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Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Planning for Testing

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1 Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Planning for Testing
Reading Assignment: John McGregor and David A. Sykes, A Practical Guide to Testing Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, 2001, ISBN: Chapter 3: Planning for Testing

2 Objectives To be able to plan a test process that complement the development process. To learn how to analyze the risks associated with verifying the required functionality. To be able to develop test plans for different levels and types of testing required for the comprehensive test process.

3 Outline Introduction A development process overview
A testing process overview Risk analysis A testing process Roles in the testing process A detailed set of test activities Planning activities Document templates Test metrics

4 Introduction Testing requires considerable resources. Effective utilization of those resources requires good planning and good management. Planning at technical level is guided by templates that are “instantiated” as needed by developers Basic testing process: Test early, test often, test enough.

5 A Development process overview
A process is a continuous series of activities that convey you to an end. Four main activities of software development Analysis: (domain and application analysis) focuses on understanding the problem and defining the requirements for the software portions of the system Design: (architectural design, subsystem and package design, class design, and algorithm design) focuses on solving the problem in software Implementation: (class implementation and integration) focuses on translating the design into executable code Testing: (basic unit testing, integrated units testing, subsystem testing, system testing) focuses on ensuring that inputs produce the desired results as specified by the requirements. Maintenance focuses on bug repairs and enhancements.

6 A Development process overview (cont...)
Development models: Evolutionary, incremental (our focus), spiral, concurrent. Under an increment development process, a system is developed as a sequence of increments. An increment is a deliverable, including models, documentation, and code, which provides some of the functionality required by the system. The products developed in one increment feeds into the development of the next increment. The final increment delivers a deployable system that meets all requirements. Increments can be developed in sequence or one or more can be developed concurrently.

7 A Development process overview (cont...)
In each increment developers: analyze, design, code, and test as needed. Developers have to perform these activities repeatedly in building an increment because they find errors in previous work (incremental, iterative development process).

8 A Development process overview (cont...)
Analysis Design Implementation Testing Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment N

9 A Development process overview (cont...)
Object-oriented development is particularly well suited to evolutionary development because OO analysis, design and implementation entail the successive refinement of a single model. In OO analysis, we understand a problem by modeling it in terms of objects and classes of objects, their relationships and responsibilities.

10 A Development process overview (cont...)
In OO design, we solve the problem by manipulating those same objects and relationships identified in analysis and introducing solution-specific classes, objects, relationships, and responsibilities. Implementation is straightforward from a well-specified set of design products. Testing should also be done in every increment. Regression tests must be run between increments and within iterations.

11 Example: Incremental, Iterative Development Plan for Brickles
Iteration Present user interface showing puck bouncing in window 1.a Domain analysis: Construct class diagrams 1.b Application analysis: Construct class diagrams and state diagrams 1.c Design: Study MFC and animation. 1.d Implement: Code Hello World using MFC. 2.a Design: Complete class diagram for puck bouncing in a window 2.b Implementation: Code puck bouncing in window 2.c Testing: Test the code for puck bouncing in window

12 Example: Incremental, Iterative Development Plan for Brickles (cont...)
Iteration Move paddle in window and detect collisions 1.a Application analysis: Add details of Paddle control and collisions to class diagrams, other diagrams 1.b Design: Design Paddle and collision classes. 1.c Implementation: Code Paddle classes incrementally from MovableSprite and collision class from Exception.

13 Example: Incremental, Iterative Development Plan for Brickles (cont...)
Iteration Display brick pile and detect collisions. 1.a Application analysis: Add collections of sprites to class diagram 1.b. Design: Design collision detection algorithm. 1.c Implementation: Code Brickpile class by aggregating collection class.

14 Example: Incremental, Iterative Development Plan for Brickles (cont...)
Iteration 4. Add supply of pucks and detect end of match 1.a Design: End of match algorithm to use exceptions to detect endOfMatch 1.b. Implementation: PuckSupply class.

