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Music Vocabulary.

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1 Music Vocabulary

2 Measure The space on the staff between two vertical lines. It is also called a bar. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

3 Bar lines Vertical lines on the staff which separate measures of music. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

4 Meter The fraction appearing at the beginning of the music or section indicating the mathematical organization of rhythm. It is also known as the time signature. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

5 Time Signature The fraction appearing at the beginning of the music or section indicating the mathematical organization of rhythm. It is also known as the meter. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

6 Whole step Two half steps
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

7 Half step A Minor Second
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

8 Dance The physical response to rhythm.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

9 Timbre Tone color Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

10 Characteristics Unique attributes
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why? Or How?

11 Style The way it is played
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why?

12 Genre Special styles Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why?

13 Strings Instruments using plucked or bowed strings to create the sound
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why?

14 Brass Winds Instruments using a cupped shaped mouthpiece
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why?

15 Woodwinds Those originally made of wood or using a reed to create the sound Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why?

16 Clef Symbol to indicate the tonal center
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why?

17 Score The conductor’s copy of the music.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form? Why?

18 Staff 5 lines and 4 spaces Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

19 Expression Emotion portrayed in music
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

20 Intonation The correct vibrations of a tone to match the established standard or that of another instrument Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

21 Resonance Vibrations of an instrument’s sound creating the unique sound of that particular instrument Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

22 Ledger Lines Short lines extending the staff upward or downward
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

23 Vertical Music Music composed in a chordal manner in which most or all parts move together at the same time Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

24 Horizontal Music Music having independent lines weaving a fabric of sound. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

25 Second ending The short ending which will send musicians forward to a new melodic section. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

26 Repeat To play it again Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

27 Fugue A melodic presentation using varied melodic and rhythmic alterations to present new interpretations of the melody. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

28 Fugetto A small or short section in a fugal style.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

29 First ending The short ending which will send musicians back to a particular place to repeat that section. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

30 Double Bar Two bars of different size indicating the end of a section or composition. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

31 Dal signo al fine` Return to the sign and play to the fine`
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

32 Da capo al fine` Return to the beginning and play to the fine`
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

33 Transposition To move the position of the tone to adjust for the length of the instrument Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

34 Tessitura That part of the range used most often
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

35 Range The extreme from lowest to highest tone for each instrument
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

36 Key Signature Those sharps and/or flats which identify the tonal center. B flat C G Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

37 Homophonic Movement in a chordal manner
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

38 Counterpoint Independent movement of musical lines in correlation to each other Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

39 Cannon The simple melodic repetition. It is also called a round.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

40 Brace Two or more staves joined with a bracket { } indicating a system of music. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

41 Slur A curved line which smoothly connects tones on different lines and/or spaces without attack. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

42 Tie A curved line connecting tones (adding their value) on the same line or space. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

43 Major Second Whole Step
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

44 Minor Second Half Step Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

45 Tutti The entire ensemble
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

46 Music History The story of mankind’s music throughout time.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

47 Balance To achieve the aural perception of each instrument or section being of the same or equal volume without dominance by any one instrument or section. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

48 Blend To create an ensemble sound in which all instruments/sections collectively create one sound rather than individual sounds. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

49 Dynamics Various degrees of loudness and softness
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

50 Forte (f ) Strong or full
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

51 Piano (p) Soft Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

52 Mezzo (m) Medium Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

53 Mezzo Forte (mf) Medium full
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

54 Mezzo piano (mp) Medium soft
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

55 Fortissimo (ff) Very strong
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

56 Fortississimo (fff) Very, very strong
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

57 Pianissimo (pp) Very soft
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

58 Pianississiom (ppp) Very, very soft
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

59 Crescendo (cres.) To get louder
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

60 Decrescendo (decres) To get softer Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

61 Diminuendo (dim) To gradually get softer
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

62 Baroque The historic period between 1600 and 1750 AD
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

63 Medieval The historic period prior to 1400 AD
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

64 Renaissance The historic period between the 15th (1400 AD) and 17th (1600AD) centuries. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

65 Rococo or Roccoco The French historic period between 1700 and 1799 AD (18th Century) Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

66 Classical The historic period between 1750 and 1820 AD
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

67 Impressionist The historic period between 1870 and 1880
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

68 Expressionist The historic period originating in Germany beginning in the 20th Century. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

69 Experimental One type of music composed between 1950 and today.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

70 Jazz Jazz is a musical form which originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States from a confluence of African and European music traditions. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

71 Fusion The mixing of diverse musical styles originating around 1980.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

72 Strophic Repeated melody for each verse
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

73 Through composed No repetition of music for new lyrics
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

74 Pulse Steady, ongoing emphasis of the count
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

75 Diatonic Within the Key
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

76 Consonant Interval Interval requiring no resolution (change)
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

77 Dissonant Interval Interval requiring resolution (change)
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

78 Dance The physical response to rhythm
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

79 Variation Changing the melody, rhythm, or harmony of a composition.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

80 Instrumentation Those instruments used in the ensemble to perform the composition or concert. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

81 Concert A performance by a large ensemble of several compositions.
Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

82 Recital A performance by a soloist or small ensemble of several works. These compositions may be from the same or different historic periods. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

83 Interpretation The unique and individual manner in which a performer presents a musical composition. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

84 Voicing The manner in which instruments or voices may be arranged to present a composition. Question: This affects or is affected by (A) Melody, (B) Harmony, (C) Rhythm or (D) Form, (E) A and B? Why?

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