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March 14, 2005 SDI Concepcion Introduction to Spatial Data Infrastructures Werner Kuhn.

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Presentation on theme: "March 14, 2005 SDI Concepcion Introduction to Spatial Data Infrastructures Werner Kuhn."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 14, 2005 SDI Concepcion Introduction to Spatial Data Infrastructures Werner Kuhn

2 SDI Introduction 2 Today  Motivation for the course topic through an analogy a case study  Sketch basic ideas of SDI  Course plan Lectures Readings Practicals

3 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 3 An analogy: Cooking  Discuss the infrastructure for preparing food What do you need? Where do you get it? Where does it come from? Who is involved in the „food chain“? Can you cook at a friend‘s home?

4 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 4 Elements of the cooking infrastructure  Food: contents  Kitchen ware, stove etc.: technology  Cooks, waiters, diners, farmers etc.: people

5 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 5 Characteristics  Modularity: lots of components  Flexibility: change ingredients, delivery mode and time, etc.  Openness: add elements (e.g., a microwave), change food suppliers, etc.  Standards: packaging, stores, stoves, etc.

6 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 6 Compare with Maps  „cooking“ a map (old style) What do you need? Where do you get it? Where does it come from? Who is involved in the „food chain“? Can you „cook“ at a friend‘s home or office?

7 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 7 Maps for Users GIS Specialists Yesterday

8 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 8 Services for systems and users, built by Geo- and GI-Scientists Tomorrow

9 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 9 Business Opportunities 1.More potato sales customers: cooks (i.e., service providers) small margins improved content information (metadata) 2.More restaurants customers: those who can afford it big margins some economies of scale multiplier for potato sales 3.Develop mass products/services (chips) customers: everybody huge margins huge economies of scale life line for potato growers

10 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 10 Business requirements  Sales result from uses  Uses occur through services  Services support decisions by content integration  Content integration occurs in services => It is all about services, not about data!

11 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 11 The wrong analogy ?  Multiple sales of products and services but: multiple sales of data are rare  Complexity of our „potatoes“ but: still need simple products and services  What has all this to do with SDI? Market for Geographic Information (GI) requires infrastructures Mass use of GI products is likely

12 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 12 Other useful analogies  Infrastructures for Transportation Telecommunication Electricity Education....  All of these have something to teach us

13 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 13 So, what is an SDI ?  No official and general definition yet  My own attempt: An SDI is a coordinated series of agreements on technology standards, institutional arrangements, and policies that enable the discovery and use of geospatial information by users and for purposes other than those it was created for.  Identifying the stake-holders and the subjects of agreements is the key step  OGC has created the model for the necessary consensus process.

14 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 14 Core ideas  Distribution  Coordination  Sharing  Interoperability  Interfaces  Standards  Architecture  Metadata  Policies

15 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 15 Scopes of SDI  Local  National  Regional  Global  Sectoral

16 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 16 GSDI = Global SDI  critical to substantial and sustainable development  involvement and support of decision makers at the highest levels of business, government and academia (G7 countries, UN Institutions, World Bank etc.)  requires education and research activities which transcend the purely technical treatment of spatial data  So far: conferences and other publications

17 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 17 Why this change from GIS to SDI ?  Non-usability of GIS  Market growth for GI(S) industry  E-Government initiatives at all levels  Economic pressure to recover investments

18 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 18 Drivers  The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)  ISO TC 211  High-level government initiatives  Regional initiatives (US NSDI, NRW, Emilia Romagna, Galicia,...)  In Europe: INSPIRE

19 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 19 What has changed from old-style GIS ?  Multi-vendor architectures  Multi-source data  Multi-user applications  Multi-organization projects  Diminished control over information use

20 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 20 Geolibraries  One stop shops (includes international data) (beta version)  Integration with GIS access data and services from your GIS based on OGC web service specifications e.g.,

21 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 21 Observations  Lots of data (somewhere) rarely connected to infrastructure spotty regional coverage thematic variety, without ontology  Few services single, isolated functionality often tied to a database  Lack of business models free vs paid per use vs licensing commercial uncertainty paralyzes markets

22 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 22 Reference Data  Idea: spatial data provide a common reference frame for domain information examples: administrative boundaries, roads  But: which spatial entities should be used as reference? no theory practice: see INSPIRE catalog need to be well-defined and widely (maybe freely) available

