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MAPLD99 Total Dose and SEE of Metal-To-Metal Antifuse FPGA.

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Presentation on theme: "MAPLD99 Total Dose and SEE of Metal-To-Metal Antifuse FPGA."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAPLD99 Total Dose and SEE of Metal-To-Metal Antifuse FPGA

2 MAPLD99 Outline 1. Introduction to M2M antifuse FPGA 2.Total Ionizing Dose 3. Single Event Effects –SEU –SEL –SEDR 4. Summary

3 MAPLD99 RT54SX 16k, 32k, 72k gate antifuse FPGA 0.6  m (3.3/5.0V), 0.25  m (2.5/3.3/5.0V) CMOS technology Commercial foundry

4 MAPLD99 Sea-of-Module Architecture

5 MAPLD99 Sea-of-Module Architecture

6 MAPLD99 Basic Logic Modules Y D0 D3 D2 D1 DB A0B0A1B1 SaSb CLKA, CLKB DC IN HCLK S0 DINS1 PSETB DQ CLRB CKPCKS Y Combinatorial CellRegister Cell

7 MAPLD99 M2M Antifuse Metal 3 Metal-to-Metal Antifuse Metal 2 Via Metal 1 Contact Silicon

8 MAPLD99 SX Pin-to-Pin Performance n Fast, Flexible Array Logic and Routing u Fast pin-to-pin timing T FC 0.3ns Numbers shown for A54SX16-3, worst case commercial conditions Input Output T INYH/INYL 1.5ns T IRD1 0.3ns T PD 0.6ns T RD1 0.3ns T DLH/DHL 1.6ns 6.1nsTotal Pin-to-Pin Timing, 32-bit Decode T PD 0.6ns Array C-Cells T PD 0.6ns T FC 0.3ns

9 MAPLD99 RTSX TID 0.6  m –Tolerance limited by static I CC –100krad(Si) 0.25  m –Tolerance limited by static I CC –Shallow trench isolation –65krad(Si) before improvement, 250krad(Si) after improvement

10 MAPLD99 0.6  m RTSX TID

11 MAPLD99 0.6  m RTSX TID (Proton)

12 MAPLD99 0.25  m RTSX TID Total Dose (krads (Si)) 050100150200250 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Wafer 12 Wafer 20 Notes 1. Bias levels are 5.0VDC, 2.5VDC 2. Parts are in Pb/Al box per 1019.5 3. Dose rates between 15.7 and 16.6 rad(Si)/min Static I CC (mA)

13 MAPLD99 0.6  m RTSX SEU

14 MAPLD99 User Level SEU Hardening

15 MAPLD99 0.25  m RTSX SEU

16 MAPLD99 SEU-Hard TMR Flip-Flop FF 1 FF 2 FF 3 Voter IN OUT CLK

17 MAPLD99 Single Strike Double Upset in SEU Hard FF N+ Heavy Ion Active Junction in FF1 Active Junction in FF2 Simulated by using Space Rad 4.0, Multiple-Bit Upset module

18 MAPLD99 Single Event Latchup RT54SX is latchup immune, i.e., LET th >120MeV-cm 2 /mg

19 MAPLD99 Single Event Dielectric Rupture Heavy Ion Top Metal Bottom Metal Dielectric V CC Antifuse structure 1: Both 0.6  m and 0.25  m are immune to SEDR. Antifuse structure 2: 0.6  m –Original structure has LET th =40MeV-cm 2 /mg at V CC =3.3V. –New recipe is immune (no rupture at right angle incidence, LET=60MeV-cm 2 /mg, V CC >3.6V). E-field M2M ~3.3V/700A ~0.5MV/cm E-field ONO ~5V/100A ~5MV/cm

20 MAPLD99 SUMMARY TID –RTSX has good tolerance, 50k-100krad(Si). –Smaller geometry shows potential for higher tolerance. SEU –0.6  m RTSX shows better tolerance than ACT2, ACT3 (ONO). FF LET th : SX=11, ACT2/3=4 CC LET th : SX>40, ACT2/3=20 –0.25  m RTSX have hardened FF option. SEL –RT/RHSX are immune. SEDR –RT/RHSX are immune.

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