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Consumer Behavior BA 492 Winter 2007 Learning and Memory.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Behavior BA 492 Winter 2007 Learning and Memory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Behavior BA 492 Winter 2007 Learning and Memory

2 Review: Perception n Exposure n Attention n Interpretation n Acceptance

3 Loyalty n What is it?

4 Learning n Behavioral Learning Theories n Cognitive Learning Theory

5 Behaviorist School: Classical Conditioning (Pavlov) “Unconditioned” Stimulus “Unconditioned” Response

6 Behaviorist School: Classical Conditioning “Unconditioned” Stimulus “Conditioned” Stimulus “Conditioned” Response “Unconditioned” Response

7 Behaviorist School: Instrumental Conditioning (Skinner) n Positive Reinforcement n Negative Reinforcement n Punishment n Extinction: positive outcome no longer perceived –e.g. no longer satisfied with the product

8 Cognitive Learning n Encoding –Elaboration –Rehearsal n Memory –Sensory –Short-term –Long-term

9 Cognitive Learning n Activation Model of Memory: Knowledge Structures (think like Dr. Jon King) –Associative Network –Meaning concepts (nodes): bits of data –Propositions (beliefs): linked nodes –Schema and script

10 Cognitive Learning: Enhancing Retention n Interrelations among stimuli n Concrete vs. Abstract words n Self referencing n Mnemonic Devices n Repetition repetition repetition

11 Cognitive Learning: Retrieval Personal determinants: age Personal determinants: age State-Dependent Retrieval State-Dependent Retrieval Familiarity Familiarity Salience-prominence Salience-prominence Pictures versus verbal cues Pictures versus verbal cues

12 Forgetting n Decay n Interference –retroactive: new information mucks up the old –Proactive: old learning mucks up the new

13 What About Loyalty n Behavioral Approach n Cognitive Approach

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