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Holographic Dark Energy Preety Sidhu 5 May 2006. Black Holes and Entropy Black holes are “maximal entropy objects” Entropy of a black hole proportional.

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Presentation on theme: "Holographic Dark Energy Preety Sidhu 5 May 2006. Black Holes and Entropy Black holes are “maximal entropy objects” Entropy of a black hole proportional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holographic Dark Energy Preety Sidhu 5 May 2006

2 Black Holes and Entropy Black holes are “maximal entropy objects” Entropy of a black hole proportional to surface area of event horizon Max entropy for volume of space goes as bounding surface area, not mass

3 The Holographic Principle All information about a physical system in some region of space is encoded in its boundary surface, not its volume Like all the information in a room encoded in its walls

4 Information Entropy Information entropy (or Shannon entropy) measure of “randomness” or “uncertainty” in a signal Thermodynamic entropy like amount of Shannon entropy “missing” between classical macroscopic variables and full microscopic description of system’s state Entropy ultimately measured in bits or nats 1 bit = (ln 2) nats  0.69 nats 1 nat ~ 4 Planck areas Total bits related to matter/energy degrees of freedom Maximum info density, for given volume, about enclosed particle states Matter cannot be infinitely subdivided

5 Holographic Cosmology Related to the (poorly understood) principles of quantum gravity Bekenstein max entropy for weakly self-gravitating physical system [4D flat spacetime]: S ≤ 2πER Taken to be max holographic entropy for universe

6 Sizes and Scales In quantum field theory –UV cutoff: short wavelength, high energy bound –IR cutoff: long wavelength, low energy bound –Related by limits set by black hole formation UV limit ~ Planck length IR limit ~ “size of universe” –Particle horizon: largest comoving distance from which light could have reached observer today –Event horizon: largest comoving distance from which light will ever reach observer

7 Vacuum Fluctuations Uncertainty principle for quantum vacuum energy fluctuations, with N degrees of freedom Holographic principle sets N within UV and IR cutoffs One degree of freedom is a maximum entropy of one Boltzmann unit k Corresponds to Ω = π/4  (z) = -1+(1- π/4)z No adjustable parameters, consistent with recent cosmological observations

8 Holographic Bounds Holographic entropy bound violated for closed universe of particle horizon size Can solve for closed universe: –Replace particle horizon with event horizon –Add negative pressure component –Or Hubble scale IR cutoff with non-minimal coupling to scalar field

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