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CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Big Bang, Big Iron High Performance Computing and the Cosmic Microwave Background Julian Borrill Computational Cosmology Center, LBL Space Sciences Laboratory, UCB and the BOOMERanG, MAXIMA, Planck, EBEX & PolarBear collaborations
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 The Cosmic Microwave Background About 400,000 years after the Big Bang, the expanding Universe cools through the ionization temperature of hydrogen: p + + e - => H. Without free electrons to scatter off, the photons free-stream to us today. COSMIC - filling all of space. MICROWAVE - redshifted by the expansion of the Universe from 3000K to 3K. BACKGROUND - primordial photons coming from “behind” all astrophysical sources.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 CMB Science Primordial photons give the earliest possible image of the Universe. The existence of the CMB supports a Big Bang over a Steady State cosmology (NP1). Tiny fluctuations in the CMB temperature (NP2) and polarization encode the fundamentals of – Cosmology geometry, topology, composition, history, … – Highest energy physics grand unified theories, the dark sector, inflation, … Current goals: – definitive T measurement provides complementary constraints for all dark energy experiments. – detection of cosmological B-mode gives energy scale of inflation from primordial gravity waves. (NP3)
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 The Concordance Cosmology Supernova Cosmology Project (1998): Cosmic Dynamics ( - m ) BOOMERanG & MAXIMA (2000): Cosmic Geometry ( + m ) 70% Dark Energy + 25% Dark Matter + 5% Baryons 95% Ignorance What (and why) is the Dark Universe ?
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Observing the CMB With very sensitive, very cold, detectors. Scanning all of the sky from space, or just some of it from the stratosphere or high dry ground.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Analysing The CMB
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 CMB Satellite Evolution Evolving science goals require (i) higher resolution & (ii) polarization sensitivity.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 CMB Data Analysis In principle very simple – Assume Guassianity and maximize the likelihood 1.of maps given the observations and their noise statistics (analytic). 2.of power spectra given maps and their noise statistics (iterative). In practice very complex – Foregrounds, glitches, asymmetric beams, non-Gaussian noise, etc. – Algorithm & implementation scaling with evolution of CMB data-set size HPC architecture
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 The CMB Data Challenge Extracting fainter signals (polarization, high resolution) from the data requires: – larger data volumes to provide higher signal-to-noise. – more complex analyses to control fainter systematic effects. ExperimentStart DateObservationsPixels* COBE198910 9 10 4 BOOMERanG200010 9 10 6 WMAP200110 10 7 Planck200910 12 10 9 PolarBear201210 13 10 7 QUIET-II201510 14 10 7 CMBpol2020+10 1510 1000x increase in data volume over next 15 years – need linear analysis algorithms to scale through next 10 M-foldings !
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 CMB Data Analysis Evolution Data volume & computational capability dictate analysis approach. DateDataSystemMapPower Spectrum 1997 - 2000 B98 Cray T3E x 700 Explicit Maximum Likelihood (Matrix Invert - N p 3 ) Explicit Maximum Likelihood (Matrix Cholesky + Tri-solve - N p 3 ) 2000 - 2003 B2K2 IBM SP3 x 3,000 Explicit Maximum Likelihood (Matrix Invert - N p 3 ) Explicit Maximum Likelihood (Matrix Invert + Multiply - N p 3 ) 2003 - 2007 Planck SF IBM SP3 x 6,000 PCG Maximum Likelihood (band-limited FFT – few N t ) Monte Carlo (Sim + Map - many N t ) 2007 - 2010 Planck AF EBEX Cray XT4 x 40,000 PCG Maximum Likelihood (band-limited FFT – few N t ) Monte Carlo (SimMap - many N t ) 2010 - 2014 Planck MC PolarBear Cray XE6 x 150,000 PCG Maximum Likelihood (band-limited FFT – few N t ) Monte Carlo (Hybrid SimMap - many N t )
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Scaling In Practice 2000: BOOMERanG T-map – 10 8 samples => 10 5 pixels – 128 Cray T3E processors; 2005: Planck T-map – 10 10 samples => 10 8 pixels – 6000 IBM SP3 processors; 2008: EBEX T/P-maps – 10 11 samples, 10 6 pixels – 15360 Cray XT4 cores. 2010: Planck Monte Carlo 1000 noise T-maps – 10 14 samples => 10 11 pixels – 32000 Cray XT4 cores.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Planck Sim/Map Target For Planck to publish its results in time, by mid-2012 we need to be able to simulate and map – O(10 4 ) realizations of the entire mission 74 detectors x 2.5 years ~ O(10 16 ) samples – On O(10 5 ) cores – In O(10) wall-clock hours WAIT ~ 1 day : COST ~ 10 6 CPU-hrs
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 TARGET: 10 4 maps 9 freqs 2.5 years 10 5 cores 10 hours 12x217 FFP1 M3/ GCP CTP3 OTFS Hybrid/ Peta-Scaling Hybrid/ Peta-Scaling
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Simulation & Mapping: Calculations Given the instrument noise statistics & beams, a scanning strategy, and a sky: 1)SIMULATION: d t = n t + s t = n t + P tp s p – A realization of the piecewise stationary noise time-stream: Pseudo-random number generation & FFT – A signal time-stream scanned & beam-smoothed from the sky map: SHT 2)MAPPING: (P T N -1 P) d p = P T N -1 d t (A x = b) – Build the RHS FFT & sparse matrix-vector multiply – Solve for the map PCG over FFT & sparse matrix-vector multiply
