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Early Assessment Program
Assessment and Accountability Information Meeting Fall 2012 Nancy Brynelson, Co-Director, Center for the Advancement of Reading Office of the Chancellor, The California State University
Outline of this Presentation:
Overview of EAP Goals Components 11th grade test Community college participation EAP continues with CCSS & SBAC Test Administration Essay Security Accommodations Bubbling Test Determinations English Mathematics Exemptions Ready - Conditional Test Reporting Individual results CD Rom Web site Duplicate reports Statewide results
Outline (continued) Supplemental High School Preparation
CSU Success Web sites Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) Strengthening Mathematics Instruction (SMI) Early Start Program Additional Information on ERWC Additional Information on SMI Contacts for Questions
Overview of the Early Assessment Program (EAP)
Goals of the EAP Give students an early signal of college readiness
Identify students before their senior year who need to do additional work in English and/or mathematics before entering the CSU Collaborate with the high school community Inform students, families, and high schools of students’ readiness for college-level work and partner with high school teachers and administrators to develop solutions Provide 12th grade interventions Motivate students to take needed steps in 12th grade to ensure readiness
Components of the EAP The components of the CSU Early Assessment Program provide a comprehensive solution for helping students become ready for college. 11th grade testing Early assessment of college readiness Communication of score reports to counselors, students, families, and parents Supplemental high school preparation in 12th grade Counsel students to enroll in appropriate English and mathematics classes and activities Teacher professional development 11th grade testing Supplemental high school preparation Teacher/administrator professional development Parent/family communication Preservice teacher preparation
11th Grade Test To receive EAP results students must complete ALL sections of test: CST in English and/or mathematics (Algebra II or Summative High School Mathematics as appropriate) EAP 15 multiple-choice items in English and/or mathematics Administered with the CST Untimed EAP essay in English English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
11th Grade Test Determinations of readiness are based on the scoring of all sections Portion of the CST (40-50 items) EAP multiple-choice items (15 items) EAP essay in English English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
Community College Participation
SB 946 authorized participation of California Community Colleges (CCC) in EAP beginning in 2010 Participation by CCC campuses is voluntary The CSU and the CCCs are collaborating on the implementation of the EAP at the CCCs to create a seamless path for students
Community College Participation
CCC Accepting EAP Results Yes No Under Review English 65 6 7 English-Conditional A mechanism for accepting this result is under development. Local campuses will make the determination. Mathematics 58 12 Mathematics-Conditional 40 23 Current as of 8/7/2012
Community College Participation
Web sites CCC Chancellor’s Office: Joint CSU & CCC:
EAP Continues with CCSS & SBAC
Adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and implementation in 2014 of a new system of student assessment designed by the Smarter Balanced consortium (SBAC) will require modification of the EAP basis for assessment. The CSU plans to work closely with CDE and SBAC to ensure that the new assessment for 11th grade students is even more closely aligned with CSU placement standards. 11th grade testing Early assessment of college readiness Communication of score reports to counselors, students, families, and parents Supplemental high school preparation in 12th grade Counsel students to enroll in appropriate English and mathematics classes and activities Teacher professional development
EAP Continues with CCSS & SBAC
If tighter alignment is achieved, it is possible that students will no longer need to volunteer to complete supplemental items. Instead, CSU will be able to determine the level of college readiness by consideration of scores on the SBAC assessment without augmented items. The EAP will continue to provide an early signal of college readiness to rising high school seniors, allowing their better and more productive use of their senior year to gain proficiency if needed. 11th grade testing Early assessment of college readiness Communication of score reports to counselors, students, families, and parents Supplemental high school preparation in 12th grade Counsel students to enroll in appropriate English and mathematics classes and activities Teacher professional development
EAP Test Administration
Administering the EAP Essay
Testing window dates for essay TBD Administer essay to all students at a school on the same day; however, multiple days are permissible, if necessary. Discourage students from discussing the essay topics with other students. Prohibit students from taking the essay topic or completed essay outside of the testing room. Ensure that essay prompts and essays are not photocopied, photographed, or retained.
Test Security and Accommodations
Test security protocols apply equally to the Early Assessment Program and the California Standards Test. Eligible students shall be permitted to take the EAP with accommodations if specified in the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan consistent with guidance provided by CDE for the CST.
Bubbling Test booklet provides options for students to bubble in their preference for sharing their data with CSU, CCC, or both. Students should be encouraged to bubble in both selections to maintain the broadest possible options for their post-secondary careers. Data will not be shared with CSU or CCC if the student does not bubble in one of the three options.
