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Opportunities at the Center for Nanoscale Materials

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1 Opportunities at the Center for Nanoscale Materials
Eric D. Isaacs Center for Nanoscale Materials Argonne National Laboratory APS Monthly Ops Meeting, February 28, 2007


3 Center for Nanoscale Materials: A DOE facility for nanoscience research
Full facility operations in October ‘07. State-of-the-art scientific user facility at Argonne National Laboratory for the development and dissemination of the techniques for the synthesis, fabrication, characterization and theory of materials at the nanoscale. Integrated Scientific Themes: Electronic and Magnetic Materials & Devices Nanobio interfaces Nanophotonics X-ray imaging Enabling capabilities: Synthesis and assembly Nanofabrication Nanocharacterization Theory and simulation

4 Five DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers and Facilities Integration
Center for Nanoscale Materials Advanced Photon Source Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research Center for Functional Nanomaterials Advanced Light Source Intense Pulsed Neutron Source National Center for Electron Microscopy National Synchrotron Light Source Spallation Neutron Source Molecular Foundry Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab Los Alamos Neutron Science Center Linac Coherent Light Source Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies High-Flux Isotope Reactor

5 CNM Dedication Ceremony on September 18, 2006
Early operations began May ‘06 Full operations begin fall ‘07

6 Six Integrated Scientific Themes
Nanofabrication Nanophotonics NanoBio Interfaces e-beam, nanoimprint self-assembly process integration biomolecular hybrids for energy converstion biomimetics dynamics Ultimate x-ray microscope chemical, structural, strain, domain mapping. in-situ processes. physics and chemistry in the near optical field. plasmonics. nanomagnetism nanoferroelectricity oxide MBE, UNCD STM (e.g, spin-polarized) novel devices computational nanoscience; ‘virtual fab lab’ advanced computing; user friendly code Electronic/Magnetic Materials & Devices X-ray Imaging & Scattering Theory & Simulation

7 Enabling Technical Capabilities
Nanosynthesis - ‘bottom-up’ bio/organic/inorganic synthesis, self-assembly, thin film deposition. Nanopatterning - ‘top-down’ lithography (ebeam, FIB, optical), imprint, pattern transfer (eg, RIE). Nanocharacterization structural, magnetic, electronic, optical, chemical and dynamical properties. AFM, MFM, SEM, confocal optical hard x-ray nanoprobe Theory and Simulation computational materials science leverage ANL leadership computing. 2.5nm 50 nm ‘bottom-up’ synthesis and assembly of colloidal nanoparticles 13 nm Pd lines ‘top-down’ patterning of Pd wires; new cold develop process.

8 Novel Synthesis: Flexible Electronics and Sensors
Yugang Sun (CNM), John Rogers (UIUC), et. al. Flexible Si nanoribbons Nature, Dec. ‘06 Rogers, Nuzzo Flexible H-sensor - Pd decorated SWNT film on flexible substrate.

9 Flexible Electronics Yugang Sun (CNM), John Rogers (UIUC) Flexible GaAs nanoribbons, Nature Materials, Dec. ‘06

10 Novel devices: Materials and Nanopatterning
Y. Ji, A. Hoffman, S. Bader Goal: Spin transistor with gain. Challenge: Coherent spin transport, materials with 100% spin polarization. The ‘Johnson’ (spin) Transistor

11 Advanced Characterization: spin-polarized STM
Goal: understand and control the relationship between structure and properties of magnetic and (bio)molecular materials at the nanoscale. Strategy: Develop world-leading programs with novel scanning-probes: STM, polarized-STM; NSOM; AFM/MFM; STM/SEM. Synergistic with x-ray nanoprobe. Matthias Bode Ph.D.: U. Hamburg, 1996 Senior Scientist, Wiesendanger Group, U. Hamburg, present. Awards: Phillip-Morris Award, ‘03 Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE, ‘07. CNM start date: March 1, 2007. Spin-polarized STM Spin-polarized STM image theory simulation Bode, et al, Nature Materials, May (2006)

12 NanoBio Materials with New Functionality
Goal: Bioinspired bio-inorganic conjugates for energy and information transduction Challenge: Synthesis of hierarchical structures capable of sequential energy, e-, spin, exchange User Program Example: TiO2/antibody composites for targeted cell lysis - SCCD, Inc.; T. Rajh (CNM) TiO2/antibody conjugates (AFM) CNM Nanobio group expertise and capabilities in synthesis of novel nanobio conjugates and processes in energy transduction Destruction of infected psoriasis cells (cell lysis).

