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1 ENVIROGRIDS: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ENVIROGRIDS: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ENVIROGRIDS: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony Lehmann University of Geneva / Climate Change and Climatic impacts / enviroSPACE group and United Nations Environment Programme / DEWA / GRID-Europe SwiNG Scientific Advisory Council, June11 th 2011

2 2

3 3 The enviroGRIDS project  FP7 (Theme 6:environment). April 2009 – March 2013, 1403 man-months, €8.1 mio. tot. budget, €6.2 mio. EC contribution Overarching objectives  data gap analysis  spatially explicit regional scenarios of development  develop early warning and decision support tools at regional, national and local levels  Build capacities in the Black Sea region to enhance data interoperability, by promoting open standards (ISO and OGC)  large scale, high resolution distributed hydrologic model of the Black Sea watershed  a Grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

4 4 Azov Center 30-partner consortium

5 5 Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Vector MetadataRaster Data layer Institution 1 [metadata] Institution 4 [data] Institution 2 [metadata] Institution 3 [metadata & data] Service layer CSW WMS WFS WCS Application layer GEOSS INSPIRE EG URM portal

6 6 Catchment hydrological model

7 7 Typical SWAT user arcGIS (Windows) Text files

8 8 Split large SWAT models at sub-basin level, compute them separately, merge individual outputs from each sub-basin, and route the outputs through the river network SWAT gridification

9 9 Displaying SWAT results BAsin Scale HYdrological Toolkit (BASHYT) The aim is to have BASHYT communicate with the grid It is currently optimized for a one basin scenario

10 10 GIS-GRID link arcGIS

11 11 OGC web services

12 12 Web Processing Service (WPS)

13 13 WPS mediation

14 14 WPS request

15 15 Publications Giuliani G., Ray N., Schwarzer S., De Bono A., Dao H., Peduzzi P., Beniston M., Van Woerden J., Witt R., Lehmann A. (2011) Sharing environmental data through GEOSS. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2(1):1-17 Giuliani G., Ray N., Lehmann A. (2011) Grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure for environmental sciences: challenges and opportunities. Future Generation Computer Systems 27(3):292-303 Giuliani G., Lehmann A., Nativi S., Ray N. WPS mediation: an approach to process geospatial data on different computing backends, submitted to Computers and Geosciences Giuliani G., Dubois A., Lacroix P. OGC Web Feature and Coverage Services performance testing: towards an efficient access to geospatial data, submitted to International Journal of Digital Earth Yalew S.G., van Griensven A., Ray N., Betrie G.D., Kokoszkiewicz L. Parallel computing of a large scale SWAT model, submitted to Environmental Modelling & Software

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