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Arch6026 - Building Systems II (2000/2001) Energy and Environmental Systems for Green Buildings Lecture 01 - Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Arch6026 - Building Systems II (2000/2001) Energy and Environmental Systems for Green Buildings Lecture 01 - Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arch6026 - Building Systems II (2000/2001) Energy and Environmental Systems for Green Buildings Lecture 01 - Introduction

2 Welcome back to school!

3 Contents zCourse Description zPurpose zIssues zStrategies zInformation Sources

4 Course Description zTheme: Energy and Environmental Systems for Green Buildings ybasic concepts of green buildings yimportant factors for designing greener environmental systems zDuration: 13 weeks (one semester) BS2

5 Course Description zTopics: ygreen building concepts ydesign of environmental systems yenergy efficiency and energy analysis techniques yrenewable energy systems ysustainable technology & management yintelligent buildings ybuilding environmental assessment

6 Course Description zTeaching methods yformal lecture ysuggested reading and other references yassignments ycase studies zAssessment ycoursework - 40%; exam - 60%

7 Purpose zSurvival of our planet: environmental crisis cannot be ignored yair (destruction of Earth’s atmosphere) xglobal warming, climate change ywater (an undervalued resource) xshortage and pollution yfire (the problem of fuels) xfossil fuel burning (coal, oil) yearth (resources and materials)

8 Drawing by the American architect Malcolm Wells

9 Purpose zBuildings consume significant resources yhow to lessen the environmental impact xGREEN BUILDING zAims yenvironmentally responsible and sound yeconomically viable yecologically benign y‘sustainable’ (this term should be used carefully)

10 Purpose zGreen buildings pay ydirect benefits (e.g. energy/cost savings) yindirect benefits (e.g. healthier) ywider global benefits (e.g. reduced CO 2 emission) zBuilding life cycle yconsider operating cost and performance ydesign, construction, operation, disposal zArchitectural quality

11 Issues zMajor issues ySITE - urban planning, land use, transport yENERGY - supply, use & generation yWATER - supply, use & reuse yMATERIALS - environ impact & health yWASTE - reduce & recycle zEnergy & environmental systems ybuilding services, natural energy

12 Issues zImportant factors yhuman factors xthermal comfort, visual comfort xindoor air quality yeconomic factors xfirst costs, running costs xenvironmental costs (externality) ybuilding and construction process xfrom inception, to design, to construction, to maintenance and refurbishment

13 Strategies zChecklist for environmentally responsive design and construction ( ydesign ysite issues ymaterials yequipment ybusiness practices

14 Strategies zEnergy efficiency ybuilding ‘energy performance’ (how to measure) ygeneral issues xclimate, human comfort, planning ydesign issues xbuilding form, envelope, thermal mass xlighting system and daylighting xHVAC & other building systems ymanagement issues

15 Strategies zRenewable energy ydefinition: xenergy resources that occur naturally and repeatedly in environment and can be harnessed for human benefit xe.g. solar thermal, photovoltaics, wind, hydro, biomass ydesign considerations xholistic, location-specific, complimentary xdemand matching, integration xcost effectiveness

16 Strategies zDesign and analysis ybuilding green demands an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to design and construction ytogether with investments in energy and resource- efficient materials and technology zEvaluation yenvironmental assessment methods & indicators

17 Information Sources zRecommended text (“A Green Vitruvius”) ylist price = UKP 25.0 ydiscounted price = UKP 17.5 (HK$200) yask Sam Hui for ordering zReference books in library ysee the following web page x ysuggested reading will be indicated later

18 Information Sources zInternet resources ymany useful online documents on this subject ynews and product information ycase studies (being developed) zWeb sites y y

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