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Plyometrics - Explosive Power Training “The Link between Strength and Power”

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Presentation on theme: "Plyometrics - Explosive Power Training “The Link between Strength and Power”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plyometrics - Explosive Power Training “The Link between Strength and Power”

2 Plyometric zPleythyein (Ply- or Plio-) - to increase zMetric - to measure zMeasurable increase

3 History zEastern block countries x 35 years zTraining regimen for track athletes zYuri Veroshanski (Soviet) - 1967

4 Link between Strength and Power zStrength = Force zPower = F x D/T zPower = Strength/Time

5 Link between Strength and Power Speed + Strength  Power Speed-Strength = ability to exert maximal force during high-speed movements

6 Definitions Exercises characterized by powerful muscular contractions in response to rapid, dynamic loading or stretching (Radcliffe and Farentinos, 1985)

7 Definitions Any exercise that uses the natural elastic recoil elements of muscle and the stretch reflex to produce a stronger, faster muscle response (Chu, 1988)

8 Physiology (Neurological) Myotatic/Stretch/Monosynaptic Reflex zMuscle Spindles - rate of stretch - length of stretch

9 Physiology (Mechanical) Utilization of stored elastic (potential) energy zSEC zDependent on: - movement amplitude - transition (coupling) time

10 Physiology SEC zStructures that transmit the active, muscle force production zEpimysium + Tendon zResist stretching but can be stretched zstiffness vs. compliance

11 SEC Load Contractile Component (Active Tension) Series Elastic Component (External Tension)

12 Components of Plyometrics Stretch-Shortening Cycle zEccentric Phase zAmortization Phase zConcentric Phase

13 Plyometric Activities zBaseball Swing zGolf Swing zJumping zRunning zThrowing zChange of direction

14 Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Jumps-in-place zSquat jump zDouble-leg tuck jump (single) zDouble-leg vertical power jump (single) zBroad jump zPike jump

15 Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Jumps-in-place zSplit squat jump zCycle split squat jump zBroad/long jump zStanding triple jump

16 Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Hops zHops - double/single zigzag zDouble leg zSingle leg

17 Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Bounds zAlternate leg bounds zCombination leg bounds

18 Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Shock zIn-depth jumps zBox jumps - multiples

19 Upper Extremity Plyometric Activities zPlyometric push-up zClap push-up zDrop-and-catch push-up zMedicine ball push-up zMedicine ball activities - catch and throws

20 Trunk Plyometric Activities zMedicine ball sit-up zPlyometric leg raise

21 Rehabilitation Applications zQuick stretch - PNF zStep downs zDynamic wall push-ups zPediatrics - obstacle courses, medicine ball zAngle boards

22 Surfaces for Jumps zResilient zGrass zRubber/track

23 Prescription Mode zlower vs. upper extremity zspecific types of exercise Intensity ztype of exercise (skips, hops, etc.) zheight of boxes (16 - 43”)  = 30” zweight of balls

24 Prescription Frequency zdays/week ( 1 - 3) Volume zrepetitions zground contacts (80 - 140)

25 Prescription Volume guidelines zBeginner (80 - 100) zIntermediate (100 - 120) zAdvanced (120 - 140)

26 Prescription Recovery z5 - 10 sec. between reps z2 - 3 min. between sets Program Length z4 - 10 weeks zOverload

27 Prescription Progression zProgressive overload Warm-up

28 Strength Base Lower Extremity zSquat: 1.5 - 2.5 x body weight (  = 1.5) Upper Extremity z five clap push-ups zBW > 250 lbs.  BP BW zBW < 165 lbs.  BP 1.5 x BW

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