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Analysis of Security Protocols (IV) John C. Mitchell Stanford University
Mur [Dill et al.] l Describe finite-state system Startstate declaration Transition rules Correctness conditions l Scalable: choose system size parameters l Automatic exhaustive testing space limit: hash table to avoid repeated states
Mur for security protocols l Formulate protocol l Add adversary Control over “network” (shared variables) Possible actions Intercept any message Remember parts of messages Generate new messages, using observed data and initial knowledge (e.g. public keys) l Identify correctness conditions
Needham-Schroeder in Mur (1) const NumInitiators: 1; -- number of initiators NumResponders: 1; -- number of responders NumIntruders: 1; -- number of intruders NetworkSize: 1; -- max. outstanding msgs in network MaxKnowledge: 10; -- number msgs intruder can remember type InitiatorId: scalarset (NumInitiators); ResponderId: scalarset (NumResponders); IntruderId: scalarset (NumIntruders); AgentId: union {InitiatorId, ResponderId, IntruderId};
Needham-Schroeder in Mur (2) MessageType : enum { -- types of messages M_NonceAddress, -- {Na, A}Kb nonce and addr M_NonceNonce, -- {Na,Nb}Ka two nonces M_Nonce -- {Nb}Kb one nonce }; Message : record source: AgentId; -- source of message dest: AgentId; -- intended destination of msg key: AgentId; -- key used for encryption mType: MessageType; -- type of message nonce1: AgentId; -- nonce1 nonce2: AgentId; -- nonce2 OR sender id OR empty end;
Needham-Schroeder in Mur (3) -- intruder i sends recorded message ruleset i: IntruderId do -- arbitrary choice of choose j: int[i].messages do -- recorded message ruleset k: AgentId do -- destination rule "intruder sends recorded message" !ismember(k, IntruderId) & -- not to intruders multisetcount (l:net, true) < NetworkSize ==> var outM: Message; begin outM := int[i].messages[j]; outM.source := i; outM.dest := k; multisetadd (outM,net); end; end;
Adversary Model l Formalize “knowledge” initial data observed message fields results of simple computations l Optimization only generate messages that others read time-consuming to hand simplify l Future goal: automatic generation
Run of Needham-Schroeder l Find error after 1.7 seconds exploration l Output: trace leading to error state Mur times after correcting error:
State Reduction on N-S Protocol
Limitations l System size with current methods 2-6 participants Kerberos: 2 clients, 2 servers, 1 KDC, 1 TGS 3-6 steps in protocol May need to optimize adversary l Adversary model Cannot model randomized attack Do not model adversary running time
Analysis Results l Analyze common protocols Needham-Schroeder Kerberos Found bug in documented algorithm (not in RFC) one client, two servers TMN cellular phone protocol Found all known bugs automatically Model algebraic properties of encryption function l Largest case study: SSL protocol
TMN Protocol l A initiates and B sends session key l Several bugs: replay step 3 for chosen N a ’ I S : I, {N b } Ks a N a b b K K s s S B A B, {N } A B {N } A {N }
TMN Replay Attack SBA B, {N a } Ks A A, {N b } Ks B, {N b } Na SDC D, {N c } Ks C C, {N b } Ks D, {N b } Nc REPLAY
TMN Replay with “Blinding” SBA B, {N a } Ks A A, {N b } Ks B, {N b } Na SDC D, {N c } Ks C C, i*{N b } Ks D, {i*N b } Nc REPLAY
Modeling Challenge l Avoid repeated keys by storing list Do not allow new session with old key l But RSA allows “blinding”: Adversary sends multiple of old key Divides later message by multiplier Need to model multiplication in Mur j Model message by pair: datum, blinding bit
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) l De facto standard for Internet security Goal: “... provide privacy and reliability between two communicating applications ” l Handshake Protocol Use public-key cryptography to establish shared secret key l Record Layer Transmit data using negotiated key
Handshake Protocol (SSL) l Three goals Negotiate specific encryption scheme Possible “version attack” Authenticate client and server Appeal to “signature authority” Use public key to transmit secret key Several underlying primitives: public key, signature scheme, hash function, private key
Rational Reconstruction of SSL l Begin with simple, intuitive protocol Client sends id, version, crypto preference Server sends version, crypto pref, public key Client sends encrypted random secret l Model check and find bug Intruder can modify server public key, obtain client secret, then sent to complete protocol l Fix bug and repeat, to produce full SSL
SSL Handshake Protocol l Negotiate version, crypto suite Possible “version rollback attack” l Authenticate client and server Appeal to “certificate authority” l Use public key to establish shared secret Several underlying primitives: public key, signature, hash function, private key
Handshake Protocol Description ClientHello C S C, Ver C, Suite C, N C S C Ver S, Suite S, N S, S, K S + ServerHello S C Ver S, Suite S, N S, sign CA { S, K S + } ClientVerify C S sign CA {C, V C } + { Ver C, Secret C } + N S sign C { Hash( Master(N C, N S, Secret C ) + Pad 2 + N S Hash(Msgs + C + Master(N C, N S, Secret C ) + Pad 1 )) } (Change to negotiated cipher) N S ServerFinished S C { Hash( Master(N C, N S, Secret C ) + Pad 2 + N S Hash( Msgs + S + Master(N C, N S, Secret C ) + Pad 1 )) } N S ClientFinished C S { Hash( Master(N C, N S, Secret C ) + Pad 2 + N S Hash( Msgs + C + Master(N C, N S, Secret C ) + Pad 1 )) } SKSSKS S Master(N C, N S, Secret C )
l Begin with simple, intuitive protocol l Model check and find bug l Add a piece of SSL to fix bug and repeat Rational Reconstruction of SSL Version C, Suite C Version S, Suite S, Key K S { Secret C } CS KSKS
Summary of Reconstruction l A = Basic protocol l C = A + certificates for public keys Authentication for client and server l E = C + verification (Finished) messages Prevention of version and crypto suite attacks l F = E + nonces Prevention of replay attacks l Z = “Correct” subset of SSL
Anomaly (Protocol F) CS … Suite C … … Suite S … … Switch to negotiated cipher Finished data
Anomaly (Protocol F) CS … Suite C … … Suite S … … Switch to negotiated cipher Finished data X X Modify
Protocol Resumption CS SessionId, Ver C = 3.0, N C,... Finished data Ver S = 3.0, N S,...
Version Rollback Attack CS SessionId, Ver C = 2.0, N C,... Finished data Ver S = 2.0, N S,... X X { N S } SecretKey { N C } SecretKey
Protocol Analysis l Protocol Specification Abstract notions of message, key, nonce, cryptographic functions l Protocol Analysis High-level models for crypto primitives l Protocol Implementation Specific key length, random number generator, encryption and decryption functions
What Do We Learn? l Find an error Error in Mur model implies error in protocol Can confirm error in impl by testing l Do not find error Not a proof of correctness Idealized adversary, communication models Bound on number of participants Implementation may not be faithful to specification Correct impl safe against certain attacks
Conclusions Mur is useful tool for complex protocols l Rational reconstruction of protocol Understand protocol Ensure “completeness” of analysis Protocol spec simpler, more precise than RFC l Uncover problem areas in SSL SSL 2.0 errors identified “Gray” areas in the resumption protocol
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