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UC Berkeley Reconfigurable Reaction Wall NEES Equipment Site NSF NEES Awardees Meeting Video-Teleconference.

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Presentation on theme: "UC Berkeley Reconfigurable Reaction Wall NEES Equipment Site NSF NEES Awardees Meeting Video-Teleconference."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC Berkeley Reconfigurable Reaction Wall NEES Equipment Site NSF NEES Awardees Meeting Video-Teleconference

2 Mission of RRW ESF Provide the means to do hybrid simulation involving several physical substructures using real-time pseudo-dynamic testing method from a remote location

3 Hybrid Simulation Options MS-PDTM test High-Axial Load test Collapse Mechanism test

4 Equipment Actuators: 2: 220 kips; +/- 10 inch; fast 2: 150 kips; +/- 20 inch; fast 3: 220 kips; +/- 36 inch; slow Controller: real-time, digital, 8 channel Network: 100Mb/s now, 2.5Gb/s in 2004 Sensors: wired and wireless Simulation engine: OpenSees

5 Network

6 Tele-Participation MS-PDTM simulation Real-time high- resolution video PRoPs mobile robot avatar

7 Status RFPs for actuators, accumulators, and control and data acquisition system ready Wall design ready for bidding MS-PDTM prototype development on a dSpace ACE 1104 system started Props robot in production stage

8 Questions for SI What are SI deliverables, milestones and schedules? What is NEESpop? Where does it fit in our LAN? What are its specs? Who pays for it? Connection between NEESsite and NEESgrid: Who will build it? Who will make it work and maintain it?

9 Questions for SI Will SI support: OpenSees Matlab/Simulink MTS Scramnet Will SI provide training? Who will pay for it? How will SI provide Internet security for a NEESsite? Who will be responsible?

10 Questions for CD How will policy be established? What mechanisms will be used to ensure that NEES policy is consistent with local policy at equipment sites? What will be the relative roles of the consortium and the local equipment sites in setting access rules; use charges and personnel rates; schedules; outreach and advertising?

11 Questions for CD Data: Who will choose data formats for archiving and exchange? Who will determine when to release data? Who will have authorship rights? Software: Who will ensure that appropriate software is available for data archiving, visualization, simulation? Who will fund development and maintenance of such software?

12 Questions for CD Researchers/students: How will NEESsites be matched with researchers/students Will student credit count for graduation at all NEES sites equally? How will pay for educating the researcher/student on how to use the facility

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