Bubbling IMPORTANT: By answering the questions in this section, I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the Early Assessment Program (EAP). I understand that I may request that my EAP and CST results be released to any post-secondary institution(s) in which I seek or intend to enroll. By marking only one of the following circles below, I affirm that I seek or intend to enroll in California State University (CSU) or California Community Colleges (CCC) or both, and understand that my mathematics [or English] EAP and CST results will be shared directly with CSU and/or CCC officials as indicated below. Mark only one circle: CSU CCC CSU and CCC
EAP Test Determinations
Test Determinations English
Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level English courses Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level English courses – Conditional NEW in 2012 Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or participating CCC college-level English courses
Test Determinations Mathematics
Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level mathematics courses Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level mathematics courses – Conditional Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or participating CCC college-level mathematics courses
Exemptions Students whose results indicate readiness are exempted from the following placement exams at the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) Entry Level Math Exam (ELM) and are eligible to enter credit bearing courses. At participating community colleges students are eligible to enter transfer-level courses.
Ready – Conditional: Mathematics
Students whose results indicate that they are conditionally ready can clear their condition by enrolling in an approved senior year course with a grade of C or better Any mathematics course with a prerequisite of Algebra II Supervised e-Learning Course (ALEKS) Trigonometry and Math Analysis Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics AP Physics
Ready – Conditional: English (beginning 2012-2013)
Students whose results indicate that they are conditionally ready can clear their condition by enrolling in an approved senior year experience: Enrollment in an approved senior English course with a grade of C or better Expository Reading and Writing Course (high school would need to meet criteria for implementation) Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate Honors English identified on the UC Doorways Web site as earning extra honors credit (gold star)
For ERWC to be considered an approved course for satisfying condition, the school must
Officially adopt and offer it as a year-long course Teach the course as designed Receive approval from the CSU for the adoption Upload the course into the “a-g” course list on the UC Doorways Web site Ensure that all teachers are certified by having attended the 20-hour ERWC Professional Learning Workshop
EAP Test Reporting
EAP Test Reporting Available on the STAR Grade 11 Student Report
The results are on the backside of the report in the lower left-hand corner. EAP results are not included on the CDE label with the rest of the student STAR results. Separate EAP reports are not sent. EAP results are sent to districts on CD Rom with STAR results. Students can access their EAP results online (if the student filled the bubble on the score sheet) at
EAP Test Reporting Codes for Results on STAR Data CD Rom
1 – Ready for CSU college-level course in English or mathematics 2 – Ready for CSU college-level course in English (beginning 2012) or mathematics courses - Conditional 3 – Not yet demonstrating readiness for college-level course in English or mathematics 4 – Incomplete
EAP STAR Report Website
Explanation of all EAP statuses Student video explaining the importance of EAP Links to advising tools and exam prep resources on the Math and English Success Websites
Duplicate Student Reports
Students may requests for paper copies of reports to Requests must include the following information Full name Date of birth High school Year student attended 11th grade Note: EAP results are only valid for the year following high school graduation.
EAP Statewide Test Results
EAP aggregate data by state, county, district, and school are available online: etc.
EAP English Statewide Test Results
Year Participation College Ready College Ready- Conditional 2006 312,167 (75%) 48,072 (15%) 2007 342,348 (78%) 55,206 (16%) 2008 352,943 (79%) 60,392 (17%) 2009 366,925 (82%) 59,367 (16%) 2010 378,870 (84%) 77,826 (21%) 2011 446,852 (86%) 85,506 (23%) 2012
EAP Mathematics Statewide Test Results
Year Participation College Ready College Ready-Conditional 2006 137,067 (74%) 16,120 (12%) 58,822 (43%) 2007 141,648 (70%) 17,173 (12%) 60,697 (43%) 2008 147,885 (70%) 19,442 (13%) 62,660 (42%) 2009 169,473 (77%) 22,246 (13%) 74,464 (44%) 2010 178,667 (77%) 26,056 (15%) 75,502 (42%) 2011 239,911 (80%) 29,524 (15%) 81,849 (43%) 2012
Supplemental High School Preparation
Supplemental High School Preparation
The CSU offers a variety of programs of supplemental preparation CSU Success Web sites, including advising, online test preparation, ALEKS (online math), Calibrated Peer Review (online writing), and more Expository Reading and Writing Course (curriculum and professional learning for teachers) Strengthening Mathematics Instruction (professional learning for teachers)
Supplemental High School Preparation
CSU Success Web Sites
Supplemental High School Preparation
Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) for students in grade 12 Emphasizes in-depth study of expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing Approved to fulfill the “b” English requirement of the UC and CSU “a-g” college entrance requirements Intended for broad usage (not as an honors or remedial course and not necessarily tied to EAP results) Aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Supplemental High School Preparation
Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) Emphasizes nonfiction texts (some literature included) and includes two full-length works Second edition of the course will be published in spring 2013 (full alignment with CCSS) Four modules per grade have been developed for grades 7-11 to support students prior to grade 12. Plans for offering professional learning for these modules are in development.
