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Research activities at AUTH related to dialogue detection Ioannis Pitas Constantine Kotropoulos Nikos Nikolaidis Research activities at AUTH related to.

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Presentation on theme: "Research activities at AUTH related to dialogue detection Ioannis Pitas Constantine Kotropoulos Nikos Nikolaidis Research activities at AUTH related to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research activities at AUTH related to dialogue detection Ioannis Pitas Constantine Kotropoulos Nikos Nikolaidis Research activities at AUTH related to dialogue detection Ioannis Pitas Constantine Kotropoulos Nikos Nikolaidis WP6 e-team: Audiovisual Understanding

2 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Outline Introduction Introduction Dialogue detection concept: cross-correlation of indicator functions Dialogue detection concept: cross-correlation of indicator functions Speaker turn detection based on speech and visual cues (mouth activity) Speaker turn detection based on speech and visual cues (mouth activity) Frontal face detection; facial feature detection (e.g. mouth) Frontal face detection; facial feature detection (e.g. mouth) One-two speaker detection One-two speaker detection Speaker clustering based on speech and visual cues Speaker clustering based on speech and visual cues Fingerprinting Fingerprinting

3 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Indicator functions and their cross- correlation (1) A dialogue between two persons from the movie “Secret Window” [Dialogue 1].

4 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Indicator functions and their cross- correlation (2) A scene without a dialogue between two persons

5 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Speaker Turn Detection  Audio Segmentation aims at finding acoustic events within an audio stream. Speaker turn detection is a special case of speaker segmentation.  Important step in pre-processing of speech in order to implement audio indexing or speaker tracking.  Usually, no prior knowledge about speakers is assumed. Speaker 1Speaker 2


7 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Frontal face images at quartet and octet resolution Original Image Quartet Image Octet Image Original Image Quartet Image Octet Image

8 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Face detection based on corners Face detection based on corners The figures show the 3 possible feature point set configurations, having 100 feature points each. They differ at the minimum distance allowed between the feature points. In general, small inter feature point distances yield a feature point concentration and poor face detection. The minimum allowed distance is a parameter of the training procedure. The figures show the 3 possible feature point set configurations, having 100 feature points each. They differ at the minimum distance allowed between the feature points. In general, small inter feature point distances yield a feature point concentration and poor face detection. The minimum allowed distance is a parameter of the training procedure.

9 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Face detection Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves For the SVM-based face detection, the best results were obtained with the sigmoidal kernel. Best equal error rate 4.5% For the SVM-based face detection, the best results were obtained with the sigmoidal kernel. Best equal error rate 4.5% The maximum likelihood detection commits a few false alarm. For FAR in [5.2%, 5.67%] the FRR drops quickly from 6.1% to 0.7%. The maximum likelihood detection commits a few false alarm. For FAR in [5.2%, 5.67%] the FRR drops quickly from 6.1% to 0.7%.

10 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki One/Two Speaker Detection Two-speaker detection (NIST 2002): Best EER 16.2 % Kajarekar, Adami, Hermansky, 2003 One-speaker detection (NIST 2002): Best EER 7.1 %

11 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Frontal face authentication

12 AIIA Lab, Department of Informatics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Fingerprinting

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