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Handle System Namespace and Service Definition Sam X. Sun

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1 Handle System Namespace and Service Definition Sam X. Sun

2 Agenda Design Objective Namespace Definition Data Model Service Model Protocol Model Handle System and DNS Handle System and X.500/LDAP

3 HS Design Objective Uniqueness, Persistence, Extendable Scalable, Distributed Service Model Secured Name Service International Support Distributed Administration Service Efficient Resolution Service

4 HS Namespace Handle Syntax / where each NA represent a local namespace. Example: 10.1045/january99-bearman cnri.test/my-test-handle

5 HS Data Model cnri.test/my-test-handle Each handle can be assigned with a set of value records, at least one of them defines its administrator. For example,

6 Handle Value Record Indexidentifies the value record typea UTF-8 string, registered as handle datahandle data, preceded by its length TTLrelative/absolute permissionpublic read/write, admin read/write timestampfor administration/caching purpose referencelist of handle value references (for added credential)

7 Handle Admin Record - HS_ADMIN adminRefrefer to another handle value record adminPermission - add/delete naming authority - add/delete handle - add/delete/modify handle value - add/delete/modify administrator

8 Handle System Service Architecture

9 (e.g. DOI) HS Service Delegation Global Handle Registry Local Handle Service Local Handle Service …... Global Service manages namespace registration in terms Naming Authority (NA). Local Service manages names under registered NAs. (e.g. CNRI) (e.g. ETSI) Local Handle Service

10 Site 3 HS Service Distribution Service sites replicate each other for load balancing. Add more servers per site to support ever growing namespace. NT 1 NT 2 NT 3 NT 4 Sparc 1 Sparc 2 MainFraimMainFraim Site 1 Site 2 A Handle Service (Global/Local) configuration example:

11 Service Definition: HS_SITE Record versionidentifies HS_SITE info format serialNoidentifies its data version primaryMaskprimary/secondary/multi-primary hashOptionby handle/local name/NA attributeListdescription,... ServerList{ list each server at the site} …...

12 Handle Protocol Model Envelop + Header + Body + [ Signature ] where envelop - defines version and other options header/body - requests/response data signature - covers header/body only

13 Handle Protocol Model (cont.) Client queries the Global Handle Registry for responsible local handle service Global Handle Registry returns the service information, signed if required Client sends service request to the local handle service Local handle service sends response to client, performs authentication if necessary

14 HS Authentication Protocol Client sends service request Server issues challenge if authentication is required Client returns response to the challenge plus the administrator reference Server perform request upon successful authentication

15 Handle System and DNS Different Naming Structure. (URL like) More scalable service model in terms of multiple servers for any service site. Access control model that allow distributed administration. Namespace I18N. Independent Name Service that will not conflict to network address translation.

16 Handle System and X.500/LDAP Simple data model at any service site v.s. hierarchical data model used by X.500/LDAP. Simple/quick resolution service v.s. complicated search/query. May work together to compliment each other.

17 References Handle System home page: – Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – IETF drafts –draft-sun-handle-system-03.txt –draft-sun-handle-system-def-01.txt

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