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Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) : CERES Calibration Status Kory J. Priestley Denise Cooper, Susan Thomas, Grant Matthews, Phil Hess, Peter Szewczyk, Dale Walikainen, Robert Wilson Achieving Satellite Intercalibration for Climate Change The National Conference Center Lansdowne, VA May 16-18, 2006
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Instrument Working Group Webpage Development
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Design is based upon the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) philosophy Instrument was designed, manufactured and tested by TRW (Redondo Beach, CA) Contains three sensor assemblies with cassegrain optics and thermistor bolometer detectors Sensors measure thermal radiation in the near-visible through far-infrared spectral region Three sensor channels are coaligned and mounted on a spindle which rotates about the elevation axis Hemispherical sampling obtained with an azimuthal axis drive system Calibration Accuracy Requirements - 0.5% LW, 1.0% SW CERES Instrument
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Terra/Aqua Health & Status With the exception of the SW channel on the CERES/Aqua FM-4 Instrument, the CERES Terra/Aqua instruments are functioning nominally… SpacecraftInstrumentsLaunch Science Initiation Collected Data (Months) TRMMPFM11/971/989 TerraFM1, FM212/993/0076 + AquaFM3, FM45/026/0246 + ?FM5???
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Terra/Aqua Health & Status With the exception of the SW channel on the CERES/Aqua FM-4 Instrument, the CERES Terra/Aqua instruments are functioning nominally… SpacecraftInstrumentsLaunch Science Initiation Collected Data (Months) TRMMPFM11/971/989 TerraFM1, FM212/993/0076 + AquaFM3, FM45/026/0246 + ?FM5??? 20.3 Instrument Years of Data
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Instrument Working Group Webpage Development
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Spectral Response Function TRMM/PFM Edition2 Data Products Note: LW DAY = Total - Shortwave
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Requirements for CERES are more stringent than ERBE’s by a factor of 2 Requirements per Ohring et. al. are more stringent than CERES by a factor of 2-3 Spectral Regions SolarTerrestrial Atmospheric Window Wavelengths 0.3 - 5.0 m5.0 - 200 m8 - 12 m Scene levels<100 w/m 2 -sr>100 w/m 2 -sr<100 w/m 2 -sr>100 w/m 2 -srAll Levels Accuracy Requirements 0.8 w/m 2 -sr1.0 %0.8 w/m 2 -sr0.5 %0.3 w/m 2 -sr Stability Requirements < 0.14%/yr< 0.1%/yr Climate Stability Goals < 0.6 w/m 2 /dec < 0.06 %/yr < 0.2 w/m 2 /dec < 0.02%/yr Radiometric Performance Requirements 5-Year CERES Mission Lifetime
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate BDS and ERBE-Like Release Strategy Edition1 - Static Algorithms and coefficients - baseline product used in cal/val protocol Edition2 - Utilizes temporally varying coefficients to correct for traceable radiometric drift. All spectral changes are broadband and ‘gray’. Edition3 - Release date Fall 2006. Will incorporate temporally varying spectral artifacts in the SW measurements. A complete re-analysis of Ground Calibration with additional component characterization measurements. User Applied Revisions - Advance capabilities to the users prior to the release of the next Edition. Edition2 products lag Edition1 by a minimum of 4 months
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Notification of Revision CERES BDS (BiDirectional Scan) Terra Edition2 Data Quality Summary Investigation: CERES Data Product: BiDirectional Scan [BDS] Data Set: Terra (Instruments: FM1, FM2) Data Set Version: Edition2 The purpose of this document is to inform users of the accuracy of this data product as determined by the CERES Team. This document briefly summarizes key validation results, provides cautions where users might easily misinterpret the data, provides links to further information about the data product, algorithms, and accuracy, gives information about planned data improvements. This document also automates registration in order to keep users informed of new validation results, cautions, or improved data sets as they become available. This document is a high-level summary and represents the minimum information needed by scientific users of this data product. It is strongly suggested that authors, researchers, and reviewers of research papers re-check this document for the latest status before publication of any scientific papers using this data product. Table of Contents Nature of the BDS Product Updates to Current Edition User Applied Revisions Validation and Quality Assurance Current Estimated Uncertainty of Data Cautions When Using Data Expected Reprocesings References Web links to Relevant information Referencing Data in Journal Articles Giving Data to Other Users
