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CS 326 A: Motion Planning Collision Detection and Distance Computation: Feature Tracking Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 326 A: Motion Planning Collision Detection and Distance Computation: Feature Tracking Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 326 A: Motion Planning Collision Detection and Distance Computation: Feature Tracking Methods

2 Main Approaches  Hierarchical bounding volume hierarchies  Feature tracking (pairs of closest features)

3 With Bounding Volume Hierarchies Dynamic Collision Checking 1 2 3 2 3 3 3

4 With Feature Tracking: Dynamic Collision Checking Particularly useful when the motion is checked while being executed, e.g., as in haptics. Requires spatio-temporal assumption to be satisfied: Under a small relative motion of the objects, the tracked features change undergo small changes

5 Feature Tracking Methods  Only update the tracked features at “critical events” when they may change  KDS (Kinetic Data Structure methods) [Guibas et al.]  Fixed or arbitrary small discretization This class’s papers: 1. Lin and Canny method (+ V-Clip of B. Mirtich) 2. Application to detecting self-collisions in humanoid robots (Kuffner et al.)

6 Combining Bounding Volume and Feature Tracking Methods  T.Y. Li and J.S. Chen. 1998. Incremental 3D Collision Detection with Hierar-chical Data Structures,Proc. ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, p.139-144, Taipei, Taiwan

7 Combining Bounding Volume and Feature Tracking Methods  S.A. Ehmann and M.C. Lin. Accurate and Fast Proximity Queries Between Polyhedra Using Convex Surface Decomposition. Proc. 2001 Eurographics, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 500-510, 2001.  Use BVH to quickly identify close pairs of polyhedra  Use feature-tracking to check these pairs

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