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Effects of Roads. General Roads can –Increase runoff from impervious surface –Increase surface water temperatures –Increase the number of pollutants entering.

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1 Effects of Roads

2 General Roads can –Increase runoff from impervious surface –Increase surface water temperatures –Increase the number of pollutants entering the landscape Construction of –Roads can cause siltation in streams –Roads can be unsightly in nature –Infrastructure can cause unnecessary pollution and sprawl

3 Problems in Charlotte May Include –Runoff Pollution Surface temperatures Siltation –Habitat Fragmentation Broken landscapes Noise from vehicles –Altered flows Blocking streams Create unnatural areas (culverts or bridges)


5 About the Roads Using the landuse maps, we are able to see the roads and railways that run through the town of Charlotte The major roadways run North-South, while secondary roads tend to run east-west Most single family housing coincides with major roads in Charlotte –Route 7, Greenbush Road, Spear Street –Which came first, the roads or the development???

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