

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