Supplemental High School Preparation
Strengthening Mathematics Instruction (SMI) provides professional learning for teachers to Identify instructional strategies that will help students organize and solidify conceptual understanding Identify characteristics of cognitively complex problems Locate standards-based cognitively complex problems within participants’ classroom texts Practice writing standards based cognitively complex problems Aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Supplemental High School Preparation
12th Grade Course in Mathematics The CSU is in the process of developing a 12th grade course for high school adoption. The course will meet the C requirement from UCOP and will give high schools another option for helping students meet the condition. Will be specifically designed for students who need to strengthen their Algebra II skills and will focus on SMI strategies. Funding permitting, modules will be piloted in Spring 2013.
Supplemental High School Preparation
Professional Learning for Teachers Teachers may register for ERWC workshops at Teachers may register for SMI workshops at
Information on the Early Start Program
Early Start Early Start was mandated by the CSU Board of Trustees
Goals of Early Start are to: Better prepare students in mathematics and English before the fall semester of the freshman year Add an important and timely assessment tool in preparing students for college Ultimately improve students’ chances of successful completion of a college degree
Early Start Program Students who need remediation will be required to begin an Early Start Program during the summer prior to enrollment Ultimately, if identified first-year students do not begin addressing remediation in a recognized CSU program before enrollment, they will not be permitted to enroll for the term for which they have been admitted
English Proficiency The proficiency score on the English Placement Test (EPT) was reset from 151 to 147 (effective for fall 2011 entrants) Corresponding proficiency scores on the SAT and ACT were reset SAT (Critical Reading Section): 500 ACT (English Test): 22
Mathematics Proficiency
The proficiency score on the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) remains at 50. Corresponding proficiency scores on the SAT and ACT are SAT (Mathematics Section of SAT Reasoning Test or Mathematics Subject Test Level 1 or 2): 550 ACT (Mathematics Test): 23
Early Start Participation and Offerings
By definition, students who are identified as proficient by means of the EAP, EPT/ELM, SAT, ACT, or AP exams do not participate in Early Start. Students who are identified as Ready-Conditional on the EAP are exempt from Early Start. Each CSU campus has developed its own course offerings for Early Start offerings which may include online courses, summer courses, etc.
Additional Information on the Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC)
Second Edition of ERWC due Spring 2013
12 modules fully aligned with CCSS Two full-length works Revised Assignment Template Resources for English learners, formative assessment, transfer, engagement, and gradual release of responsibility Revised course objectives and description Renewed Program Status approval from UC
Key Principles of ERWC Relentless focus on the text
The integration of interactive reading and writing processes A rhetorical approach to texts that fosters critical thinking Materials and themes that engage student interest and provide a foundation for principled debate and argument Classroom activities designed to model and foster successful practices of fluent readers and writers Research-based methodologies with a consistent relationship between theory and practice Built-in flexibility to allow teachers to respond to varied students' needs and instructional contexts Alignment with standards (1997 ELA & 2010 CCCSS)
Elements of the ERWC Assignment Template – Revised 2012
Reading Rhetorically Prereading Getting Ready to Read Exploring Key Concepts Surveying the Text Making Predictions and Asking Questions Understanding Key Vocabulary Reading Reading for Understanding Considering the Structure of the Text Noticing Language Annotating and Questioning the Text Analyzing Stylistic Choices Postreading Summarizing and Responding Thinking Critically Reflecting on Your Reading Process
Elements of the ERWC Assignment Template – Revised 2012
Connecting Reading to Writing Discovering What You Think Considering the Writing Task Taking a Stance Gathering Evidence to Support Your Claims Getting Ready to Write Writing Rhetorically Entering the Conversation Composing a Draft Considering Structure Using the Words of Others (and Avoiding Plagiarism) Negotiating Voices Revising and Editing Revising Rhetorically Considering Stylistic Choices Editing the Draft Responding to Feedback Reflecting on Your Writing Process
Current Statistics on ERWC Adoption
450 high schools in CA have formally adopted the ERWC Most of these schools have adopted ERWC as a full-year course in 12th grade Approximately 100 additional high schools in Los Angeles USD have adopted ERWC as the curriculum for their one- semester 12th grade Expository Composition course Combining both groups, the total number is 550 representing roughly 43% of the 1,290 comprehensive high schools in CA (some alternative schools are part of the 550) Many schools have uploaded the course to UC Doorways but have not applied for adoption through the CSU
Evaluation of ERWC Annual evaluation studies of ERWC done from 2005 to 2010. Studies included analysis of curriculum implementation, professional learning, student performance, and student, teacher, and administrator attitudes.
