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YOU SPEAK WHAT? Americans attitudes towards other languages. Lenk Listening & Speaking 4C Instructor: Greg Davis March 1, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "YOU SPEAK WHAT? Americans attitudes towards other languages. Lenk Listening & Speaking 4C Instructor: Greg Davis March 1, 2001."— Presentation transcript:


2 YOU SPEAK WHAT? Americans attitudes towards other languages. Lenk Listening & Speaking 4C Instructor: Greg Davis March 1, 2001

3 YOU SPEAK WHAT? –Can you speak any other languages?

4 Purpose: To inform the audience how Americans think about other languages. Main points. 1. Reasons why American learn second languages. 2. Americans opinions for other languages. 3. How Americans learn the languages.

5 Reasons to learn / benefits - It’s very important / interesting - To communicate with others - To learn more about other cultures / people

6 American attitudes Top three languages that are most important 1. Spanish 2. Japanese 3. French

7 Top hit languages:Spanish / Japanese / French most difficult to learn:Chinese / Japanese easiest to learn:Spanish / French / Italian

8 (Opitional) Why don’t Americans learn other languages? –English is enough –No need if they live in US. –No other important languages are important than English –No times How they learn the languages - Take class - Family / friends - themselves

9 Conclusion: English is not the only language spoken in the world, so nowadays Americans want to know more languages to be able to communicate with people all over the world, learn more about other cultures and people, and visit everywhere in this world. –The more you know other languages, the more you can get the benefits. »QUESTIONS?








17 Topic Two Details about this topic Supporting information and examples How it relates to your audience

18 Topic Three Details about this topic Supporting information and examples How it relates to your audience

19 Real Life Give an example or real life anecdote Sympathize with the audience’s situation if appropriate

20 What This Means Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic Summarize key points you want your audience to remember

21 Next Steps Summarize any actions required of your audience Summarize any follow up action items required of you

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