23 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 23 The Growing Role of Services  Bottled functionality  (Mass) uses occur through services  Services integrate content for decisions

24 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 24 Background: Data Abstraction  Data with associated methods define modules Parnas, D. L. (1972). "On the Criteria to be used in Decomposing Systems into Modules." ACM Communications 15(12): 1053-1058.  Interfaces in object-orientation  SCOTS in OGC

25 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 25 SDI, a misnomer  The goal is not „data exchange“, but sharing of information  Sometimes SDI are also called Geospatial Information Infrastructures (GII)  But SDI has stuck (NSDI, GSDI etc.)

26 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 26 An SDI Case Study  German state of North-Rhine Westphalia  18 Mio inhabitants  Highly industrial  Several small IT companies in the GI area  Very heterogeneous GI production

27 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 27 Success factors  Politicians wanted a show-off project in the media business  State funding 1999 to 2002  Very active PPP  Life-critical co-opetition between small IT companies

28 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 28 GDI Reference model User model Process model Implementation model Business model Architecture model

29 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 29 User model  Requirements for GI from user perspective  Specification based on market study  Results: Priorities for action B2B focus on Telecommunication Trade, banks, insurances Involve more stake holders (e.g. Municipalities)

30 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 30 Business model  Specification of value chains  Specification of GI products and services  Neutral coordinating organisation Coordinates implementation projects Maintains local standards marketing of infrastructure

31 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 31 Process model  Describes technical processes  Links other models  Focus on Publishing GI services Discover GI products and services Purchase Assemble GI products on the fly

32 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 32 Architecture model  Specification of a Service Architecture  In close cooperation with Special Interest Groups (SIGs)  Based on Web Services: Mapping Service Catalog Service Data Access Services e-Commerce Services  Results proof-of-concept through GDI Testbeds (see separate slides)

33 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 33 Goals of this SDI Course 1.Familiarize yourself with the basic ideas and terminology around SDI 2.Awareness of some SDI initiatives and of some key literature 3.Develop skills for project planning and proposal writing

34 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 34 Course idea  Three topical blocks Technology Semantics People (institutions, policies)  Each introduced by a lecture  Followed by individual readings

35 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 35 Course Program  Monday, March 14 Introduction Goals and Schedule Collect materials Organize groups Skim Cookbook and read Chapters 1-2  Tuesday, March 15 Lecture on Technology Read Cookbook Chapters 5-7 Brainstorm in groups on possible project goals  Wednesday, March 16 Technology discussion (based on readings so far) Read Cookbook Chapters 3-4 Write „one pager“ on proposal: problem-approach-results  Thursday, March 17 Lecture on Semantics Read Geospatial Semantics paper (first part) Write abstract and state of the art for proposal

36 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 36 Course Program (cont‘d)  Friday, March 18 Semantics discussion (based on reading) Read Geospatial Semantics paper (rest) Draft work plan for proposal  Monday, March 21 Lecture on institutional and policy arrangements Read Onsrud et al. chapter Finish work plan for proposal (with deliverables)  Tuesday, March 22 Discussion of Onsrud et al. chapter Write time schedule and budget for proposal Prepare proposal presentation  Wednesday, March 23 Review of SDI topic Present proposal

37 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 37 Practicals  SDI need to be implemented to really understand the problems  Time needed: approximately 3-5 years for around 30-50 technical experts...  for a short course like this: there are no „toy SDI“ lab exercises with web servers often fail Alternative: identify research needs and work program Combine with soft skills of proposal writing and presenting

38 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 38 Your task in this course  write a proposal sketch  for research or development project  on a local or regional SDI  in groups of 4 participants Manager: organizes, presents, writes abstract Engineer: architecture, technical specifications Scientist: research questions, literature „Moneyman“: budget, funding sources  today: form groups and assign roles

39 Werner KuhnSDI Introduction 39 Materials  To read and discuss during the course: Nebert (Ed.): The GSDI Cookbook (excerpts – today: skim and read Chapters 1-2) Kuhn: Geospatial Semantics – why, of what, how? Onsrud et al.: The Future of the Spatial Information Infrastructure.  Additional resources throughout the course

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