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Signal Modeling for Robust Speech Recognition With Frequency Warping and Convex Optimization Yoon Kim March 8, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Signal Modeling for Robust Speech Recognition With Frequency Warping and Convex Optimization Yoon Kim March 8, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signal Modeling for Robust Speech Recognition With Frequency Warping and Convex Optimization Yoon Kim March 8, 2000

2 Outline Introduction and Motivation Speech Analysis with Frequency Warping Speaker Normalization with Convex Optimization Experimental Results Conclusions

3 Problem Definition Devise effective and robust features for speech recognition that are insensitive to mismatches in individual speaker acoustics and environment How can we process the signal such that the acoustic mismatch is minimized ?

4 Robust Signal Modeling Feature Extraction –Derives a compact, yet effective representation Feature Normalization –Compensates for the acoustic mismatch between the training and testing conditions

5 Part I: Feature Extraction for Speech Recognition

6 Cepstral Analysis of Speech Most popular choice for speech recognition Cepstrum is defined as the inverse Fourier transform of the log spectrum Truncated to length L (smoothes log spectrum)

7 FFT-Based Feature Extraction Perceptually motivated FFT filterbank is used to emulate the auditory system Analysis is directly affected by fine harmonics Examples –Mel Frequency Cepstral Analysis –Perceptual Linear Prediction (PLP)

8 LP-Based Feature Extraction Linear prediction provides a smooth spectrum mostly containing vocal-tract information Frequency warping is not straightforward Examples –Frequency-Warped Linear Prediction –Time-domain Warped Linear Prediction

9 Part I: Non-uniform Linear Predictive Analysis of Speech

10 Basic Ideas of the NLP Analysis Frequency warping of the vocal-tract spectrum using non-uniform DFT (NDFT) Bark-frequency scale is used for warping Pre- and post-warp linear prediction smoothing

11 Bark Bilinear Transform For an appropriately chosen ρ, the mapping closely resembles a Bark mapping

12 Figure: Bark-Frequency Warping

13 Pre-Warp Linear Prediction Vocal-tract transfer function H(z) can be represented by an all-pole model

14 NDFT Frequency Warping NDFT of the vocal-tract impulse response ω k : Frequency grid of Bark bilinear transform

15 Post-Warp Linear Prediction Take the IDFT of the power spectrum to get the warped autocorrelation coefficients Durbin recursion to get new LP coefficients

16 Conversion to Cepstrum Convert warped LP parameters to a set of L cepstral parameters via recursion

17 NDFT Warping: Vowel /u/


19 Clustering Measures Derive meaningful measures to assess how well the feature clusters of each class (vowel) can be separated and discriminated Three measures were considered –Determinant measure –Trace measure –Inverse trace measure

20 Scatter Matrices S W : Within-class scatter matrix S B : Between-class scatter matrix S T : Total scatter matrix

21 Determinant Measure Ratio of the between-class and within-class scattering volume Larger the value, better the clustering

22 Trace Measure Ratio of the sum of scattering radii of between-class and within-class scatter Larger the better

23 Inverse Trace Measure Sum of within-class scattering radii normalized by the total scatter Smaller the better

24 Vowel Clustering Performance We compared the values of the scattering measures discussed to assess the clustering performance of the NLP cepstrum Mel, PLP and LP techniques were also tested for comparison

25 Steady-State Vowel Database Eleven steady-state English vowels from 23 speakers (12 male, 9 female, 2 children) Sampling rate: 10 kHz Each speaker provided 6 frames of steady- state vowel segments

26 Results: Vowel Clustering

27 2-D Vowel Clusters: /a/ /i/ /o/

28 2-D Vowel Clusters: /a/ /e/ /i/

29 Part II: Feature Normalization for Speaker Acoustics Matching

30 Speech Recognition Problem Given a sequence of acoustic feature vectors X extracted from speech, find the most likely word string that could have been uttered

31 HMM Acoustic Model Hidden Markov Models (HMMs): Each phone unit is modeled as a sequence of hidden states Speech dynamics modeled as transitions from one state to another Each state has a feature probability distribution Goal: Guess the underlying state sequence (phone string) from the observable features

32 Example: HMM Word Model Digit: “one” pause/w//Λ//n/pause 12345

33 Why Speaker Normalization ? Most speech recognition systems use statistical models trained using a large database with the hope that the testing conditions will be similar Acoustic mismatches between the speakers used in training and testing result in unacceptable degradation of recognition performance

34 Prior Work in Speaker Normalization Normalization usually refers to modification of the features to fit a statistical model Vocal-tract length normalization (VTLN) –Attempts to alter the resonant frequencies of the vocal-tract by warping the frequency axis –Linear warping –All-pass warping (bilinear transform)