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Simulation & Mapping: Scaling In theory such analyses should scale – Linearly with the number of observations. – Perfectly to arbitrary numbers of cores. In practice this does not happen because of – IO (reading pointing; writing time-streams reading pointing & timestreams; writing maps) – Communication (gathering maps from all processes) – Calculation inefficiency (linear operations only) Code development has been an ongoing history of addressing these challenges anew with each new data volume and system concurrency.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 IO - Before For each MC realization For each detector Read detector pointingSim Write detector timestream For all detectors Read detector timestream & pointingMap Write map Read: 56 x Realizations x Detectors x Observations bytes Write: 8 x Realizations x (Detectors x Observations + Pixels) bytes E.g. for Planck, read 500PB & write 70PB.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 IO - Optimizations Read sparse telescope pointing instead of dense detector pointing – Calculate individual detector pointing on the fly. Remove redundant write/read of time-streams between simulation & mapping – Generate simulations on the fly only when map-maker requests data. Put MC loop inside map-maker – Amortize common data reads over all realizations.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 IO – After Now Read telescope pointing For each detector Calculate detector pointing For each MC realizationSimMap For all detectors Simulate time-stream Write map Read: 24 x Sparse Observations bytes Write: 8 x Realizations x Pixels bytes E.g. for Planck, read 2GB & write 70TB (10 8 read & 10 3 write compression).
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Communication Details The time-ordered data from all the detectors are distributed over the processes subject to: – Load-balance – Common telescope pointing Each process therefore holds – some of the observations – for some of the pixels. In each PCG iteration, each process solves with its observations. At the end of each iteration, each process needs to gather the total result for all of the pixels in its subset of the observations.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Communication - Before Initialize a process & MPI task on every core Distribute time-stream data & hence pixels After each PCG iteration – Each process creates a full map vector by zero-padding – Call MPI_Allreduce(map, world) – Each process extracts the pixels of interest to it & discards the rest
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Communication – Optimizations Reduce the number of MPI tasks – Use threads for on-node communication – Only use MPI for off-node communication Minimize the total volume of the messages – Determine processes’ pair-wise pixel overlap – If the data volume is smaller, use gathers in place of reduces
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Communication – After Now Initialize a process & MPI task on every node Distribute time-stream data & hence pixels Calculate common pixels for every pair of processes After each PCG iteration – If most pixels are common to most processes use MPI_Allreduce(map, world) as before – Else Each process prepares its send buffer Call MPI_Alltoallv(sbuffer, rbuffer, world) Each process receives contributions only to the pixels of interest to it & sums them.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Communication - Impact Fewer communicators & smaller message volume:
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 HPC System Evaluation Well-characterized & -instrumented science application codes can be a powerful tool for whole-system performance evaluation. Compare – unthreaded/threaded – allreduce/allgather on Cray XT4, XT5, XE6 on 200 – 16000 cores
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 Current Status Calculation scale with #observations. IO & communication scale with #pixels. Observations/pixel ~ S/N: science goals will help scaling! – Planck: O(10 3 ) observations per pixel – PolarBear: O(10 6 ) observations per pixel For each experiment, fixed data volume => strong scaling. Between experiments, growing data volume => weak scaling.
CS267 - April 26th, 2011 HPC System Evolution Clock speed is no longer able to maintain Moore’s Law. Multi-core CPU and GPGPU are two major approaches. Both of these will require – significant code development – performance experiments & auto-tuning E.g. NERSC’s new XE6 system Hopper – 6384 nodes – 2 sockets per node – 2 NUMA nodes per socket – 6 cores per NUMA node What is the best way to run hybrid code on such a system?
CS267 - April 26th, 2011
Conclusions The CMB provides a unique window onto the early Universe – investigate fundamental cosmology & physics. The CMB data sets we gather and the HPC systems we analyze them on are both evolving. CMB data analysis is a long-term computationally-challenging problem requiring state-of-the-art HPC capabilities. The science we can extract from present and future CMB data sets will be determined by the limits on a)our computational capability, and b)our ability to exploit it.
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