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Terra ES-8 Edition2_Rev1 Summary Cal/Val Protocol demonstrates radiometric stability of the data products through 11/2004 of…. Edition1Edition2Edition2_Rev1 FM1FM2FM1FM2FM1FM2 LWday.3.6.125 LWnight.1.125<.1 SW. WN<.1 Note: Values apply to all-sky global averages Units are in %/yr
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Product Spatial Scale Temporal Scale Metric Spectral Band Internal BB Filtered Radiance N/A Absolute StabilityTOT, WN On-BoardInternal Lamp Filtered Radiance N/A Absolute StabilitySW Solar Filtered Radiance N/A Relative StabilityTOT, SW Theoretical Line-by-Line Filtered Radiance > 20 KmInstantaneous Inter-Channel Theoretical Agreement TOT, WN Unfiltering Algorithm Theoretical Validation N/A TOT, SW, WN Inter-satellite (Direct Comparison) Unfiltered Radiance 1-deg Grid1 per crossing Inter-Instrument Agreement, Stability TOT, SW, WN Vicarious Globally Matched Pixels (Direct Comparison) Unfiltered Radiance Pixel to PixelDaily Inter-Instrument Agreement TOT, SW, WN Tropical Mean (Geographical Average) Unfiltered Radiance 20N – 20SMonthly Inter-Channel Agreement, Stability TOT, WN DCC Albedo Unfiltered Radiance >40 KmMonthly Inter-Instrument agreement, Stability SW DCC 3-channel Unfiltered Radiance >100 KmMonthly Inter-Channel consistency, stability TOT, SW TIme Space AveragingFluxesGlobalMonthly Inter-Instrument Agreement LW, SW Lunar Radiance Measurements Filtered Radiance Sub PixelQuarterly Inter-Instrument Agreement LW, SW, WN CERES Instrument Radiometric Validation Activities
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Onboard Calibration Philosophy PRT SUNMonitor Diode ICSBBMAMSWICS Window Sensor Total Sensor Shortwave Sensor Field-of-View Coalignment Traceability Sources Radiometric Channel Validation Studies
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Onboard SW Calibration Equipment Shortwave Internal Calibration Source (SWICS) Quartz-halogen tungsten lamp (2100, 1900, 1700 K spectrums) SiPd independently monitors lamp output Design specification is +-0.5% stability over 5-year mission Designed primarily to transfer Ground Calibration measurements into orbit Mirror Attenuator Mosaic (MAM) Solar Diffuser plate attenuates direct solar view (~5800K Spectrum) MAM is a Nickel substrate with Aluminum coated spherical cavities or divots Provides a Relative calibration of the Shortwave channel and the SW portion of the Total channel Designed to provide a long-term on-orbit SW calibration source. Solar Cal results to date are suspect due to large initial drift in MAM surface reflectances…
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Solar Calibration Results
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Terra SW Internal Calibration Results
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES SSF Ed2B SW TOA Flux Anomaly Clear Ocean Clear Desert
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Spectral Degradation : SWICS vs. Earth Spectra 0 1 2 3 4 Wavelength (micron) 0 1 2 3 4 Wavelength (micron) Spectral Response, Normalized Radiance 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate LEO Missions Subject to Spectral Darkening
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Spectral Darkening on Similar Missions
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Page 21 SD degradation (accumulated at a 6-month period) as a function of wavelength Faster degradation rate after fixing the SD door at “open position” Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Modis Solar Diffuser Spectral Degradation
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Direct Comparison of Nadir Radiance Measurements Two CERES instruments on a common platform allows for a unique validation opportunity….. Direct Comparison of simultaneous Nadir measurements Each CERES/Terra instrument views nadir every 3.3 seconds Thus, we obtain nearly simultaneous measurements of the same geo- location ( t < 3.3 seconds)…. Spatial, angular, and temporal sampling issues are virtually eliminated. 26,000 co-located (but not independent) measurements in a given day, provides a very rigorous statistical tool. Results can be discretized by scene type to enhance the analysis.
