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Samuel Silverstein Stockholm University L1Calo upgrade hardware planning + Overview of current concept + Recent work, results.

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Presentation on theme: "Samuel Silverstein Stockholm University L1Calo upgrade hardware planning + Overview of current concept + Recent work, results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samuel Silverstein Stockholm University L1Calo upgrade hardware planning + Overview of current concept + Recent work, results

2 2 Upgrade phases Phase I (2012 - 2019?): upgrade current L1Calo  FPGA-based MCM replacement for PreProcessor (?)  Augment EM/Had and Jet/Energy processors with CMM++ to add topological algorithm capabilities, Phase II (2020 - ) Replace L1Calo with 2-level system  Full digital readout of LAr, Tile data to RODs in USA15  "Level 0": Synchronous, fixed latency, Topological algorithms with calorimeters + muon ROIs  "Level 1": Asynchronous, longer latency, access to full resolution calorimeter data, Topological algorithms with calo, muon and ID ROIs

3 3 Phase-I summary Goals:  Extend useful life of existing HW  Minimize impact on external systems  Provide technical "bridge" to phase-II  High-speed optical links allow parasitic testing of new hardware  Use some prototype phase-II hardware for phase-I (e.g. topo processor)?

4 4 Phase I status Good progress on developing formats and firmware for 160 MHz backplane transmission  Upcoming tests with real modules + BLT Promising results from early CMM++ firmware studies  Existing code easily ported to Virtex-6 (Sam + Ian)  Reasonable design concept using target FPGA Reasonable prospects for improving L1Calo performance, extending useful lifetime

5 55 Merger replacement: CMM++ Legacy DAQ, ROI readout (Glink) SNAP12 Topological processor links: 12-fiber bundles, 6.4/10 Gbit/s/fiber Legacy LVDS outputs to CTP Virtex 6 HX565T Backplane data from JEM/CPM modules (160 MHz) LVDS merger links SNAP12 VME CPLD VME --

6 6 Topo proc. Jet /  E T (JEP) 0.2 x 0.2 E/   /had clusters (CP) 0.1 x 0.1 Pre- Processor (PPr) Analog tower sums (0.1 x 0.1) Topo processor can be a separate subsystem... use phase-II prototype hardware (L0Topo)? Jets Clusters To CTP Energy results to CTP? Muons

7 7...or only using CMM++ modules JEP0 JEP1 CP0 CP2 CP1 CP3 EM EM/  JetEnergy LVDS CLUSTER ENERGY JET N.B. Maximum 8 e/tau thresholds

8 8 Phase I topological algos: Begin with simple, "generic" algorithms, including:  Overlaps between jets and other objects  Improved missing E T ? Add more complex algorithms for specific physics processes:  Rapidity gaps, non-back-to-back jets for diffractive processes  Transverse or invariant mass for W, Z, Higgs  Sphericity / aplanarity (?)

9 9 These appear to help! Sphericity Overlap Removal

10 10 Phase II concept

11 11 L0 overview Synchronous:  Input rate 40 MHz  Fixed latency: <3.2  s? L0Calo: sliding window algorithms  Include HLT-inspired cluster algorithms Input from calorimeter RODs (proposed):  Trigger towers (0.1  0.1) with finer eta  phi, depth segmentation. Three output data streams:  One 10 Gbit fiber per TT in eta  phi from LAR RODs  one fiber per 2  4 TTs from Tile RODs  Lower-resolution EM data (0.1  0.1 TT sums) to jet algorithm L0Topo:  topological algorithms combining calo & muon ROIs  Possible dual use as Phase-1 topological processor

12 12 L1 overview Does not need to be synchronous:  Input rate : L0A (limited by slowest subsystem)  Variable latency (packet-based data transfers)  Some combination of processors and FPGAs? Input from RODs:  Full-resolution calorimeter data around L0 ROIs L1Calo  Improved ID of isolated electrons, hadrons identified by L0  Aim for similar performance to present L2 L0Topo  Topological algorithms on L1Calo ROIs, plus ROIs from muon and L1Track triggers

13 13 Phase II status GOLD progress in Mainz  Real experience with many Phase-II challenges  Complex boards with multiple Virtex 6 FPGAs  High speed optical links  Clock distribution and conditioning  High-power modules in ATCA Very productive brainstorm on Wednesday  Concentrated on L0Calo and inputs from RODs  Some interesting ideas came out, including  Optimal balance between optical fiber duplication and electrical fanout on custom 8U backplane  Jet and cluster processing on same module (but different FPGAs?)  Cluster algorithm windows similar size to today's  Will write up soon and distribute

14 14 "Staged" deployment Phase-I deployment as soon as feasible  Start with CMM++  Begin with near-"Day-1" functionality  Parasitic testing of new algorithms before going live  Topological processor subsystem can come later Phase II deployment  L0Calo/L0Topo commissioned with upgraded calorimeter electronics upgrades  L1Topo ready for L1Track  Use L0Calo ROIs until L1Calo commissioned?  General strategy: run new components parasitically in system as early as possible

15 15 Phase-II "staging" With calorimeter upgrades With ID upgrade

16 16 Overall summary Phase-I beginning to converge on a stable design concept (at least for CMM++).  Need to write up soon  Start CMM++ soon, consensus that it is feasible, will help Phase-II our ultimate target, but actual hardware ideas more nebulous  Hope we have started to change this... Need to move ahead to have a reasonable design concept in time for T

17 17 Discussion

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