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Global Convection Modeling (where are we heading and how does this impact HMI?) Mark Miesch HAO/NCAR, JILA/CU (Sacha Brun, Juri Toomre, Matt Browning,

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Presentation on theme: "Global Convection Modeling (where are we heading and how does this impact HMI?) Mark Miesch HAO/NCAR, JILA/CU (Sacha Brun, Juri Toomre, Matt Browning,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Convection Modeling (where are we heading and how does this impact HMI?) Mark Miesch HAO/NCAR, JILA/CU (Sacha Brun, Juri Toomre, Matt Browning, Marc DeRosa, Ben Brown) Feb, 2006

2 Objective 1 Understand what’s going on in the tachocline and incorporate it into our models Penetrative convection with shear & pumping Magnetic buoyancy instabilities & flux tube formation Magneto-shear instabilities (global & local) Gravity wave generation, propagation & transport Tachocline confinement Thermal coupling to convection zone

3 Objective 2 Understand and model the near-surface layers Couple to surface convection simulations Compare with local helioseismic inversions Near-surface shear layer Magnetic helicity flux through the photosphere and conseqences for dynamo action

4 Objective 3 3D Dynamo simulations spanning the solar activity cycle which incorporate convection explicitly Narrow the gap with mean-field dynamo models Subgrid-scale modeling Coupling to the top & bottom of the CZ (Objectives 1 & 2)

5 How can HMI help? Meridional Circulation –Are flux-transport dynamos on the right track? North-South lanes of downflow/horizontal convergence –Are these really the dominant coherent structures at low latitudes? Latitudinal entropy/temperature variations –Is the solar rotation really in thermal wind balance? Velocity/thermal/magnetic correlations –Invaluable insight into the underlying dynamics Non-axisymmetric patterns in flux emergence (esp. m=1) –Indicative of tachocline instabilities? Jets & Oscillations –Could reflect instabilities, waves, stratified turbulence, etc. Magnetic helicity flux through the photosphere –May regulate dynamo action

6 How can HMI help? Meridional Circulation –Are flux-transport dynamos on the right track? North-South lanes of downflow/horizontal convergence –Are these really the dominant coherent structures at low latitudes? Latitudinal entropy/temperature variations –Is the solar rotation really in thermal wind balance? Velocity/thermal/magnetic correlations –Invaluable insight into the underlying dynamics Non-axisymmetric patterns in flux emergence (esp. m=1) –Indicative of tachocline instabilities? Jets & Oscillations –Could reflect instabilities, waves, stratified turbulence, etc. Magnetic helicity flux through the photosphere –May regulate dynamo action

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