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1 VALENCIA TESTBED SITE IFIC (Instituto de Física Corpuscular) Universitat de València-CSIC.

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Presentation on theme: "1 VALENCIA TESTBED SITE IFIC (Instituto de Física Corpuscular) Universitat de València-CSIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 VALENCIA TESTBED SITE IFIC (Instituto de Física Corpuscular) Universitat de València-CSIC

2 IFIC (CSIC-València)2 GoG Farm z192 Athlon PC (134 IFIC + 58 ICMOL) yVIA KT133A & KT266A based MotherBoard yCPU: AMD Athlon K7 @ 1.2 & 1.4 GHz yRAM: 2x512 Mbytes (SDRAM & DDR SDRAM) yHD: 40 Gbytes yNIC: 3COM 905CX & RealTek RTL8139 (Fast Ethernet + PXE) y2U chassis

3 IFIC (CSIC-València)3 GoG Farm z9 racks (800x600 mm) z22 PCs + 1 network switch per rack z2U chassis with 3 fans ypros: xless space required ycons: xadd 240 euros per PC (aprox.) xheat concentration

4 IFIC (CSIC-València)4 GoG Farm

5 IFIC (CSIC-València)5 GoG Farm

6 IFIC (CSIC-València)6 GoG Farm

7 IFIC (CSIC-València)7 GoG Farm

8 IFIC (CSIC-València)8 GoG Farm 2U chassis Athlon PC

9 IFIC (CSIC-València)9 Local Network

10 IFIC (CSIC-València)10 Local Network zAll Worker Nodes have private IP addresses in the net ysecure environment yadministrative independence from University network management staff zCommunication equipment have public IP addresses in the net ycan be monitored and upgraded from University centralized service

11 IFIC (CSIC-València)11 Local network zExternal communications go through gog01 in which NAT rules are applied yConnections from Worker Nodes to public nodes are allowed through masquerading with some restrictions, eg: xFTP requires passive mode yConnections from external nodes to Worker Nodes requires a previous NAT rule to be configured.

12 IFIC (CSIC-València)12 Monitoring z GoG Heartbeat ySenders (worker nodes) send multicast packets with node info & status in xml format at time intervals. yReceivers collect info to build statistics or to present a graphical view of the farm to an operator ypros: xconnectionless xseveral receivers can run at the same time ycons: xeverybody can read packets

13 IFIC (CSIC-València)13 Monitoring zMain window: ydead/alive status ycpu usage ymemory ydisk (picture refers to IFIC network, not farm)

14 IFIC (CSIC-València)14 Monitoring zClient info window yreflects info sent by the client yas obtained mostly from /proc

15 IFIC (CSIC-València)15 LCFG configuration zLCFG configuration is being deployed zWorker nodes boots always using PXE zDHCP server sends: yA PXE_MENU with remote linux image and parameters the first time. yA PXE_MENU with local boot other times

16 IFIC (CSIC-València)16 LCFG configuration zUse slightly modified LCFG package to: yuse PXE booting yallow extended partitions on HD yallow different domain than ypdomain ynotify DHCP server at the end of installation the first time

17 IFIC (CSIC-València)17 LCFG configuration zWe plan to switch to LCFG to configure Worker Nodes, but lack of some LCFG objects prevent us from doing it now (however, it seems that it will be solved soon) zBut, we will use LCFG to configure our Crossgrid TestBed for sure.

18 IFIC (CSIC-València)18 Current grid Activities zWe are participating in this year in the DATA CHALLENGE (DC1) of ATLAS experiment with to goals: yEvent production in our farm in order to provide samples for physics studies and make the Technical Design Report for the end of 2002. yTo test in our farm the new software, including Geant4, the new event data model and the evaluation of database technologies (e.g. Root-I/O).

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