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CPSC 311, Fall 2009 1 CPSC 311 Analysis of Algorithms Disjoint Sets Prof. Jennifer Welch Fall 2009
CPSC 311, Fall 20092 Disjoint Sets Abstract Data Type State: collection of disjoint dynamic sets number of sets and composition can change, but must always be disjoint each set has representative element, serves as name of the set Operations: Make-Set(x): creates {x} and adds to collection of sets Union(x,y): replaces x's set S x and y's set S y with S x U S y Find-Set(x): returns (pointer to) the representative of the set containing x
CPSC 311, Fall 20093 Disjoint Sets Example Make-Set(a) Make-Set(b) Make-Set(c ) Make-Set(d) Union(a,b) Union(c,d) Find-Set(b) Find-Set(d) Union(b,d) b a c d returns a returns c
CPSC 311, Fall 20094 Sample Use of Disjoint Sets Algorithm to find all connected components in an undirected graph Initially make each graph vertex into its own disjoint set (use MakeSet) Consider each graph edge in turn: if the two endpoints are in different sets (use FindSet to test), then Union the two sets together End result is that there is one set in the disjoint sets data structure for each connected component of the graph, containing exactly the vertices of that component
CPSC 311, Fall 20095 Linked List Representation Store set elements in a linked list each list node has a pointer to the next list node First list node is set representative (rep) Each list node also has a pointer to the first list node (rep) Keep external pointers to first list node (rep) and last list node (tail)
CPSC 311, Fall 20096 Linked List Representation edafbc rep tailreptailreptail
CPSC 311, Fall 20097 Linked List Representation Make-Set(x): make a new linked list containing just a node for x O(1) time Find-Set(x): given (pointer to) linked list node containing x, follow rep pointer to head of list O(1) time Union(x,y): append x's list to end of y's list and update all rep pointers in x's old list to point to head of y's list O(size of x's old list) time
CPSC 311, Fall 20098 Time Analysis What is worst-case time for any sequence of Disjoint Set operations, using the linked list representation? Let m be number of ops in the sequence Let n be number of Make-Set ops (i.e., number of elements)
CPSC 311, Fall 20099 Expensive Case MS(x 1 ), MS(x 2 ), …, MS(x n ), U(x 1,x 2 ), U(x 2,x 3 ), …, U(x n-1,x n ) Total time is O(n 2 ), which is O(m 2 ) since m = 2n - 1 So amortized time per operation is O(m 2 )/m = O(m)
CPSC 311, Fall 200910 Linked List with Weighted Union Always append smaller list to larger list Need to keep count of number of elements in list (weight) in rep node Calculate worst-case time for a sequence of m operations. Make-Set and Find-Set operations contribute O(m) total
CPSC 311, Fall 200911 Analyzing Time for All Unions How many times can the rep pointer for an arbitrary node x be updated? First time x's rep pointer is updated, the new set has at least 2 elements Second time x's rep pointer is updated, the new set has at least 4 elements x's set has at least 2 and the other set is at least as large as x's set
CPSC 311, Fall 200912 Analyzing Time for All Unions The maximum size of a set is n (the number of Make-Set ops in the sequence) So x's rep pointer can be updated at most log n times. Thus total time for all unions is O(n log n). Note style of counting - focus on one element and how it fares over all the Unions
CPSC 311, Fall 200913 Amortized Time Grand total for sequence is O(m+n log n) Amortized cost per Make-Set and Find-Set is O(1) Amortized cost per Union is O(log n) since there can be at most n - 1 Union ops.
CPSC 311, Fall 200914 Tree Representation Can we improve on the linked list with weighted union representation? Use a collection of trees, one per set The rep is the root Each node has a pointer to its parent in the tree
CPSC 311, Fall 200915 Tree Representation a de b f c
CPSC 311, Fall 200916 Analysis of Tree Implementation Make-Set: make a tree with one node O(1) time Find-Set: follow parent pointers to root O(h) time where h is height of tree Union(x,y): make the root of x's tree a child of the root of y's tree O(1) time So far, no better than original linked list implementation
CPSC 311, Fall 200917 Improved Tree Implementation Use a weighted union, so that smaller tree becomes child of larger tree prevents long chains from developing can show this gives O(m log n) time for a sequence of m ops with n Make-Sets Also do path compression during Find-Set flattens out trees even more can show this gives O(m log*n) time!
CPSC 311, Fall 200918 What is log*n ? The number of times you can successively take the log, starting with n, before reaching a number that is at most 1 More formally: log*n = min{i ≥ 0 : log (i) n ≤ 1} where log (i) n = n, if i = 0, and otherwise log (i) n = log(log (i-1) n)
CPSC 311, Fall 200919 Examples of log*n nlog*nwhy 000 < 1 101 ≤ 1 21log 2 = 1 32log 3 > 1, log(log 3) < 1 42log(log 4) = log 2 = 1 53log(log 5) > 1, log(log(log 5)) < 1 … 163log(log(log 16) = log(log 4) = log 2 = 1 174log(log(log 17) > 1, log(log(log(log 17))) < 1 … 65,5364log(log(log(log 65,536) = log(log(log 16) = log(log 4) = log 2 = 1 65,5375 … 2 65,537 5
CPSC 311, Fall 200920 log*n Grows Slowly For all practical values of n, log*n is never more than 5.
CPSC 311, Fall 200921 Make-Set Make-Set(x): parent(x) := x rank(x) := 0 // used for weighted union
CPSC 311, Fall 200922 Union Union(x,y): r := Find-Set(x); s := Find-Set(y) if rank(r) > rank(s) then parent(s) := r else parent(r) := s if rank(r ) = rank(s) then rank(s)++
CPSC 311, Fall 200923 Rank gives upper bound on height of tree is approximately the log of the number of nodes in the tree Example: MS(a), MS(b), MS(c), MS(d), MS(e), MS(f), U(a,b), U(c,d), U(e,f), U(a,c), U(a,e)
CPSC 311, Fall 200924 End Result of Rank Example d c b a f e 2 101 0 0
CPSC 311, Fall 200925 Find-Set Find-Set(x): if x parent(x) then parent(x) := Find-Set(parent(x)) return parent(x) Unroll recursion: first, follow parent pointers up the tree then go back down the path, making every node on the path a child of the root
CPSC 311, Fall 200926 Find-Set(a) a b c d e e dcba
CPSC 311, Fall 200927 Time Analysis It can be shown that any sequence of m Disjoint Set operations, n of which are Make-Sets, takes O(m log*n) time with the improved tree implementation.
CPSC 311, Fall 200928 Even Better Bound By working even harder, it can be shown that the worst-case time is O(m (n)), where is a function that grows even more slowly than log*n: for all practical values of n, (n) is never more than 4.
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