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Strategic Approach to Testing

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0 Course Notes Set 10: Testing Strategies
Computer Science and Software Engineering Auburn University

1 Strategic Approach to Testing
Testing begins at the unit level and works toward integrating the entire system Various techniques for testing are appropriate at different times Conducted by the developer and by independent test groups

2 Requirements Specification
Testing Strategies Requirements Specification System Testing Preliminary Design Integration Testing Detailed Design Unit Testing Coding [Adapted from Software Testing A Craftman’s Approach, by Jorgensen, CRC Press, 1995]

3 A Testing Strategy System engineering Requirements Design Code
Unit Test Integration Test Validation Test System Test [Adapted from Software Engineering 4th Ed, by Pressman, McGraw-Hill, 1997]

4 Integration Testing After individual components have passed unit testing, they are merged together to form subsystems and ultimately one complete system. Integration testing is the process of exercising this “hierarchically accumulating” system.

5 Integration Testing We will (normally) view the system as a hierarchy of components. Call graph Structure chart Design tree Integration testing can begin at the top of this hierarchy and work downward, or it can begin at the bottom of the hierarchy and work upwards. It can also employ a combination of these two approaches.

6 Example Component Hierarchy
B C D E F G [Figure and associated examples adapted from Pfleeger 2001]

7 Integration Testing Strategies
Big-bang integration Bottom-up Integration Top-down Integration Sandwich Integration

8 Big-bang Integration All components are tested in isolation.
Then, the entire system is integrated in one step and testing occurs at the top level. Often used (perhaps wrongly), particularly for small systems. Does not scale. Difficult or impossible to isolate faults.

9 Big-bang Integration A B C D E F G Test A Test B Test C Test A,B,C,

10 Bottom-up Integration
Test each unit at the bottom of the hierarchy first. Then, test the components that call the previously tested ones (one layer up in the hierarchy). Repeat until all components have been tested. Component drivers are used to do the testing.

11 Bottom-up Integration
Test E Test B,E,F Test F Test A,B,C, D,E,F, G Test C Test G Test D,G A B C D E F G

12 Bottom-up Integration
The manner in which the software was designed will influence the appropriateness of bottom-up integration. While it is normally appropriate for object-oriented systems, bottom-up integration has disadvantages for functionally-decomposed systems: Top-level components are usually the most important, but the last to be tested. The upper levels are more general while the lower levels are more specific. Thus, by testing from the bottom up the discover of major faults can be delayed. Top-level faults are more likely to reflect design errors, which should obviously be discovered as soon as possible and are likely to have wide-ranging consequences. In timing-based systems, the timing control is usually in the top-level components.

13 Top-down Integration The top-level component is tested in isolation.
Then, all the components called by the one just tested are combined and tested as a subsytem. This is repeated until all components have been integrated and tested. Stubs are used to fill in for components that are called but are not yet included in the testing.

14 Top-down Integration A B C D E F G Test A Test A,B, C,D Test A,B,C,

15 Top-down Integration Again, the design of the system influences the appropriateness of the integration strategy. Top-down integration is obviously well-suited to systems that have been created through top-down design. When major system functions are localized to components, top-down integration allows the testing to isolate one function at a time and follow its control flow from the highest levels of abstraction to the lowest levels. Also, design problems show up earlier rather than later.

16 Top-down Integration A major disadvantage is the need of stubs.
Writing stubs can be complex since they must function under the same conditions as their real counterpart. The correctness of the stub will influence the validity of the test. A large number of stubs could be required, particularly when there are a large number of general-purpose components in the lowest layer. Another criticism is the lack of individual testing on interior components. To address this concern, a modified top-down integration strategy can be used. Instead of incorporating an entire layer at once, each component in a given layer is tested individually before the integration of that layer occurs. This introduces another problem, however: Now both stubs and component drivers are needed.

17 Modified Top-down Integration
Test B Test E Test A Test C Test A,B, C,D Test F Test A,B,C, D,E,F, G Test D Test G A B C D E F G

18 Sandwich Integration Top-down and bottom-up can be combined into what Myers calls “sandwich integration.” The system is viewed as being composed of three major levels: the target layer in the middle, the layers above the target, and the layers below the target. A top-down approach is used for the top level while a bottom-up approach is used for the bottom level. Testing converges on the target level.