13 Materials by Design: The Virtual Fab Lab
Sternberg, Zapol, Curtiss Goals: Create materials with user specified properities. Computational nanoscience: Multiscale modeling - tight binding, molecular dynamics, & ab-initio calculations Example: New Nanomaterials from Functionalized Nanotubes Sternberg et al, PRL (2006) Sidewall Ozonization Fused CNTs

14 Key Fabrication and Characterization Tools
Combined STM/SEM Complex oxide MBE 5 nm Ambient condition AFM Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope

15 Emergent states in complex oxides - Oxide MBE
Anand Bhattacharya AFM insulators TEM imaging: Jim Zuo’s group (UIUC) 5 nm Defect-free synthesis of new heterogeneous materials 2D electron (hole) gases at complex oxide interfaces Mott and band insulators Polar and non-polar insulators Interface engineering Magnetism Modulation doping Multiferroics (by symmetry breaking) Replace (La1-xSrx)MnO3 by digital superlattice! A. Bhattacharya, J. Eckstein et al, (submitted, Apr 2007)

16 Hard X-ray Nanoprobe Mirror installation underway.
Mono delivered mid-April. Nanoprobe instrument (Xradia) delivered in April, installation over the summer. Ramp-up to full operations during FY08. 30 nm beam: Fresnel zone plate A path to 1 nm!

17 Opportunities for Nanoscience with X-rays
Imaging - scanning probe, full-field, coherent diffraction Large NA optics (multi-layer Laue Lens, zone plates). Nanomagnetism, nanoferroelectricity In-vivo characterization of biomolecular hybrid materials In-situ processes - self-assembly, MBE, MOCVD, catalysis, … Dynamics at the nanoscale 150 nm -50 -25 25 50 -2 -1 1 2 D z (nm) x (nm) Dynamics and structure/strain of ferroelectric materials nanometer x-ray beams

18 CNM User Program
Early ops, May ‘06; full ops, Fall ‘07 320 registered users 150 user proposals in three calls 115 publications (~ 50/50 staff/user) Nature, PRL, Nanoletters, APL, JACS, JPCB, … 28 States and Puerto Rico 17 Countries Asia/Pacific Beijing, PRC Daejeon, ROK Clayton, Australia Middle East & Africa Holon, Israel Nsukka, Nigeria Cape Town, South Africa Medellín, Colombia Cali, Columbia Mayaguez, Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Rico

19 Opportunities for Nanoscience
Synergies amongst four BES facilities at ANL: APS, IPNS, EMC, CNM - proximity matters. CNM brings new capability to BES facility portfolio - synthesis, fabrication, characterization and theory of materials at the nanoscale. Nanoscience with x-rays Sub-10 nm x-ray imaging, coherent diffraction, dynamics (sub-100 ps), in-situ processes (self-assembly, catalysis, …). Nanoprobes at CNM STM, spin-polarized STM, STM/SEM, AFM, MFM, electron microscopy (STEM, SEM), SPM/SEM. ‘One-stop’ user access to all four facilities.

20 Center for Nanoscale Materials: A DOE facility for nanoscience research
Full facility operations in October ‘07. Hard X-ray Nanoprobe Contact: Katie Carrado, CNM User Programs and Outreach Manager Zone-plates: 30 nm

21 CNM Building Layout Public Space & Offices Cleanrooms Laboratories
X-ray Nanoprobe Beamline Support

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