15 A Testing process overview
Development and testing are two distinct but intimately related processes. Their activities overlap when test cases have to be designed, coded, and executed. The roles of development and testing functionality are usually assigned to different people. Development process Testing Development product Test results

16 A Testing process overview: testability
Testability is related to how easily you can evaluate the results of the tests.

17 A Testing process overview: test cases and test suites
The basic component of testing is a test case. A test case is a pair (input, expected result): Input: is a description of an input to the software under test. Expected result: is a description of the output that the software should exhibit for the associated input. Input and expected result may not be simple data values, they can be arbitrarily complex.

18 A Testing process overview: test cases and test suites (cont...)
A test case execution is a running of the software that provides the input specified in the test case and observes the results and compares them to those specified by the test case. Test suites have some sort of organization based on the kinds of test cases, e.g. system capacity test suites, typical uses of the system suite, etc. Main issues in test suite: correctness, observability of results, and adequacy.

19 A Testing process overview: STEP testing technique
Analysis: The product to be tested is examined to identify any special features that must receive particular attention and to determine the test cases that should be constructed. Construction: the artifacts that are needed for testing are created. Test cases identified during analysis are translated into programming languages and scripting languages. Execution and evaluation: the results are examined to determine whether the software passed the test suite or failed it.

20 Risk analysis ―A tool for testing
Risk analysis is part of planning and development effort. A risk ―anything that threatens the successful achievement of a project’s goals A risk is an event that has some probability of happening and, if it occurs, there will be some loss (down time, financial). Fundamental principle for risk-based testing Test most heavily those portions of the system that pose the highest risks to the project to ensure that the most harmful faults are identified.

21 Risk analysis ―A tool for testing: risk types
Project risks: include managerial and environmental risks (e.g. insufficient supply of qualified personnel). Business risks: are associated with domain-related concepts. This type of risk is related to the functionality of the program (e.g. changes on the health insurance policy). Technical risks: include some implementation concepts (e.g. the quality of the code).

22 Risk analysis ―A tool for testing: risk analysis
Risk analysis ―is a procedure for identifying risks and for identifying ways to prevent problems from becoming real. The output of risk analysis is a list of identified risks in the order of the level of risk that can be used to allocate limited resources and to prioritize decisions. Risks in OO software projects are unique to the architectural features: Complex interactions among objects Complex behavior associated with a class specification Changing or evolving project requirement Complexity of a class measured by: The size of its specification The number of relationships a class has with other classes

23 Risk analysis ―A tool for testing: risk analysis (cont...)
Source of risks: For system testing, the various uses of the system are prioritized based on the importance to the user and proper operation of the system. Risks are also associated with the programming language and development tools that are being used to implement the software (strong typed vs. weak typed languages).

24 Risk analysis ―A tool for testing: risk analysis (cont...)
Conducting the analysis: Risk analysis technique includes three tasks: Identify the risks that each use case poses to the development effort (classify as low, medium and high –may be also very high) Quantify the risk Produce a ranked list of use cases

25 Risk analysis example Brickles example
You may combine the frequency and the criticality to determine which should be tested more heavily. Risk level: Conservative strategy: select the higher value. Averaging strategy: select the value between the two values. Use Risk Level Frequency Criticality Scenario Wins Medium Low High Player wins game Loses Player loses game

26 A testing process: planning issues
Issues that must be addressed to give a basic shape to the test process: Planning issues: Testing the models. Class testing, interaction testing, system testing, regression testing.

27 A testing process: dimensions of software testing
Who performs the testing? Developers, independent testers or combination of the two. Developers may exchange code and test each other’s code. Which pieces will be tested? Test nothing, test a sample, test everything, or just the ones associated with high risks. When will testing be performed? Test every day, test components as they are developed, test all components together at the end, at special milestones.

28 A testing process: dimensions of software testing (cont...)
How will testing be performed? Knowledge of specification only, knowledge of specification and implementation. How much testing is adequate? No testing, exhaustive testing (consider the expected lifetime of the software), is the software life-critical, Coverage: is a measure of how completely a test suite exercises the capabilities of a piece of software (other measures: if every LOC executed at least once, the number of requirement that is checked by the test suite).

