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Chatting & Shopping Online by Nicole

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1 Chatting & Shopping Online by Nicole Huang @AFL.NHUST

2 Chatting Online Asynchronous – Email; Discussion Board Synchronous — Chat (real time) Types of Chat Web based Chat: Yahoo Chat ; Benway ’ s Chat PagesYahoo ChatBenway ’ s Chat Pages Webcam Chat (face to face): Netmeeting,Netmeeting Instant Messengers:ICQ, MSN MessengersICQMSN Messengers Internet Relay Chat: (IRC): mIRCmIRC

3 What is Etiquette the set of rules or customs which control accepted behavior in particular social groups or social situations. What is Netiquette: the set of rules about behavior that is acceptable when writing an email or talking to people in a chat room. ---From Cambridge Advanced Learner ’ s Dictionary

4 Etiquette on the Chat Never use your real name; gender neutral Lurking — before you jump into the conversation, observe it for a while to get a feel for it. NEVER full capital — considering shouting Flaming: don ’ t involved in abusive exchanges Avoid sending long messages

5 Ground Rules for Keeping Safe Never give out your personal information, even somebody ask for it (name, address, workplace, school name, phone numbers, or email address) Choose a bland nickname (gender neutral) Never give out your password or follow somebody ’ s command or receive files from someone you don ’ t know. Be aware of where you are

6 Netiquette Quiz Let ’ s take a quiz at

7 E-tailers E-tailer : a business that uses the Internet to sell its products Retail: the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in small quantities Retailer :a person, shop or business that sells goods to the public Wholesaler: someone who buys and sells goods in large amounts to shops and businesses:

8 Shopping Bot Shopping Bots: are electronic crawlers, who do the research for you by keeping track of merchandise offering and prices of thousands of e-tailers.

9 Hands-on Practice 1. Please search the most inexpensive price for your textbook from one of the following websites: Textbook: How the Internet Works (Millennium Edition) by Preston Gralla; Copyright 1999 by Que ISBN: 0-7897-2132-5 Websites :Powell ’ s Bookshttp://www.powells.com Ecampus http://www.ecampus.com Ask Jeeves http://www.ask.com Send your findings (website; keywords; book status (used/new..); price; handling charge; shipping charge; delivery method..) on your own blog. (DO NOT BUY IT UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT To )

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