19 Sandwich Integration A B C D E F G Test E Test B,E,F Test F Test D,G

20 Measures for Integration Testing
Recall v(G) is an upper bound on the number of independent/basis paths in a source module Similarly, we would like to limit the number of subtrees in a structure chart or call graph

21 Subtrees in Architecture vs. Paths in Units
A call graph (or equivalent) architectural representation corresponds to a design tree representation, just as the source code for a unit corresponds to a flowgraph. Executing the design tree means it is entered at the root, modules in the subtrees are executed, and it eventually exits at the root. Just as the program can have a finite (if it halts), but overwhelming, number of paths, a design tree can have an inordinately large number of subtrees as a result of selection and iteration. We need a measure for design trees that is the analog of the basis set of independent paths for units.

22 Design Tree : Complexity of 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

23 Design Tree : Complexity > 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

24 Design Tree Notation Possible Paths: Neither A B A B Possible Paths: A
M M M A B A B A B Possible Paths: Neither A B A B Possible Paths: A B Possible Paths: Neither A B

25 Subtrees vs. Paths M’s Flowgraph Design Tree C E M A B A B X
[Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

26 Flowgraph Information
Flowgraph symbols A black dot is a call to a subordinate module A white dot is a sequential statement (or a collection of sequential statements) Rules for reduction Sequential black dot : may not be reduced Sequential white dot : a sequential node may be reduced to a single edge Repetitive white dots : a logical repetition without a black dot can be reduced to a single node Conditional white dots : a logical decision with two paths without a black dot may be reduced to one path

27 4. Conditional or Looping White Dot Decisions
Reduction Rules 1. Sequential Black Dot 2. Sequential White Dot 3. Repetitive White Dot 4. Conditional or Looping White Dot Decisions or [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

28 Example Reduction 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 4 4 4 7 6 6 6 From 1 to 2: 8
Nodes 5 and 7 are eliminated using Rule 2 From 2 to 3 An edge from node2 to node 6 removed using rule 4 8 8 9 9 8 9 [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

29 Example Reduction 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 From 3 to 4
Node 2 is eliminated using rule 2 From 4 to 5 Node 6 is eliminated using rule 2 From 5 to 6 The edge from node 1 to node 8 is removed using rule 4 From 6 to 7 Node 8 is eliminated using rule 2 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

30 Architectural Design Measures
Number of subtrees The set of all subtrees is not particularly useful, but a basis set would be. Module Design Complexity : iv(G) The cyclomatic complexity of the reduced flowgraph of the module Design Complexity: S0 S0 of a module M is S0 = iv(Gj) j D where D is the set of descendants of M unioned with M Note: If a module is called several times, it is added only once

31 Design Complexity Example
iv=3 S0=3 iv=2 S0=4 iv=2 S0=1 iv=1 S0=1 iv=1 S0=1 iv=1 S0=1 iv=1 [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

32 Design Complexity Example
iv=2 A S0=6 iv=2 B S0=1 iv=1 S0(A) = iv(A) + iv(C) + iv(D) + iv(E) C S0=4 iv=2 D S0=1 iv=1 E S0=1 iv=1 [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

33 Architectural Design Measures
Integration Complexity : S1 Measure of the number of integration tests required S1 = S0 - n + 1 S0 is the design complexity n is the number of modules

34 Integration Complexity
S1=5 S0=9 iv=3 S1=5 S0=9 iv=3 M N A S0=5 iv=3 B iv=1 S S0=5 iv=3 T iv=1 C iv=1 D iv=1 U iv=1 V iv=1 [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

35 Integrated Properties of M and N
iv=3 M Integration Point A S0=5 iv=3 B S0=10 iv=1 C iv=1 D iv=1 N S0=9 iv=3 S S0=5 iv=3 T S0=1 iv=1 U iv=1 V iv=1