35 Prior Work: Speaker Adaptation Adaptation usually refers to modification of the model parameters to fit the data Maximum Likelihood Bias ML Linear Regression (MLLR)

36 Part II: Speaker Normalization with Maximum-Likelihood Affine Cepstral Filtering

37 Linear Cepstral Filtering (LCF) We propose the following linear, Toeplitz transformation of the cepstral feature vectors

38 Linear Cepstral Filtering (LCF) H represents the linear cepstral transformation for normalizing speaker acoustics. The matrix operation corresponds to –Convolution in the cepstral domain –Log spectral filtering in the frequency domain

39 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Find the optimal normalization H such that the transformed features yield maximum likelihood with respect to a given model Λ Only L parameters for estimation (instead of L 2 )

40 Commutative Property of LCF Due to the commutative property of the convolution, the transformed cepstrum can also be expressed as a linear function of the filter h

41 Solution: Single Gaussian Case Let c (i) be the i-th feature of the data (i=0,…,N-1) Let the distribution corresponding to c (i) be Gaussian with mean μ i and covariance Σ i Total log-likelihood of transformed feature data set is a concave, quadratic function of the filter h

42 Solution: Single Gaussian Case Since the negative of the log-likelihood is convex in h, there exists a unique ML solution h *

43 Case: Gaussian Mixture Log-likelihood is no longer a convex function Approximation: We use the single Gaussian density for ML filter estimation Past studies support the validity of the approx.

44 Case: Log-Concave PDFs For any distribution that is log-concave, ML estimation can be posed as a convex problem Examples –Laplace: p(x) = (1/2a) exp(-|x|/a) –Uniform: p(x) = 1/(2a) on [-a, a] –Rayleigh: p(x) = (2/a) x exp(-x 2 /b), x > 0

45 Affine Cepstral Filtering (ACF) We can extend the linear transformation to an affine form by adding a cepstral bias term v Bias models channel and other additive effects Joint optimization of filter and bias leads to a more flexible transformation of the cepstral space

46 Solution: Affine Transformation By combining the filter h and bias v into an augmented design vector x, the joint ML solution can be easily attained by extending the linear case

47 Example: Vowel /ah/ No Warping, No Normalization

48 Vowel /ah/: With NLP Warping, No Normalization

49 Vowel /ah/: With NLP Warping and LCF Normalization

50 Example: Vowel /oh/ No Warping, No Normalization

51 Vowel /oh/: With NLP Warping, No Normalization

52 Vowel /oh/: With NLP Warping and LCF Normalization

53 Normalization in Training For each speaker in the training database, ML filter and bias vectors are estimated using the unnormalized model Λ ML transformation is applied to the feature vectors for each speaker A normalized, Gaussian-mixture model is trained using the normalized features

54 Normalization in Recognition Given a set of enrollment data, normalization parameters are estimated for each speaker We apply the speaker-dependent mapping to subsequent data from the speaker Transformation can be regarded as a statistical “spectral equalizer” applied to each speaker to optimally fit the normalized model

55 Frame-Based Vowel Recognition Same vowel database used for clustering (23 speakers, 11 steady-state vowels) 4 speakers in the test set provided a total of 18 frames; 6 frames were used for estimation LP, PLP, Mel, and NLP features considered Recognition performance: Error rate (%)

56 Results: Vowel Recognition

57 Summary: Vowel Recognition

58 HMM Digit Recognition TIDIGITS corpus: 326 speakers providing 77 digit sequences in a quiet environment Digits: 1-9, “zero” and “oh” 8-state HMM for each digit Varied # of Gaussians/state from 1 to 15, and the best result was selected

59 Case: Adult Data on Adult Model HMM for each digit was trained with data from 112 adult speakers (55 male, 57 female) Another set of 113 adult speakers were used for testing (56 male, 57 female) One utterance per digit was used for estimating the normalization parameters for each speaker

60 Digit Results: Adult on Adult

61 Case: Child Data on Adult Model Case of severe mismatch between the training and testing speaker acoustics Model: 112 adults Test set: 100 children (50 boys, 50 girls)

62 Digit Results: Child on Adult

63 Summary: Digit Recognition

64 Conclusions Speaker normalization was achieved using NLP frequency warping and ML affine cepstral filtering

65 Conclusions Speaker normalization was achieved using NLP frequency warping and ML affine cepstral filtering A unified framework for optimizing the matrix and bias parameters was presented using simple convex programming

66 Conclusions Speaker normalization was achieved using NLP frequency warping and ML affine cepstral filtering A unified framework for optimizing the matrix and bias parameters was presented using simple convex programming Proposed signal modeling techniques gave considerable boost in recognition performance, even for severely mismatched conditions

67 Future Research Compensation of noise and channel mismatches Joint optimization of frequency warping and affine transform parameters Investigation of other optimality criteria for stochastic matching

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