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Jeopardy! Second Grade Language Arts in Action. ContractionsAntonymsCapitalization Nouns That Begin With “O” Elements of a Friendly Letter 100 200 300.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Second Grade Language Arts in Action. ContractionsAntonymsCapitalization Nouns That Begin With “O” Elements of a Friendly Letter 100 200 300."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Second Grade Language Arts in Action

2 ContractionsAntonymsCapitalization Nouns That Begin With “O” Elements of a Friendly Letter 100 200 300 400

3 Contractions for 100 Question: What word will you make- is + not = ? Answer: isn’t.

4 Contractions for 200 Question: What word will you make - do + not = ? Answer: don’t.

5 Contractions for 300 Question: What word will you make - can + not = ? Answer: can’t.

6 Contractions for 400 Question: What word will you make - will + not = ? Answer: won’t.

7 Antonyms for 100 Question: What is the antonym of Aunt? Answer: Uncle.

8 Antonyms for 200 Question: What is the antonym of Upstairs? Answer: Downstairs.

9 Antonyms for 300 Question: What is the antonym of Day? Answer: Night.

10 Antonyms for 400 Question: What is the antonym of Happy? Answer: Sad.

11 Capitalization for 100 Question: What word needs capitalization? “my sister is four years old.” Answer: “My” should be capitalized.

12 Capitalization for 200 Question: What word needs capitalization? “I live in california.” Answer: “California” should be capitalized.

13 Capitalization for 300 Question: What word needs capitalization? “ My Grandpa fred is nice.” Answer: “Fred” needs capitalization.

14 Capitalization for 400 Question: What word needs capitalization? “ George Bush is the president of the United States.” Answer: “President” needs capitalization.

15 Nouns that Begin with “O” for 100 Question: What sea creature has eight legs? Answer: Octopus.

16 Nouns that Begin with “O” for 200 Question: What do you call a black and white cookie? Answer: Oreo.

17 Nouns that Begin with “O” for 300 Question: What fruit makes a delicious morning drink? Answer: Orange.

18 Nouns that Begin with “O” for 400 Question: What shape has eight sides? Answer: Octagon.

19 Elements of a Friendly Letter for 100 Question: What is this called - May 9, 2007? Answer: The Date.

20 Elements of a Friendly Letter for 200 Question: What is this called - “Dear Mother,” ? Answer: The salutation.

21 Elements of a Friendly Letter for 300 Question: What do you call the portion of a letter that contains the written information? Answer: The Body.

22 Elements of a Friendly Letter for 400 Question: What do you call it when you sign your name? Answer: Your signature.

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