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1 st EAST & ATST Workshop EST: European Solar Telescope EAST: European Association for Solar Telescope ATST: Advanced Technology Solar Telescope Most large.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st EAST & ATST Workshop EST: European Solar Telescope EAST: European Association for Solar Telescope ATST: Advanced Technology Solar Telescope Most large."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st EAST & ATST Workshop EST: European Solar Telescope EAST: European Association for Solar Telescope ATST: Advanced Technology Solar Telescope Most large telescopes >1m are not vacuumed

2 4 M 1.6 M 1.5 M 2 M 1 M Network ?

3 ATST: Steve Keil (invited): The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope - A Status Report Collaborating Institutions: Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy National Science Foundation National Solar Observatory High Altitude Observatory NJIT University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy University of Chicago Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics Air Force Research Laboratory California Institute of Technology's Laboratories of Applied Physics, Bellan Plasma Group California State University at Northridge's Department of Physics and Astronomy Colorado Research Associates Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory Michigan State University's Department of Physics and Astronomy Montana State University's Department of Physics NASA Goddard Space Flight Center NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Princeton University's Plasma Physics Laboratory Southwest Research Institute's Instrumentation and Space Research Division Stanford University's W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory University of California Los Angeles University of California San Diego's Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences University of Chicago's Department of Mathematics University of Colorado at Boulder's Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado at Boulder's Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics University of Rochester's Department of Physics and Astronomy Scientists from several countries have been involved in the science definition phase of the ATST‡.‡

4 ATST: Steve Keil (invited): The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope - A Status Report 4 m 0.03 arcsec/pix in visible 0.3 ~ 28 micron Visible Light Broadband Imager Visible Spectropolarimeter Near-IR Spectropolarimetry Visible Tunable Filter Haleakalā (Maui), Hawai'i Location: 20° 42' 17" N, 156° 10' 36" W Elevation: 10,023 feet (3084 m)


6 EST: Manolo Collados (invited): EST - progress report EST is a 4-meter class solar telescope, to be located in the Canary Islands. It will be optimised for studies of the magnetic coupling between the deep photosphere and upper chromosphere. This will require diagnostics of the thermal, dynamic and magnetic properties of the plasma over many scale heights, by using multiple wavelength imaging, spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry. To achieve these goals, EST will specialize in high spatial and temporal resolution using instruments that can efficiently produce two-dimensional spectral information. Later than ATST Collaborator Institutions: Hvar Observatory Croatia Konkoly Observatory Hungary Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics Norway ETH Zürich Switzerland Università di Catania Italy IGAM, University of Graz Austria Università della Calabria Italy Astronomical Institute, University of Wroclaw Poland

7 National Large Solar Telescope of India Siraj Hasan (invited): National Large Solar Telescope of India A 2-meter class solar telescope at a suitable site in India to resolve features on the Sun of the size of about 0.1 arcsec. J Astrophys. Astr. (2008) 29, 345–351

8 BBSO’s NST (New Solar Telescope) 1.6 M Gregorian Off – axis GREGOR 1.5 M Gregorian On – axis Yunnan 1 M IR Solar Telescope Modified Gregorian On – axis COSMO 1.5-meter coronagraph with two detector systems, a narrow-band filter polarimeter and a spectropolarimeter Solar C 0.5m off-axis coronagraphic reflecting telescope

9 Manfred Schüssler (invited): Magneto-convection and large solar telescopes 1.Facular Point is not associated with strong Magnetic concentration but associated with strong pressure 2.Local magnetic reconnection  low current sheet those are simulated results R. Schlichenmaier: Penumbra formation Observations of how granulations become elongated and eventually be part of penumbra area of the pore (later sunspot) increase more than 30% 4.5 h observation @ German VTT (Vacuum Tower Telescope) with Speckle reconstruction (new code)

10 High resolution observations of emerging active regions: from large to small scales L. Contarino 1, S.L. Guglielmino 1, P. Romano 2, F. Zuccarello 1 1 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia – Università di Catania – Via S. Sofia 78, 95123 Catania, Italy – 2 INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania – Via S. Sofia 78, 95123 Catania, Italy the first signatures of ARs emergence are initially observed in the outer atmospheric layers, simultaneously with the sudden increase of AFs are characterized by a decreasing upward motion during the ARs lifetime magnetic flux in photosphere, and later on in the chromosphere; AFs are characterized by a decreasing upward motion during the ARs lifetime the appearance of the short ‐ lived AR in photosphere and chromosphere is almost synchronous, while there is a time delay of ~ 8 hours between the appearance in chromosphere and photosphere for the long ‐ lived AR; during the AR formation the magnetic flux increases by about one order of magnitude in the long ‐ lived AR and by only a factor 2 in the short ‐ lived AR; the displacement of the center of symmetry of each polarity in the short ‐ lived AR is mainly directed westward, while it is diverging from the neutral line in the long ‐ lived AR; the downward plasma motion in the AFS loop legs is asymmetrical: a higher plasma downflow is measured in the preceding leg in the short ‐ lived AR, while it is observed in the following leg in the long ‐ lived AR.

11 Sunspot model atmosphere from inversion of Stokes profiles R. Wenzel 1, S.V. Berdyugina 2, D.M. Fluri 1, J. Arnaud 3, A. Sainz Dalda 4 1 Institute of Astronomy, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; 2 Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Germany; 3 Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, France; 4 Stanford Lockheed Institute for Space Research By inversion of full Stokes spectra observed in several spectral regions in the optical at the THEMIS facility we infer the height dependence of physical quantities such as the temperature, LOS velocity and magnetic field for different sunspot regions. 3550 K related to 3 kG A detailed discussion of this sunspot model atmosphere is in preparation…

12 The net circular polarization in a spectral line due to the combined effect of magnetic fields and velocity gradients HighResolution Observations of the Network NCP Alexandra Tritschler 1, Christian Beck 2, Luis R. Bellot Rubio 3, and Han Uitenbroek 1 1National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, NM 88349, U.S.A. 2Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 3Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, 18080 Granada, Spain For the first time, we detect a peculiar pattern in the VIS network NCP which is reminiscent of the NCP behavior observed in sunspot penumbrae.

13 Usually, UDs are divided into two groups, peripheral umbral dots (PUDs) and central umbral dots (CUDs), according to their position inside the umbra (Grossmann-Doerth et al. 1986). Sobotka & Jurčak (2009) found that, concerning the physical properties, PUDs are similar to penumbral grains located at tips of bright penumbral filaments. The challenge of umbral dots Michal Sobotka and Miroslav Klvaňa Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic CZ-25165 Ondřejov, Czech Republic Schussler & Vogler’s 3D numerical simulations of magnetoconvection predicts a possible substructure in UDs – dark lanes The origin of such features is similar to that of dark cores in penumbral filaments: an enhanced density and opacity on the top of rising hot plumes




17 50 miles 2500 miles Downloading from GHN through NJIT VPN connection: 240 – 300 KB/s Downloading from GHN through commercial ISP: 1.4 – 1.9 MB/s Downloading from SWRL through commercial ISP: 320 – 400 MB/s 50 miles:

18 10 th RHESSI workshop will be held from August 01-05, 2010 Annapolis, MD, USA

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