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6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 1 Chapter 0 - Overview.

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1 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 1 Chapter 0 - Overview

2 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 Security of Software Systems The topic of data security and integrity is becoming increasingly important, especially with the spread of the internet and World-Wide Web applications. Preserving the integrity of data on the one hand, and preventing the unauthorized disclosure or modification of information on the other hand, is critical to any organization which uses computer based systems.

3 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 3 In this course, we will study the basic concepts, models and techniques for providing Security in Information and Computer systems. The emphasis of the course is on the basic system software components such as: Operating Systems and Database Systems, and it is not intended to cover Cryptography and Network security in the greatest detail. Security of Software Systems, cont.

4 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 4 Preliminary List of Topics  Motivation and examples for data security problems. Organizational issues. The privacy problem. Data integrity.  Security policies and Security models.  Encryption algorithms (both classic and public key). Encryption protocols. Authentication.  Basic models for OS security. Advanced models: Capabilities, Information flow, Security in Unix and in Windows-NT.

5 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 5 Preliminary List of Topics – cont.  Program and programming language security.  Basic models for database security – Mandatory and Discretionary.  Relational database security. Authorization models. Security in Statistical databases.  Security in Networks, Internet and the Web.  Data integrity.

6 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 6 Books  Stallings and Brown Computer Security - [SB] The book I rely on most! (2 nd edition is expected October 2011)  E. Gudes and I Bayaz Security in Software Systems – Training Guide (Hovereth) – Open University – another must in this course!  C. Pfleeger and S. Pfleeger Security in Computing (4 th edition) – [P]  Summers R. Secure Computing [SU] - Another general good book  Denning D. Cryptography and Data Security [D] – a classical book, excellent discussion of Encryption Algorithms and OS Security Models

7 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 7  Schneier B. Applied Cryptography – A “bible” of modern cryptographic protocols.  Gollman, D., Computer Security (3 rd edition) – a very good book!  Stallings W. Cryptography and Network Security – A good book on this subject.  Oppliger R. Security Technologies of the World Wide Web – one of the few good books on internet and web security (a bit old)  Bishop – Computer security – good in Theory and models Books Cont.

8 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 8 Course Requirements  Four theoretical exercises – 32% of the grade.  One programming exercise – 8% of the grade.  Final Exam – 55% of the grade  Presence – must be present in at least 60% of the classes to pass the course. If present in 60% then unjustified non-presence will reduce upto 5% (weighted with exam).

9 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 9  In Hebrew. One copy in Shmurim in the library  Very good source. Together with the book [SB] covers more than 90% of the material  Highly recommended reading.  Order of course according to Hovereth not the book Open University Hovereth

10 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 10  A set of papers will be put on the course page  Some of them may be required for some homeworks Papers

11 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 11  General Guidelines: Many questions will be taken from the Hovereth or from the book [SB] Theoretical questions can be done individually or couples (more questions for couples), programming assignment should be done by couples May need to read some papers for homeworks Homeworks

12 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 12 1. Introduction, organizational security, privacy 2. Policies and Models – Homework 1 3. Cryptography – Algorithms and Protocols 4. Authentication – Homework 2 5. Security in Operating systems 6. Security in Database systems – Homework 3 7. Security in programs 8. Network and Internet security – Homework 4 9. Homework 5 (programming) will be given in the middle of the semester Hovereth and Homeworks

13 6/19/2015 Prof. Ehud Gudes Security Ch 1 13  Operating systems – or in parallel  Database systems – desirable  Or permission of Instructor  what you are not familiar with – ask! Pre-requisites

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