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Project title Your Names Plan on 8 minutes (no more than 6 slides)

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Presentation on theme: "Project title Your Names Plan on 8 minutes (no more than 6 slides)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project title Your Names Plan on 8 minutes (no more than 6 slides)

2 2 Basic concept Problem space  Description  Importance Description of the application  What does it do?  What is it good for?  Who will care?

3 3 Basic Scenario Storyboard of the product in use  Make sure to highlight how this makes something better  How does it compare to what is done today? As many figures as possible

4 4 Architecture What are basic components of your product? How do they interact?  What information flows between them?  Over what channels?  Use the scenario as an example You definitely should use a figure here

5 5 Expected effort What pieces have to be built Minimum vs. desired functionality What are the big unknowns

6 6 Related Work What other projects relate to this one?  Commercial or research What ideas does it draw on and who has worked on them?  Who could you go to for help/advice What makes this project novel/interesting?

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