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Objectives Explain the elements of project management and the responsibilities of a project manager Describe how the UP disciplines of business modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Explain the elements of project management and the responsibilities of a project manager Describe how the UP disciplines of business modeling."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives Explain the elements of project management and the responsibilities of a project manager Describe how the UP disciplines of business modeling and environment relate to the inception phase Describe the project management activities that are done during the inception phase  Develop a project schedule using a work breakdown structure (WBS) and PERT and Gantt charts Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

3 Objectives (continued)
Use Microsoft Project to build the project schedule Perform a risk analysis of potential project risks  Develop a cost/benefit analysis using net present value calculations List the key deliverables and activities of the end of the inception phase  Discuss three techniques for monitoring and controlling a system development project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

4 Overview Unified Process (UP) development methodology
Consists of phases, iterations, and disciplines Provides framework for project definition and execution Project management: a critical support discipline Project Management prominent in inception phase Tasks include monitoring and controlling projects Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

5 Project Management Development project artifacts (products)
Development of a new software system Enhancement or upgrade of an existing system Integration of software into existing environment Projects constrained by schedule and resources Project novelty presents great challenges Different products are produced Different activities required for varying schedules Different resources are used Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

6 Project Success & Complexity
Development projects produce software systems Projects are wide ranging Simple Web sites Implementation of real-time business applications Issues complicating project management Sophisticated business needs Changing technology Integrating OS, support programs, and new systems Project success rate very low: 34 percent as of 2004 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

7 Sample Criteria for Defining Rigor or Complexity of Project Controls
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

8 Project Success Factors
Clear system requirements Substantial user involvement Support from upper management Thorough and detailed project plans Realistic work schedules and milestones Adequate project resources Proper execution of control processes Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

9 The Role of the Project Manager
Project manager coordinates project development Specifications in a detailed plan at project inception Activities that must take place The deliverables that must be produced Resources needed Project manager accountable for success or failure Project manager has internal/external responsibilities Many career paths lead to project management Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

10 Various Roles of Project Managers
Figure 3-1 Various Roles of Project Managers Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

11 Project Management Knowledge Areas
Appendix A Reading The Project Management Institute (PMI) Professional organization promotes project management PMI provides extensive support material and training Defines specialist’s body of knowledge (BOK) PMBOK organized into nine knowledge areas PMBOK principles to be applied to iteration activities  Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

12 Knowledge Areas Project Scope Management Project Time Management
Project Cost Management Project Quality Management Project Human Resources Management Project Communications Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Project Integration Management Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

13 Project Management within the Unified Process
Project management is a support business discipline Project management tasks prominent at inception Other important disciplines of inception phase Business modeling Environment Requirements Design Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

14 UP Phases and Iterations with Disciplines
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

15 The Unified Process and the Inception Phase
Inception phase of the UP has (5) objectives Identify the business need for the project Establish the vision for the solution Identify scope of the new system and the project Develop preliminary schedules and cost estimates Develop the business case for the project Inception phase may be completed in one iteration Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

16 Understanding the Business Environment
Objective: understand project operational context Define the business problem Evaluate existing architecture Define needed interfaces to other systems Perform stakeholder analysis Stakeholders: people with an interest in the system Users, sponsors and support staff Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

17 The Stakeholders for Rocky Mountain Outfitters
Identify all of the stakeholders Most important executive stakeholders RMO project sponsor: VP William McDougal Executive stakeholders: John and Liz Blankens Other stakeholders Operational users such as sales reps and mail Warehouse workers Technical staff Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

18 Sample Stakeholder Analysis Form for RMO
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

19 Creating the System Vision
Purpose: justify strategic importance of new system Clear vision statement includes (3) essential pieces Precisely specified objective(s) Concrete (dollar value) benefits tailored to sponsors System capabilities meeting objective(s) Project charter: defines need, objective, benefits, scope System vision Statement of business need Stakeholder analysis form Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