29 A testing process: adequacy of test cases
Adequacy of test cases: test the software enough to be reasonably sure that the software works as it is supposed to. Adequacy can be measured based on coverage: Coverage based on the requirements: based on what the software is supposed to do ―how many of the requirements called out in the specification are tested Coverage based on the code: based on how the software actually works ―how much of the software was executed as a result of running test suites

30 A testing process: adequacy of test cases (cont...)
Functional testing (specification-based or black box testing): test cases are constructed based solely on the software’s specification and not on how the software is implemented. Structural testing (implementation-based or white box testing): test cases are constructed based on the code that implements the software. Use some combination of both approaches.

31 A testing process: adequacy of test cases― risk analysis (cont...)
Risk analysis in the testing process is applied to determine the level of details and amount of time to dedicate to testing a component. A reasonable scale of increasing risk for components is: Prototype components Production components Library components Framework components Risk increases

32 Roles in the testing process
One or more people can assume each role. One person can assume multiple roles. Roles must be separate: Class tester: test individual classes as they are programmed. Integration tester: test a set of objects that are being brought together from different development resources (requires testing and development skills). System tester: responsible for independently verifying that the completed application satisfies the system requirements. Test manager: managing the test process.

33 Planning activities: scheduling testing activities
Class tests: Scheduled based on the developer’s judgment as they become useful or necessary. Useful during coding Necessary when adding a component to the code base. Integration tests: Scheduled as specific intervals, usually at the end of major iteration that signal the completion of an increment System tests: Performed on major deliverables at specified intervals throughout the project, usually specified in the project plan.

34 Planning activities: estimation
Estimation: estimating resources ―cost, time and personnel Factors should be considered for estimation: Level of coverage: estimate the amount of effort for one use case then you can construct the estimate for the whole system Domain type: logic intensive vs. data intensive (simple logic but difficult to test). Equipment required: environment as close as possible to the deployment environment. Costs of equipment for simulation must also be considered. Organizational model: buddy approach (two developers swap code with each other and test) or different approach. Testing effort estimate: effort for testing all classes: total number of classes times the effort per class.

35 Planning activities: document templates
Project test plan Component test plan (one per important component/class). Use case test plan (one per use case) Integration test plan (one per increment) System test plan (only one)

36 Planning activities: document templates — The IEEE 829 Standard Test Plan outline
1.0 Introduction 2.0 Test Items 3.0 Tested Features 4.0 Features Not Tested (per cycle) 5.0 Testing Strategy and Approach 5.1 Syntax 5.2 Description of Functionality 5.3 Arguments for Tests 5.4 Expected Output 5.5 Specific Exclusions 5.6 Dependencies 5.7 Test case Success/Failure criteria

37 Planning activities: document templates — The IEEE 829 Standard Test Plan outline (Cont.)
6.0 Pass/Fail Criteria for Complete Test Cycle 7.0 Entrance Criteria / Exit Criteria 8.0 Test Suspension Criteria and resumption Requirements 9.0 Test Deliverables/Status Communication Vehicles 10.0 Testing Tasks 11.0 Hardware and Software Requirements 12.0 Problem Determination and Correction Responsibilities 13.0 Staffing and Training Needs/Assignments 14.0 Test Schedules 15.0 Risks and Contingencies 16.0 Approvals

38 Planning activities: document templates— Project test plan
The purpose of project test plan is to summarize the testing strategy that is to be employed for the project: The steps in the development process at which testing will occur The frequency of testing with which the testing should occur Who is responsible for the activity The project test plan may be an independent document or it may be included in either the overall project plan or the project’s quality assurance plan.

39 Planning activities: document templates— Component test plan
The purpose of the component test plan is to define the overall strategy and specific test cases that will be used to test a certain component. Two types of guiding information: Project criteria: standards that have been agreed upon as to how thoroughly each component will be tested (e.g. 100% of the critical components will be tested) Project procedure: identify techniques that have been agreed upon as the best way to handle a particular task (e.g. constructing a PACT class for each component that will be tested)

40 Planning activities: document templates— Use case test plan
The purpose of the use case test plan is to describe the system-level tests to be derived from a single use case Three levels of use cases: High level: abstract use cases that are the basis for being extended to end-to-end system level use case End-to-end system Functional sub-use cases: aggregated into end-to-end system-level use cases. Types of use cases: Functionality use cases: modified the data maintained by the system in some way Report use cases: accessed information to the user.