Summative findings provide encouraging results
Schools with large numbers of teachers participating in ERWC professional development significantly outperformed the statewide proficiency rate for incoming students from 2004 to 2008 7 point* gain vs. 4 point gain statewide FIPSE schools implementing ERWC either as a full-year course or across grades 9-12 from 2006 to 2010 outperform statewide rates, but not at statistically significant levels 7.6% point gain on EAP vs. 6% point gain statewide 2.74% point gain on EPT vs. 4% point loss statewide * percentage points
Need for further research
Large-scale experimental or quasi-experimental studies have not yet been conducted. Recently-funded i3 grant (Fresno County Office of Education is the LEA) will conduct a study using regression-discontinuity analysis to determine efficacy of the ERWC for students in the 12th grade and into their 1st and 2nd years of college. Recruitment of schools/districts for the study will occur this fall. Target areas are Fresno County/Central Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles County, and Inland Empire (possibly San Diego or Sacramento if needed).
Additional Information on Strengthening Mathematics Instruction (SMI)
To enhance student mathematics proficiency and understanding by
Purpose of SMI To enhance student mathematics proficiency and understanding by Highlighting and encouraging use of research-based best instructional strategies Developing a common emphasis on infusing SMI strategies across same-level courses (horizontal) and among sequential courses (vertical) Providing a forum to plan implementation of SMI strategies in order to achieve systemic growth in mathematics teaching and learning at the site and/or district level 58
SMI Workshop Outcomes SMI Workshop Outcomes
Identify instructional strategies that will help students organize and solidify conceptual understanding Identify characteristics of cognitively complex problems Locate standards-based cognitively complex problems within participants’ classroom texts Modify standards-based textbook problems to increase the level of cognitive complexity Practice writing standards-based cognitively complex problems Experience the varying roles in the teacher/learner continuum Model a variety of student engagement strategies 59
Cognitively Complex Problems require students to
Extend previously encountered tasks Integrate several topics and/or concepts Recognize and use underlying mathematical structures Use multiple representations Consider multiple approaches to the problem Identify patterns Be flexible and strategic in their mathematical thinking 60
Key Features of the Design of SMI Workshops
Bring together an entire mathematic department and/or a critical mass of teachers within a district to plan the systemic implementation of the instructional strategies contained within the SMI modules. Provide time in between each module to enable teachers to work together to implement SMI strategies into their classroom instruction discuss and evaluate the efficacy of those efforts Provide regular, on-site mini-workshops over an extended period to support on-going and sustainable changes in teacher behaviors and expectations. 61
Characteristics of SMI Workshops
18-24 hours of professional development; 8 modules to allow for flexibility in scheduling The online tutorial must be completed prior to the first workshop meeting Standards-based and tied to the CSTs and CSU placement standards Includes content and activities for teachers of Algebra 1 Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus 62
Characteristics of SMI Workshops (continued)
Draws on problems and lessons from the major textbooks Designed for teacher practice and implementation between workshop sessions based on lesson study model Reflective of the adopted Common Core State Standards 63
Characteristics of SMI Workshops
18-24 hours of professional development; 8 modules to allow for flexibility in scheduling The online tutorial must be completed prior to the first workshop meeting Standards based and tied to the CSTs and CSU placement standards Includes content and activities for teachers of Algebra 1 Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus Draws on problems and lessons from the major textbooks Designed for teacher practice and implementation between workshop sessions based on lesson study model Reflective of the adopted Common Core State Standards 64
Questions? Nancy Brynelson (EAP, English, ERWC) Zulmara Cline (EAP, Math, SMI) Carolina Cardenas (EAP, Early Start)
Any questions?
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