20 Objectives, Business Benefits, and System Capabilities
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

21 Objectives, Business Benefits, and System Capabilities
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

22 Creating Business Models
Three major areas normally require business models Business events (what triggers a process to start) Business processes Information repositories and flows Business models are tied to system requirements Model format and rigor may vary with each project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

23 Environment and the Inception Phase
Discipline concerned with development of the project environment Several activities are included Design and configure the physical environment Cubes, desks, chairs, phones Select and configure project tools Development tools IDEs, CASE, modeling tools, database tools Office desktop (i.e. Word, Excel, Outlook, scheduling) Project management tools (i.e. Project, ReqPro, Risk monitor, issues mgt) Tailor the UP development process Defining the rigor of a project Determine high risk issues Setup technical support services Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

24 Finalizing the System and Project Scope
Project scope: describes what the project will include System scope: defines capabilities of new system System scope is part of the larger project scope Use Case Model Essential use case model helps delineate scope Essential business use case list is attached to the project Some Project tasks outside of the business problem scope Provide staffing model and training Provide data conversion information Define standards for analysis & design, coding, data modeling Define quality control measures for documents, deliverables, testing, and system migration Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

25 System Scope and Project Scope
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

26 Sample Essential Use Case List for RMO
Processes The System Must Do Sample Essential Use Case List for RMO Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

27 Developing the Project and Iteration Schedule
Project Manager and Development team sets schedule for project and iterations Tasks involved in scheduling: Develop the work breakdown structure (WBS) (outline of work to be completed) Develop the schedule Develop resource requirements and staffing plan Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

28 Developing the WBS Two general approaches for building a WBS
By deliverable timeline By a sequential timeline Four techniques for identifying WBS tasks Top-down: Identify major activities first Bottom-Up: List all tasks first and organize later Template: Use standard template of tasks Analogy: Copy tasks of similar completed project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

29 Developing the Schedule
Project schedule orders all activities and tasks Building the schedule Identify dependencies between the tasks on WBS Estimate the effort that each task will require Dependencies: identify related tasks Finish-start relationships Start-start relationships Finish-finish relationships Select a scheduling tool like Microsoft Project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

30 Entering the WBS into MS Project
Two types of charts used to show project schedule PERT/CPM chart Gantt chart Charts show same information in different formats Key metrics Critical path, slack time, or float Milestone due dates Estimate cost of project and establishing a baseline Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

31 Entering the WBS Into MS Project
Entered Outline Of Tasks Entering the WBS Into MS Project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

32 Gantt Chart of RMO’s Inception Iteration
Entered Dependencies Entered Durations Gantt Chart of RMO’s Inception Iteration Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

33 Pert or Network Diagram
Red is Critical Path Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

34 Develop the Resource Requirements and the Staffing Plan
Core team members very active in inception iteration Most early tasks are project management activities Must enter resources in MS Project (Project allows several ways to input resource information) Formula for effort: Effort = Duration x Persons Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

35 Entering Resources for the Scheduled Tasks
Entry Entering Resources for the Scheduled Tasks Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

36 Project Management Processes
Case Examples Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

37 Project Management – “Not an Easy Job”
Standish Group Study of IS Projects: 21% cancelled before finished 51% over time and original budget or lacking original functionality 43% had cost exceeding budget 42% contain original functionality 15% failed projects 34% successful projects Standish Group, “CHAOS Chronicles ”, 2004, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

38 Project Scope Management

39 ABC Project Description
ABC Project Characteristics Major Retirement System Replacement Use of a customized COTS system as replacement Custom development of security, reporting, and Internet system functionality Custom integration with existing systems Need to convert legacy data from replaced systems Full lifecycle initiation, analysis, design, testing, training, and implementation Environment Multiple language (Forte, Java, Fortran, COBOL, Natural, PeopleSoft, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic) and database (AdaBase, Oracle, VSAM) technologies Multiple platforms (MVS, Unix, Windows XP) Large geographic distribution with 8 regional offices Size Budget over 20 million dollars Total implementation timeframe 2.5 years 1000 internal users, 1.5 million plus external users