41 Planning activities: document templates— Integration test plan
Integration test plan is important in an iterative development environment. Specific sets of functionality will be delivered before others. Out of these increments the full system slowly emerges. Since small, localized behavior should have already been tested. Integration tests should be more complex and more comprehensive than the typical component tests. Individual test plans are combined to form the integration test plan for a specific increment. Integration test depends on other test cases, so no template is provided.

42 Planning activities: document templates— System test plan
The system test plan is a document that summarizes the individual use case test plans and provides information on additional types of testing that will be conducted at the system level.

43 Planning activities: document templates—Iteration in planning
Iteration in the development process affects how planning is carried out for testing. Changes in product or increment requirements at least require that test plans be reviewed Requirements-to-use-case mapping matrix is a spreadsheet with requirement IDs in the vertical axis and use case IDs on the horizontal axis. Use-case-to-package(s) mapping matrix: each use case is related to a set of packages or classes.

44 Planning activities: document templates—planning effort
The effort expended on planning depends on: The amount of reuse that exists among the templates The effort required to complete each plan from the template The effort to modify an existing plan

45 Planning activities: test metrics
Test metrics include measures that provide information for evaluating the effectiveness of individual testing technique and the complete testing process Metrics are also used to provide planning information such as estimates of effort required for testing.

46 Planning activities: test metrics (cont...)
Coverage indicates which items have been touched by the test cases. Examples of coverage measures (product measures): Code coverage: which lines of code have been executed Postcondition coverage: which method postconditions have reached Model-element coverage: which classes and relationships in a model have been used in test cases Complexity measures Number and complexity of methods in the class Number of lines of code Amount of dynamic binding

47 Planning activities: test metrics (cont...)
Historical data used for projections and for planning a new project The (developer-hour) / (number of defects) metric provides a measure of the cost of the process Each company will need baseline their process and collect actual performance data before using these numbers for planning purposes.

48 Planning activities: test metrics (cont...)
The effectiveness of the testing process is evaluated by collecting a data over the complete development life cycle The efficiency of the testing process is measured by considering the intervals between the development phase in which the defect is injected and the phase in which it is detected for all defects: The perfectly effective testing process finds every defect in the same development phase in which it was injected.

49 Planning activities: fundamental testing metrics
Time: The time required to run a test (sample units: generally estimated in minutes or hours per test ). The time available for the test effort (sample units: generally estimated in weeks and measured in minutes) The cost of testing (sample units: currency, such as dollars; can also be measured in units of time)

50 Key points Basic testing process: Test early, test often, test enough.
Four main activities of software development: analysis, design, implementation and testing. Development and testing are two distinct but intimately related processes. The basic component of testing is a test case (pair of input and expected result) STEP testing technique: analysis, construction, execution and evaluation. A risk ―anything that threatens the successful achievement of a project’s goals

51 Key points (cont...) Risk analysis technique includes three tasks: identify, quantify the risk and produce a ranked list of use cases. Adequacy of test cases: test the software enough to be reasonably sure that the software works as it is supposed to. Roles in the testing process: class tester, integration tester, system tester, and test manager. Factors should be considered for estimation: level of coverage, domain type, equipment required, organizational model, and testing effort estimate.

52 Key points (cont...) Document templates:
The purpose of project test plan is to summarize the testing strategy that is to be employed for the project The purpose of the component test plan is to define the overall strategy and specific test cases that will be used to test a certain component. The purpose of the use case test plan is to describe the system-level tests to be derived from a single use case The system test plan is a document that summarizes the individual use case test plans and provides information on additional types of testing that will be conducted at the system level Test metrics include measures that provide information for evaluating the effectiveness of individual testing technique and the complete testing process.

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