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Solar Car Data Collection System Matt Boyden Rene Dupuis Ryan Lavallee 4/8/08
Ryan Background Building miniature solar cars is a very common activity for teaching school-age kids about renewable energy There are events specifically designed for building and racing solar cars that are available as educational kits
Ryan Project Description What is needed is a small, light data logging device specifically designed to interface with a typical educational solar car kit. What is needed is a small, light data logging device specifically designed to interface with a typical educational solar car kit. The data collection system would need to collect time dependent data and then provide for the data to be uploaded and analyzed for learning.
Ryan Project Requirements Record voltage and current to the motor for a specific amount of time Interface with a computer to easily output the information in a way that can be used for educational purposes The product must be light enough and use little power so as not to change the performance of the car
Matt System Diagram Data Collection Micro- Controller Motor IMotor VPanel IPanel V Wheel Sensor
Matt System Diagram Data Output Micro- Controller
Responsibilities Ryan Data Retrieval (PC end) Excel VBA Programming Circuit board layout Matt Signal conditioning HC12 programming, Data transmission to PC (HC12 end) Rene Wheel sensing design Power Distribution Casing Prototype Website
Rene Power Source Wheel Sensor requires 5V Using (2) 3V Lithium Batteries in series for power up Small and efficient
Rene Velocity Sensor Concept Every time the wheel rotates the sensor triggers the Pulse Accumulator in the microcontroller By knowing the wheel diameter and reading the accumulator value at regular time intervals we can calculate the speed of the car
Rene Velocity Sensor Circuit
Rene Reflective Object Sensor Consists of an infrared emitting diode and NPN silicon phototransistor mounted side by side Phototransistor responds to radiation emitted from diode when it senses a reflective device Provides High output sensing no reflection Low output sensing reflection
Rene Comparator Velocity sensor output runs into comparator Eliminates hysteresis and rise times when changing states (high to low; low to high) Provides quick transition intervals as comparator changes states Provides sure output
Ryan Comparator Simulation
Rene Velocity Sensor PC Board Layout 4 wire connector from velocity sensor to main board for power and data retrieval
Rene Current Sensing Use Resistor to measure current to motor 0.15Ω resistor will not affect motor performance Easy to install in series with clip leads Voltage will be amplified x30 and converted to positive voltage before A-D converter
Matt HC12 Programming Why we chose the HC12 What does the Program have to do How it will be accomplished Data Transmission to PC
Matt Why the HC12? Has Analog to Digital Converters Has RS232 Chip Built into Module 16kB Flash Memory for Data Easily programmed using available software Can be programmed on Docking Module then transferred to Application
Matt Program Requirements → On Request: → Read Data from A2D Ports → Read Data from Wheel Sensor → Store Data → On Request or Timeout: → Stop Recording Data → On Request: → Transfer Data to Computer → Erase Memory
Matt Programming Flow Chart Start Initialization of Various Processes Start Record? Transmit? Stop Record? Read Data Store Data Time Limit? Delay MAINRECORD
Matt Data Transmission Data is sent one number at a time through an RS232 connection We are using Hyper Terminal to receive the data and capture it to a text file
Ryan PC Programming How the Excel Program Works Tutorial for Teacher Importing Data to Excel
Ryan How VBA Program works Program references.txt file Places.txt file in predefined rows Excel programmed to make calculations and produce graphs of all the data Calculations: Voltage Cell: A2D_V * 0.0049 Current Cell: ((A2D_I*0.0049)/30)/0.15Ω Automates graph wizard process for all data
Ryan File Contents The goal is to give the teacher one file where s/he will be instructed to open only the excel file and run the macro
Ryan Board Layout Circuit Circuit
Budget Item Cost CostActualCost HC12$30$0 Solar Car $50$50 Reflective Sensor $2.86$0 3V Lithium Battery (2) $1.98$0 Op-amp TLV 2772 (3) $6.75$6.75 Ribbon Cable(2) $10.00$10.00 Comparator$1.74$1.74 TOTAL$103.33$68.49
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