40 ABC Project: Scope & Change Control Challenges
RFP was incomplete as to the extent and complexity of system interfaces Existing systems were not compatible with financial data in new system Complexity of organization and approval much greater than estimated Information systems staff limitations greatly restricted workflow Contract was a fixed price bid with penalties for late deliverables Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

41 Mitigation/Contingency
Issues Management Internal Factors External Factors Issue Resolved Review and Status Issues at Weekly Meeting Resolution Generate Reports Issue Resolution Issue Tracking Risk Status Changed To Risk Escalate to the Program Review Board Issues Tracking Number Impacted Activity Impact to Project Identifier Date Target Resolution Criticality Status Name Description Possible Solution Resolution Resolution Date Issue Identified Owner Assesses and Resolves Options Mitigation/Contingency Issue Documentation Document Issue in (Access Database) Issue Analysis Analyst Assigned to Investigate and Present Options Escalate to Change Control Board Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

42 Change Control Process
Change Requested Request is Logged in the Change Control Register Impact Analysis of Making the Change or Not CCB Considers Findings PM Adjusts PMP, Budget, and Schedule to Reflect Impact Project Staff will Schedule and Implement the Requested Change Approved Change Implemented and Tested Analysis Rejected Control Board Reviews Request Triage Change Through PM Status Logged Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

43 ABC Project: Scope & Change Control Key Issues
Scope of interfaces grew by 23 additional system interactions Each interface needed to be addressed separately for client Client interpreted broad requirements as being all inclusive of additional interfaces New interfaces were estimated to cost $2.5 million and take 8 months to complete Client Project manager was involved in creating RFP so the additions were politically unacceptable Existing system would not support financial data integrity Lengthy analysis would need to carried out to determine how to change existing system Rewrite of current systems would be necessary to correctly handle record deletes Current business processes would need to reengineered to to support changes in existing system Existing system built on obsolete technology platforms Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

44 ABC Project: Scope & Change Control Key Issues
Organization complexity greatly under estimated Analysis sessions involved as many as 50 to 60 people Couldn’t get user agreement and achieve sign-off on analysis scenarios or business rules Approval process ran long taking 6 weeks instead of contract 10 days Lack of clarity of deliverables forced “analysis paralysis” IT resources over committed Technical people not adequately represented at meetings causing issues to reopened after analysis Issues could not be brought to timely resolution since technical people unavailable so design task delayed Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

45 ABC Project: Scope & Change Control Lessons Learned
Incomplete or changing requirements – Changes needed to be brought forward quickly to change control board, so project schedule wouldn’t get into trouble before approval could occur Poor planning – Greater time should have been estimated in the schedule for less clearly defined interfaces. Also time estimates for approval and review processes needed to much greater given the size and complexity of organization Lack of technical support – Technical representatives must be present in all analysis sessions to avoid costly rework and schedule delays Lack of executive support – Executive action needed to taken as soon as the financial data integrity issue was discovered The project team is demoralized because milestones are not reached – Better communication of work effort confirmation needed to occur Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

46 Project Staffing or Human Resources
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

47 DEF Project Description
Europe Merchant Performing B2B DEF Project Characteristics B2B Financial Transaction System Internet base B2B financial transaction Integrate and update an existing bank charge card system to provide clearing and account authorization Market for B2B trading in Europe Project management in US and London Environment Internet Language Java, Bank card system C and COBOL and Oracle relational database Platform (IBM Unix server, Browser client) Development and service provider in Phoenix, merchant in Europe, and financial house in London Size Budget about 2 million dollars Total implementation timeframe 6 months > 10,000 B2B traders, > 50 internal users London, UK Financial Clearing Phoenix, AZ Service Provider Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

48 DEF Project Human Resources Challenges
Needed to ramp up all staff in two weeks Needed diverse technical skill sets including WebSphere (application server), Java (object developer), HTML (artists and web front-end), Oracle (database), IBM Unix (system administrator), COBOL and C (programmers for Card System), etc. The company had limited availability of HR people for recruiting Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

