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Water Preservation and Restoration Lessons for K – 5 Students and Parents Paul Adams & Cami Liggett Erica Cox, Erica Stitt, Jessica Kistler, Lisa Youngers.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Preservation and Restoration Lessons for K – 5 Students and Parents Paul Adams & Cami Liggett Erica Cox, Erica Stitt, Jessica Kistler, Lisa Youngers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Preservation and Restoration Lessons for K – 5 Students and Parents Paul Adams & Cami Liggett Erica Cox, Erica Stitt, Jessica Kistler, Lisa Youngers Fort Hays State University Contact NSTA Regional Conference, Omaha, Nebraska October 21, 2006: 9:30 – 10:30

2 After School Program School site School site 5 weeks 5 weeks 1 hour lesson 1 hour lesson 60 students 60 students –30 K-2 –30 3-5 –Divided into groups of 15 4 Teams of pre-service teachers (4-5) 4 Teams of pre-service teachers (4-5)

3 Intent Why do we have this Internship? Why do we have this Internship? –To give math/science pre-service teachers experience in: Developing content knowledge Developing content knowledge Developing pedagogical skills Developing pedagogical skills Practicing classroom management skills Practicing classroom management skills

4 Structure Theme identification Theme identification –Interest/Importance For Fall 2006 Water Conservation and Water Restoration was selected For Fall 2006 Water Conservation and Water Restoration was selected Content Knowledge Content Knowledge –Workshop with experts –Tour of Water Treatment and Sewer Plants –Water Teaching Resources

5 Preparation Each team had 3 weeks to develop and receive approval of lessons Each team had 3 weeks to develop and receive approval of lessons Assessment development Assessment development –Pre/Post Take home activities Take home activities Utilize standard format Utilize standard format Parent Survey Parent Survey –Pre/Post

6 Water as a Source of Life Water Cycle -Read Magic School Bus: Wet All Over-Integration of visuals and literature -Make a water wheel- Integration of manipulatives, mathematics and art -Make a step-by-step bracelet- Integration of science and manipulatives -Observe an instant water cycle- Integration of science and mathematics Aquifers and Groundwater -Movie on groundwater Water movement activity -Create an aquifer- math integration Watersheds -Math integration- counting water drops and measuring extension -Activities- Watershed picture matching game, Watershed clay sculpture, Pollution investigation, Take home activity: Rain Tracking Water Conservation -Graphic Organizer -Background Information -Estimation Activity -Water Demonstration -Discussion -Whiteboard Activity -In class Activity: Advertisement -Take home Activity Water Pollution -Fish observation activity -Water pollution demonstration -Math integration: counting trash pieces -Take home activity

7 Reflection Each team completes a final synopsis of their experience by analysis of pre/post assessments Each team completes a final synopsis of their experience by analysis of pre/post assessments A revision of each lesson is based on the teaching experience A revision of each lesson is based on the teaching experience

8 VISIT US ONLINE!!! Visit this site for final versions of the units Visit this site for final versions of the units

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