36 Integration Testing Module integration testing
Scope is a module and its immediate subordinates Testing Steps Apply reduction rules to the module Cyclomatic complexity of the subalgorithm is the module design complexity of the original algorithm. This determines the number of required tests. The baseline method applied to the subalgorithm yields the design subtrees and the module integration tests

37 Integration Testing Design integration testing
Derived from integration complexity, which quantifies a basis set of integration tests Testing steps Calculate iv and S0 for each module Calculate S1 for the top module (number of basis subtrees required) Build a path matrix (S1 x n) to establish the basis set of subtrees Identify and label each predicate in the design tree and place those labels above each column of the path matrix corresponding to the module it influences Apply the baseline method to the design to complete the matrix (1 : the module is executed; 0 : the module is not executed) Identify the subtrees in the matrix and the conditions which derive the subtrees Build corresponding test cases for each subtree

38 Design Integration Example
iv=2 M P1 A S0=3 iv=1 B S0=4 iv=2 P2 C S0=1 iv=1 S0=1 iv=1 D E S0=1 iv=1 S1 = S0 - n + 1 = = 3 P1 : condition W = X P2 : condition Y = Z [Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

39 Integration Path Test Matrix
[Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

40 Integration Path Test Matrix
[Adapted from McCabe and Butler, “Design Complexity Measurement and Testing,” CACM 32(12)]

41 Example What is an appropriate number of integration test cases
with ModuleA, ModuleB; use ModuleA, ModuleB; procedure Main is begin S1; while CM loop ProcA; ProcB; end loop; end Main; with ModuleC; use ModuleC; package body ModuleA is procedure ProcA is begin S1; if CA then else ProcC; end if; end ProcA; null; end ModuleA; with ModuleC; use ModuleC; package body ModuleB is procedure ProcB is begin S1; if CB then ProcC; else S2; end if; if CB2 then S3; end ProcB; null; end ModuleB; package body ModuleC is procedure ProcC is begin S1; if CC then S2; else S3; end if; end ProcC; null; end ModuleC; What is an appropriate number of integration test cases and what are those cases?

42 Example Main ProcA ProcB ProcC
[Adapted from Watson and McCabe, “Structured Testing: A Testing Methodology Using the Cyclomatic Complexity Metric,” NIST , 1996]

43 System Testing The primary objective of unit and integration testing is to ensure that the design has been implemented properly; that is, that the programmers wrote code to do what the designers intended. (Verification) The primary objective of system testing is very different: We want to ensure that the system does what the customer wants it to do. (Validation) [Some notes adapted from Pfleeger 2001]

44 System Testing Steps in system testing Function Testing
Performance Testing Acceptance Testing Installation Testing Function Test Performance Test Acceptance Test Installation Test Delivered System Integrated Modules Functioning System Verified, Validated Software Accepted System

45 Function Testing Checks that an integrated system performs its functions as specified in the requirements. Common functional testing techniques (cause-effect graphs, boundary value analysis, etc.) used here. View the entire system as a black box.

46 Performance Testing Compares the behavior of the functionally verified system to nonfunctional requirements. System performance is measured against the performance objectives set by the customer and expressed as nonfunctional requirements. This may involve hardware engineers. Since this stage and the previous constitute a complete review of requirements, the software is now considered validated.

47 Types of Performance Tests
Stress tests Configuration tests Legacy Regression tests Security tests Timing tests Environmental tests Quality tests Recovery tests Documentation tests Usability tests

48 Acceptance Testing Customer now leads testing and defines the cases to test. The purpose of acceptance testing is to allow the customer and users to determine if the system that was built actually meets their needs and expectations. Many times, the customer representative involved in requirements gathering will specify the acceptance tests.

49 Types of Acceptance Tests
Benchmark tests Subset of users operate the system under a set of predefined test cases. Pilot tests Subset of users operate the system under normal or “everyday” situations. Alpha testing if done at developer’s site Beta testing if done at customer’s site Parallel tests New system operates in parallel with the previous version. Users gradually transition to the new system.

50 Installation Testing Last stage of testing
May not be needed if acceptance testing was performed at the customer’s site. The system is installed in the environment in which it will be used, and we verify that it works in the field as it did when tested previously.

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