49 DEF Project Human Resources Key Issues
Had to hire many contractors to meet time goals for staffing Contractors very expensive and changed planned costs Schedule had to change to reduce contractor use Contractor loyalty is always a question, and project knowledge is lost when a person leaves the team Needed to put relationships in place with placement firms Contracts needed to negotiated is a very short time Conflict with placement firms and internal HR Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

50 DEF Project Human Resources Key Issues
Needed to do many interviews Interviewed 50 Java programmers to find one hire Had to build skill lists to correctly screen applicants A big problem was finding time to allocate for interviews and interaction with placement people Lost rate after hire was depressing People quit because job was too hard People were hired and quit the day they were to report for work The market for contractors makes for difficult hiring Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

51 DEF Project Human Resources Lessons Learned
Poor planning – Needed to allocate a great amount of schedule time to the hiring functions. Needed to include time estimates in project plan for turnover and retraining Lack of required resources – Developed a relationship with a Java consulting organization and contracted with them for many people. The people had worked together before and were comfortable with their manager Turf wars over ownership – Had to let HR negotiate the rates and contacts with the placement firms to resolve battles over commission Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

52 Quality Control Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

53 DEF Project Quality Assurance Challenges
Transaction testing and execution from London to Phoenix Volume or load testing sufficient to prove US service provider will work Testing of Bank financial posting from Phoenix data center to UK banks Control of requirements and use case document versions with US and UK deployment Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

54 DEF Project Quality Assurance Key Issues
Testing of transaction across pond Band width availability varied widely depending on the time of day Failover scenarios couldn't be tested successfully with telephone company limitations on lines Difficult to get users in London to use testing software correctly Volume testing worked sometimes and didn’t other Our Java objects had a memory leak somewhere in the persistence layer The Java was plenty fast, but the back-end card system was originally designed for batch and we were using it as a real-time clearing house so performance was a problem to trouble shoot Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

55 DEF Project Quality Assurance Key Issues
UK bank standards for transactions different than US Standards differences forced developers to relearn skills and transaction types Bank encryption software had to reside on physical network in UK and band-width was a problem as well as management of the server Document management became and issue When client disagreed with requirements the excuse was that the requirements were not received We were forced to create common directories with encrypted VPN connections that created security problems to provide access to documents Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

56 DEF Project Quality Assurance Lessons Learned
Poor planning – US service provider made since conceptually, but physical location of some equipment in UK defeated the original totally outsourced provider plan Lack of required resources – Should have added a dedicated test management early to the project team and a more complete test plan would have resulted Lack of technical support – Should have used UK banking expert to resolve bank transaction problems with UK. Also needed to add staff specialized in memory leaks and diagnosis took long and create bad client relations Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

57 Project Communication
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

58 XYZ Project Description
1. Zurich, Switzerland XYZ Project Characteristics Build Medical System Develop canned medical system including Billing Patient records Lab Staffing Adapt model already used in Europe Target market State medical insurers Environment Language C++ and relational database Platform (Unix server, Windows client) Development in India, US (Phoenix, Washington DC, with engineering staff in Zurich Size Budget over 40 million dollars Total implementation timeframe 2 years > 100 internal users, > 500 external subscribers 2. Phoenix, AZ US Medical System 3. Washington, DC 3. India Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

59 XYZ Project Communications Challenges
Get three companies with different culture backgrounds on three continents to work together Make technology work effectively for development and testing across three continents Provide timely direction and control communications Manage subcontract communications effectively across geographic boundaries Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

60 XYZ Project Communications Key Issues
Culture and time differences Swiss company, German CEO and engineering staff, India off-shore development, US management of development caused conflicts Time differences limited the available teleconferences Multiple companies with conflicting statements of work Swiss owned parent to build and sell end product US consulting firm to provide US management India developers in both DC and India Who does analysis for US? Who does screen design for German code generators? How is the QA handled? Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

61 XYZ Project Communications Key Issues
Provide delivery of components, test and new product releases Problem was keeping everything in synchronization Delivery of test result was very problematic for engineers to review Managers in Zurich didn’t understand status reports from US Management staff on-site in DC were not effective Manager misrepresented credentials Manager lacked understanding of technology Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

