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DEB theory as framework for quantifying effects of noise on cetaceans Bas Kooijman Dept Theoretical Biology Washington, 2004/03/05.

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Presentation on theme: "DEB theory as framework for quantifying effects of noise on cetaceans Bas Kooijman Dept Theoretical Biology Washington, 2004/03/05."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEB theory as framework for quantifying effects of noise on cetaceans Bas Kooijman Dept Theoretical Biology Washington, 2004/03/05

2 Introduction  Dynamic Energy Budget theory  Quantification of effects of toxicants & parasites  Translation of effects on individuals to populations  Potential effects of noise on cetaceans

3 Dynamic Energy Budget theory  1979: start of research; 2004: investment  150 man-year  quantification of processes of substrate uptake and use by organisms understanding metabolic organisation on first principles  primary purpose: quantifying effects of toxicants on individual organisms  secondary purpose: translation of effects to population & ecosystem level

4 Some DEB pillars life cycle perspective of individual as primary target embryo, juvenile, adult (levels in metabolic organization) life as set of coupled chemical transformations homeostasis with varying biomass composition (reserve & structure) stoichiometric constraints via Synthesizing Units time, energy & mass balances surface area/ volume relationships (spatial structure & transport) product formation; syntrophy as basis for symbioses in evolutionary perspective parameter values specific for individual (genetical basis) intensive/extensive parameters: inter-species body size scaling

5 Basic DEB scheme foodfaeces reserves assimilation

6 Basic DEB scheme foodfaeces reserves growth somatic maintenance assimilation 

7 Basic DEB scheme foodfaeces reserves growth maturation reproduction maturity maintenancesomatic maintenance assimilation  1- 

8 Modes of Action of toxicants foodfaeces reserves growth maturation reproduction maturity maintenancesomatic maintenance assimilation  1-    assimilation   maintenance costs   growth costs   reproduction costs   hazard to embryo Lethal effects: hazard rate Mode of action affects translation to pop level

9 Effects of chemical compounds  depend on internal concentrations toxico-kinetic module: external  internal concentrations  change in target parameter(s) increase in hazard rate, spec maintenance costs, ….  below compound-specific threshold: no effects  indirect effects on reproduction: delay in onset of reproduction

10 energetics growth maintenance Free radicals and ageing Respiration Oxidative damage free radicals (internally generated) survival feeding tumour induction

11 Effects of parasites Many parasites  increase  (chemical manipulation)  harvest (all) allocation to dev./reprod. Results  larger body size  higher food intake  reduced reproduction

12 individuals  populations Steady state: Euler-Lotka equation specified by model specific growth rate

13 individuals  populations Transient state: individual-based population dynamics Each individual is followed in time reductions to pde’s, ode’s Requires modelling of resources

14 Behaviour  Energetics DEB fouraging module: time budgeting  Fouraging feeding + food processing, food selection feeding  surface area (intra-species), volume (inter-species)  Sleeping repair of damage by free radicals  respiration respiration scales between surface area & volume  Social interaction feeding efficiency (schooling) resource partitioning (territory) mate selection (gene quality  energetic parameter values)  Migration traveling speed and distance: body size spatial pattern in resource dynamics (seasonal effects) environmental constraints on reproduction

15  body weight -0.2 respiration rate body weight Amount of sleep elephant man dog cat ferret opossum 10 log body weight, kg 10 log REM sleep, h/d Siegel, J. M. 2001 The REM sleep-memory consolidation hypothesis Science 294: 1058-1063  No thermo-regulation during REM sleep Dolphins: no REM sleep

16 Modes of Action of Noise Effects on reproduction  blocking out fouraging time reduction feeding efficiency  disrupting social behaviour short/long term, partner choice Effects on survival  problems with orientation (migration)  permanent hearing damage  interaction with large-scale fishing

17 Statements DEB theory offers useful framework for  quantifying effects of noise on cetaceans  translating these effects to population level Application of the DEB theory to cetaceans requires substantial data input Most of this effort is useful in a wider context Cetacean growth curves match DEB predictions

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