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Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) SMARTxAC: A Passive Monitoring and Analysis System for High-Speed.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) SMARTxAC: A Passive Monitoring and Analysis System for High-Speed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) SMARTxAC: A Passive Monitoring and Analysis System for High-Speed Networks TERENA Networking Conference 2006 Pere Barlet-Ros Josep Solé-Pareta Javier Barrantes Eva Codina Jordi Domingo-Pascual {pbarlet, pareta, jbarranp, ecodina, jordid} Acknowledgment: This work has been partially supported by CESCA (SMARTxAC agreement) and the Spanish MEC (ref. TSI2005-07520-C03-02)

2 SMARTxAC SMARTxAC: Traffic Monitoring and Analysis System for the Anella Científica  Operative since July 2003  Developed under a collaboration agreement CESCA-UPC  Tailor-made traffic monitoring system for the Anella Científica Main objectives  Low-cost platform  Continuous monitoring of high-speed links without packet loss  Detection of network anomalies and irregular usage  Multi-user system: Network operators and Institutions Measurement of two full-duplex GigE links  Connection between Anella Científica and RedIRIS  Current load: ≈ 1.5 Gbps / ≈ 270 Kpps

3 Anella Científica Measurement point 2 x GigE full-duplex

4 Daily Network Usage

5 System Architecture Monitoring high-speed links is challenging  Collection of Gbps and storage of Terabytes of data per day  Limitations of current technology –CPU power, memory access speeds, bus and disk bandwidth, storage capacity, etc. Tailor-made system divided according to real-time constraints and running on different computers  Capture System (severe real-time constraints)  Traffic Analysis System (soft real-time constraints)  Result Visualization System (user driven) Data reduction: Early discard unnecessary information  Improve performance  Reduce storage requirements

6 Measurement Scenario dag0 dag1 REDIRIS Other Regional Nodes ESPANIX GÉANT Capture System (DAG 4.3GE + GPS) Traffic Analysis System (Linux) Result Visualization System Private network 2 Gbps CISCO 6513 (Anella Científica) Juniper M-20 (RedIRIS) RedIRIS (Madrid) Internet Connection 2 x 2Gbps ANELLA CIENTÍFICA RedIRIS Global Internet Management network

7 Capture System Capture hardware  Intel Xeon 2.4 GHz. + 1 GB. RAM  2 x Endace DAG 4.3GE  4 x Optical splitters  Precise timestamping using GPS (Trimble Acutime 2000) Capture software  Multi-threaded implementation  Collection of packet-headers without loss (no sampling)  5-tuple flow aggregation  Aggregated flows are sent to the Analysis System Data Reduction  Header collection: ≈1:10(90 GB/min  9 GB/min)  Flow aggregation: ≈1:200(45 GB/5 min  200 MB/5 min)  Some data is kept to analyze anomalies (window of ≈ 20 GB.)

8 Measurement Scenario dag0 dag1 REDIRIS Other Regional Nodes ESPANIX GÉANT Capture System (DAG 4.3GE + GPS) Traffic Analysis System Result Visualization System Private network 2 Gbps CISCO 6513 (Anella Científica) Juniper M-20 (RedIRIS) RedIRIS (Madrid) Internet Connection 2 x 2Gbps ANELLA CIENTÍFICA RedIRIS Global Internet Management network

9 Traffic Analysis System Analysis hardware  Pentium IV 2.6 GHz. + 1 GB. RAM Analysis Software  Aggregation of 5-tuple flows into classified flows –  –Origins: Institutions (also Network access points) –Destinations: External networks RedIRIS is connected to –Bidirectional aggregation  This classification can be useful for charging/cost-sharing Data reduction  Classified flows: >1:1000 (≈ 60 GB/day  ≈ 50 MB/day)  Compared with header traces: > 1:250000 (≈ 13 TB/day)

10 Measurement Scenario dag0 dag1 REDIRIS Other Regional Nodes ESPANIX GÉANT Capture System (DAG 4.3GE + GPS) Traffic Analysis System Result Visualization System Private network 2 Gbps CISCO 6513 (Anella Científica) Juniper M-20 (RedIRIS) RedIRIS (Madrid) Internet Connection 2 x 2Gbps ANELLA CIENTÍFICA RedIRIS Global Internet Management network

11 Result Visualization System Hardware  Pentium III 450 MHz. Software  Web-based graphical interface  Institutions only have access to their own statistics  Graphs are generated on demand Available graphs  More than 300 combinations of graphs per institution and day  Statistics are updated every 5 minutes  Also weekly, monthly and yearly reports

12 Use case 1: Port Scanning Traffic profile per application (bps)

13 Use case 1: Port Scanning Traffic profile per application (flows/s)

14 Use case 1: Port Scanning Destination port: MySQL (tcp/3306) SRC IPDST IPSRC PORTDST PORT A.B.44.149C.D.120.25321533306 A.B.45.75E.F.60.10825263306 A.B.44.149C.D.206.18819073306 A.B.44.149C.D.127.436943306 A.B.44.149C.D.155.6435253306 A.B.44.149C.D.183.12433533306 A.B.44.149C.D.192.5618913306 A.B.45.75E.F.46.18026723306 A.B.44.149C.D.220.11617193306 A.B.45.75E.F.63.2332123306 A.B.45.75E.F.24.24144153306 A.B.44.149C.D.151.22826673306 A.B.45.75E.F.73.11522013306 A.B.44.149C.D.123.16828333306 A.B.45.75E.F.16.12622393306

15 Use case 2: Warez Server Traffic profile per application (bps)

16 Use case 2: Warez Server Top-10 (bytes)

17 Use case 3: Denial-of-Service Traffic profile per application (bps)

18 Anomaly Detection Threshold-based anomaly detection  An upper and lower traffic threshold can be set per institution  Thresholds: bits/sec, packets/sec and flows/sec  Different intervals: day/night and workday/weekend  Once an anomaly is detected additional information is kept –Additional information can be reviewed later offline Profile-based anomaly detection (work in progress)  Time-series prediction (adaptive linear filter)  It is not needed to know the “ordinary” traffic profile  Anomalies are detected when actual traffic differs from its predicted value  Thresholds mitigate limitations of adaptive prediction with long- term anomalies

19 Identification of Network Applications Traffic classification in SMARTxAC is based on port numbers  Port-based classification is no longer reliable  P2P, dynamic ports, tunnelling, web-based services, … We are developing a classification method based on machine learning techniques  It learns features of traffic flows that identify a given application  Packet payloads are only needed in the training phase  Once the system is trained only packet headers are needed

20 Preliminary Results (Accuracy)

21 Port-based vs. Machine Learning Port-based Machine learning

22 Conclusions SMARTxAC is a tailor-made network monitoring system that  Operates at gigabit speeds without packet loss  It is relatively low-cost  Provides very detailed information about the network usage  Multi-user system: network operators and institutions Since 2003, SMARTxAC is daily used by CESCA to detect anomalies, attacks, performance problems, network faults, etc. Future work  Anomaly detection and application identification  Sampling, IPv6 support, …  Deployment of more measurement points in the Anella Científica  Release the source code under an open-source license  Collaboration with Intel’s CoMo:

23 Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) SMARTxAC: A Passive Monitoring and Analysis System for High-Speed Networks TERENA Networking Conference 2006 Pere Barlet-Ros Josep Solé-Pareta Javier Barrantes Eva Codina Jordi Domingo-Pascual {pbarlet, pareta, jbarranp, ecodina, jordid} Acknowledgment: This work has been partially supported by CESCA (SMARTxAC agreement) and the Spanish MEC (ref. TSI2005-07520-C03-02)

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