62 XYZ Project Communications Lessons Learned
Unclear objectives – Communication of analysis work for US market needed to be rule based specification for the German engineers Poor planning – Extremely clear and detailed technical specifications were required to get productivity from India Lack of required resources – A native speaking person should be in both countries to avoid miscommunications. Also hire screening needed to be improved Lack of technical support – Communication lines between countries was too costly for the bandwidth needed, concluding that joint development could not be done and US team was moved to Zurich Turf wars over ownership or further business development – India firm wanted to push out consulting firm management Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

63 Project Management Challenges

64 Identify Project Risks and Confirm Project Feasibility
Feasibility analysis: verifies project viability Activities used to evaluate a project’s feasibility Assess the risk to the project (risk management) Determine the organizational/cultural feasibility Evaluate the technological feasibility Determine the schedule feasibility Assess the resource feasibility Perform cost/benefit (economic) analysis Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

65 Assessing the Risks to the Project (Risk Management)
Feasibility analysis also includes risk management Risk management: identify potential trouble spots Organize potential problems in risk matrix Project manager bases two strategies on matrix Preventing the negative event Developing a contingency plan Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

66 Determining Organizational and Cultural Feasibility
Identify organizational and cultural risks Some potential human risks impacting new system Low level of computer competency among employees Perceived shifting of organizational power Fear of employment loss due to increased automation Reversal of long-standing work procedures  One way to counter risks: training sessions Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

67 Evaluating the Technological Feasibility
Staffing should have technological proficiency Solutions to problem are straightforward Provide additional training Hire consultants Hire more experienced employees Possibly alter scope and approach of the project Realistic assessments speedup corrective response Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

68 Determining the Schedule Feasibility
Development of project schedule involves high risk Assumptions and estimates made without adequate information Adaptive projects very susceptible to schedule risks Project managers use milestones to evaluate pace and compensate for slippage Contingency plans help reduce the risk of slippage Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

69 Assessing the Resource Feasibility
Human and other resources to assess Primary resource consists of team members Systems analysts, system technicians, users Support staff Computer resources and physical facilities Factors adversely impacting human resource Lack of required people skill sets Relocations or departures Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

70 Determining the Economic Feasibility
Economic feasibility consists of two questions Does anticipated value of benefits exceed project costs? Is there adequate cash flow to fund the project? Cost/benefit analysis determines economic feasibility Developing cost/benefit analysis is a three-step process Estimate anticipated development and operational costs Estimate the anticipated financial benefits Subtract costs from benefits MS Project supports cost/benefit analysis Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

71 MS Project Showing Project Labor Costs
Figure 3-18 MS Project Showing Project Labor Costs Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

72 Net Present Value, Payback Period, and Return on Investment for RMO
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

73 Completing the Inception Phase
Inception activities are project foundation Summary of key deliverables of inception Project charter package Essential use case list Project schedule Cost/benefit analysis Project feasibility and risk analysis General scope and approach should be clearly defined Scope and essential use case lead to elaboration phase Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

74 Project Monitoring and Control
Maintaining pace requires periodic adjustments Methods for overseeing UP phases Manage and control plan (schedule and deliverables) Manage and control internal/external communications Manage and control the risks and outstanding issues Schedules should balance flexibility with firm targets Project manager is communication gateway or nexus Project manager should maintain log of open issues Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

75 Summary Project management processes: initiating, planning, monitoring, controlling, closing Project manager is liaison and project focal point Project Management Institute divides knowledge into nine major areas (PMBOK) Develop skills managing integration, scope, cost, quality, communication, human resources, risk, and procurement Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

76 Summary (continued) Unified Process (UP): methodology for software development UP basic premise: software developed in iterations Iteration: mini-project Four phases: inception, elaboration, construction, and transition Phases include development activities, called disciplines Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

77 Summary (continued) Nine disciplines in UP
Chief inception phase disciplines: (1) business modeling (2) environment (3) project management After inception, project manager tracks and controls project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

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