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Terra Edition2 Nadir Direct Comparison 1.005 1.000 0.995 0.990 0.985 1.015 1.010 1.005 1.000 0.995 0.990 0.985 0.980 Mar-00 Mar-01 Mar-02 Mar-03 Mar-04 All-Sky FM1 in Xtrack FM2 in Xtrack All-Sky Clear Ocean SW 2 f SW 1 f SW 2 f SW 1 f SW Nadir Radiances Mar-00 Mar-01 Mar-02 Mar-03 Mar-04 FM1 in Xtrack FM1 in RAPS
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Terra Edition2 Nadir Direct Comparison 1.005 1.000 0.995 0.990 0.985 1.015 1.010 1.005 1.000 0.995 0.990 0.985 0.980 Mar-00 Mar-01 Mar-02 Mar-03 Mar-04 All-Sky FM1 in XTRACK FM1 in RAPS All-Sky Clear Ocean SW 2 f SW 1 f SW 2 f SW 1 f SW Nadir Radiances FM1 in Xtrack FM1 in RAPS
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Fixed Azimuth Plane Scanning (FAPS, Xtrack) Rotating Azimuth Plane Scanning (RAPS) Primary CERES Operational Modes
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate RAPS Whats the difference between RAPS and FAPS? FAPS Ground Track Scan Plane
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate RAPS Whats the difference between RAPS and FAPS? FAPS
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate RAPS Whats the difference between RAPS and FAPS? FAPS
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Edition2_Rev1 Scaling Factors Terra - FM1 Terra - FM2 Aqua - FM3 Aqua - FM4
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Application of Edition2_Rev1 Scaling Factors
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Onboard Calibration Philosophy PRT SUNMonitor Diode ICSBBMAMSWICS Window Sensor Total Sensor Shortwave Sensor Field-of-View Coalignment Traceability Sources Radiometric Channel Validation Studies
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate CERES Onboard Calibration Philosophy PRT SUNMonitor Diode ICSBBDCCSWICS Window Sensor Total Sensor Shortwave Sensor Field-of-View Coalignment Traceability Sources Radiometric Channel Validation Studies Albedo Moon
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate DCCalb = frad(ed1cv)*{flx(ssf)/ufrad(ssf)} * DM(sz)/Fs Terra Deep Convective Cloud Filtered Albedo
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Validation of Pointing Knowledge Using Lunar Radiances Objective: Utilize the full moon as a quasi-point source to complete a near steady-state raster scan across the CERES FOV. Goals Validate pre-launch alignment measurements Measure inter-channel relative pointing accuracy Map out spatial non-uniformities in the CERES Optics/Detectors This type of mapping is not performed under vacuum prior to launch. By combining knowledge of the motion of the moon relative to the spacecraft and the programmability of the the CERES Instruments we obtain……..
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate ElevationElevation 8-deg t = 1 min 13-deg t = 3 min 18-deg t = 5 min Spaceclamp 7.1°1°1°1.5°1.3° 1°1° Azimuth Lunar Track CERES Lunar Scanning Experimental Design
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Lunar Scanning Results – CERES Optical Transfer Function Monte-Carlo Ray Trace (FELIX) FM-1 Total FM-1 Shortwave FM-1 Window
NASA Langley Research Center / Science Directorate Terra ES-8 Edition2_Rev1 Summary Cal/Val Protocol demonstrates radiometric stability of the data products through 11/2004 of…. Edition1Edition2Edition2_Rev1 FM1FM2FM1FM2FM1FM2 LWday.3.6.125 LWnight.1.125<.1 SW. WN<.1 Note: Values apply to all-sky global averages Units are in %/yr
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