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... New urban spatial formats: Challenges for measurement Major shifts in the scales, spaces and contents of economic activity are engendering novel spatial.

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Presentation on theme: "... New urban spatial formats: Challenges for measurement Major shifts in the scales, spaces and contents of economic activity are engendering novel spatial."— Presentation transcript:

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2 New urban spatial formats: Challenges for measurement Major shifts in the scales, spaces and contents of economic activity are engendering novel spatial formats: global cities and megaregions. These new spatial formats also call for new statistical and quantitative measurements for all the basic components of these new spatial formats

3 Urban areas have always been difficult to measure But measuring the components of global cities and megaregions poses especially difficult issues: Global cities: Rapidly growing share of their economy and population are circulating in and out. A megaregion includes cities, suburbs, metropolitan areas, administrative regions.

4 Measurement difficulties: global cities Core components of the economy are part of larger transnational operations: the global city under study is just one moment of a firm’s or a market’s components Example: global finance: - operates largely in electronic space - before we can measure how it fits into a city’s economy, we need to understand how a financial center (territorial) matters to global electronic finance.

5 Measurement difficulties: Megaregions Emerging spaces: thus identifying the boundary will require far more projection of future trends in all the key economic sectors of a region, than has been typical. Furthermore, it requires dealing with the potentially very diverse types of measurements that a given country has developed for different territorial units –cities, suburbs, metropolitan areas, administrative regions. Megaregions cut across diverse administrative units but incorporate only part of each.

6 Taken from

7 Density - Mumbai

8 Taken from Density - NYC

9 Taken from Density - Shanghai

10 Taken from Density - London

11 Taken from Density - Mexico City

12 Taken from Density - Johannesburg

13 Density and Travel to Work

14 Residential Density

15 New York

16 Shanghai

17 London

18 Mexico

19 Johannesburg

20 Berlin


22 Travel to Work

23 New York

24 Shanghai

25 London

26 Mexico

27 Johannesburg

28 Berlin


30 London (Population)

31 London (Workplace)

32 Greater London (Commuter Flows)

33 Sao Paulo (Population)

34 Sao Paulo (Workplace)

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36 Overall Ranking: WCOC Index, Top 20

37 Indicator 3: Ease of Doing Business Subindicators Starting a Business Employing Workers Getting Credit Closing a Business Conventions/Exhibitions/ Meetings  Conventions/Exhibitions /Meetings  Banking Services  Ease of Entry and Exit  Investor Protection  Corporate Tax Burden  Contract Enforcement

38 Ease of Doing Business: Top 20

39 Indicator 4: Financial Dimension Subindicators Financial Services Network: Banking/Financial Services Companies Insurance Companies Investment/Securities Firms Total Value of Equities Trading Total Value of Bond Trading Total Number of Derivatives Contracts Total Number of Commodities Contracts

40 Financial Dimension: Top 20

41 Indicator 5: Business Center Dimension Subindicators Traffic Through City Ports Air Passenger and Aircraft Traffic Through City Airports Air Cargo Traffic Through City Airports International Air Passenger Traffic Through City Airports Volume of Commercial Real Estate Development

42 Business Center Dimension: Top 20

43 Knowledge Creation and Information Flows: Top 20

44 Overall Ranking: WCOC Index

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