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1 INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata Max Craglia Joint Research Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "1 INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata Max Craglia Joint Research Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata Max Craglia Joint Research Centre

2 2 Outline Directive requirements IR development process Key features of the proposed Implementing Rule Guidelines and standards Additional support from the Commission Broader context: SEIS

3 3 How is Public Sector Information structured, identified and described so that potential re-users can find the information relevant to them and know what they are allowed to do with it? Should there be pan-European metadata standards for PSI asset registers? How can the compilation of PSI asset lists be given more priority? Do public sector bodies themselves know what information they have? Discovery and access to PSI Questions from 1 st and 2 nd thematic meetings:

4 4 INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. INSPIRE to be based on the infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data INSPIRE does not affect existing Intellectual Property Rights INSPIRE Directive General Provisions

5 5 INSPIRE Components Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, transform, invoke) Data and Service sharing (policy ) Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting INSPIRE is a Framework Directive Detailed technical provisions for the issues above will be laid down in Implementing Rules (IR) JRC is responsible for overall technical coordination of INSPIRE

6 6 INSPIRE Scope Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex II Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology Harmonised spatial data specifications more stringent for Annex I and II than for Annex III

7 7 Annex III –Statistical units –Buildings –Soil –Land use –Human health and safety –Utility and governmental services –Environmental monitoring facilities –Production and industrial facilities –Agricultural and aquaculture facilities –Population distribution – demography –Area management/restriction /regulation zones & reporting units –Natural risk zones –Atmospheric conditions –Meteorological geographical features –Oceanographic geographical features –Sea regions –Bio-geographical regions –Habitats and biotopes –Species distribution –Energy Resources –Mineral resources

8 8 From Commission proposal to Community Directive implementation Preparatory phase (2004-2006) –Co-decision procedure –Preparation of Implementing Rules 2005 – 2008 … Transposition phase (2007-2009) –Directive enters into force –Transposition into national legislation –INSPIRE Committee starts its activities –Adoption of Implementation Rules by Comitology Implementation phase (2009-2013) –implementation and monitoring of measures

9 9 Directive 2007/2/EC Articles 5 and 6 Member States shall ensure that metadata are created for the spatial data sets and services corresponding to the themes listed in Annexes I, II, (within 2 years of adoption of IRs) and III (within 5 years of adoption of IRs), and that those metadata are kept up to date. Metadata shall include information on the following : a.the conformity of spatial data sets with the implementing rules provided for in Article 7(1); b.conditions applying to access to, and use of, spatial data sets and services and, where applicable, corresponding fees; c.the quality and validity of spatial data sets; d.the public authorities responsible for the establishment, management, maintenance and distribution of spatial data sets and services; e.limitations on public access and the reasons for such limitations, in accordance with Article 13.

10 10 The following combination of search criteria shall be implemented: a.Keywords; b.classification of spatial data and services; c.the quality and validity of spatial data sets; of conformity with the implementing rules provided for in Article 7(1); e.geographical location; f.conditions applying to the access to and use of spatial data sets and services; g.the public authorities responsible for the establishment, management, maintenance and distribution of spatial data sets and services. Directive 2007/2/EC Article 11

11 11 Review reference material for IRs Reference materials (120) submitted by LMOs/SDICs and DT Materials were analyzed by DT members Key finding: –ISO 19115 / ISO 19119 for data and services respectively –but also Dublin Core –No other standards but need to keep the way open for future new standards Secondarily: –CEN WD European core for discovery –OGC, 2005, OpenGIS® Catalogue Services Specification 2.0 –OGC, 2005, ISO19115/ISO 19119 Application Profile for CSW 2.0 Special communities (WMO, EEA) were also addressed

12 12 Level 1 Discovery Level 2 Evaluation Metadata on metadata Mandatory/ Conditional Optional Soil 1) Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Natural risk zones Habitats and biotopes Conditional Use Data specifications Strategic approach 1 IN IRs NOT IN IRs

13 13 Participative approach: SDIC/LMO comments 1250 received. Very successful exercise of participation Every comment was answered with motivation and published Key Grouping of comments –Distinguish clearly between IRs, and guidelines, –Granularity –Conformity, quality, time, constraints Strategic Approach 2 Separate IRs from Guidelines IRs to focus on stable elements (What to do) Guidelines to implement based on ISO standards (How to do)

14 14 Key features of the IRs Minimum that is required to implement the requirements of the Directive and allow interoperability through standards Non-binding guidelines that allow conformance with EN ISO 19115 (data) and EN 19119 (services) + interoperability with e-government through ISO 15836. Guidelines can be updated when needed taking into account technological and standards change e.g. revision of OGC catalogue specifications and new CEN work on Discovery of e-government resources.

15 15 INSPIRE MD for Datasets and Series Resource title Resource abstract Resource type Resource locator Unique resource identifier Resource language Topic category Keyword Geographic bounding box Temporal reference Lineage Spatial resolution Conformity Conditions for access and use Limitations on public access Responsible organisation Metadata point of contact Metadata date Metadata language

16 16 INSPIRE MD for Spatial Data Services Resource title Resource abstract Resource type Resource locator Coupled resource Spatial data service type Keyword Geographic bounding box Temporal reference Spatial resolution Conformity Conditions for access and use Limitations on public access Responsible organisation Metadata point of contact Metadata date Metadata language

17 17 Status Proposal for European Regulation unanimously approved by INSPIRE Regulatory Committee on 14/5/2008 Translated into 23 languages Adoption in coming weeks. MS have 2 years from adoption to create the metadata for themes in Annex I and II, and 5 years for Annex III. Discovery and View Services Regulation foreseen in early 2009 with other services to follow.

18 18 Additional support from the Commission INSPIRE pilots to develop MD profiles for specific policy areas (CAFE and EMF pilots) Opportunities for funding, testing, and R&D in FP7 calls and eContent+ Collaborative work with EEA to include INSPIRE Themes in GEMET MD Editor to test that IRs and Guidelines are technically coherent and compliant with ISO standards + EU geoportal MD Editor as free facility for MS to create MD compliant with IRs. Work on multi-lingual discovery services in progress.

19 19 MD Editor /

20 20 The broader picture GEO SEIS INSPIRE GMES European initiatives European contributions to GEO

21 21 Shared Environmental Information System A collaborative initiative of the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA) Establish together with the MSs an integrated and shared EU-wide environmental information system. Tie in better all existing data gathering and information flows related to EU environmental policies and legislation. Move away from paper-based reporting to an e-Reporting system where information is managed as close as possible to its source and made available to users in an open and transparent way Put into practice the principle 'monitor once for timely and multi-purpose uses Make environmental information more readily available and easier to understand to policy makers and the public

22 22 Why is SEIS needed? The current fragmented reporting system  Because EU Policy makers at all levels (local to European) are convinced that better decisions need better and more timely information  Because EU Member States deserves a modern, efficient and user friendly e-Reporting System to fulfil their reporting obligations related to European Union environmental policies and legislation, avoiding duplication of efforts, overlapping and redundancies Once a SEIS exists all players can efficiently share information via shared areas

23 23 How will SEIS be built? A European Programme for SEIS February 2008: SEIS Commission Communication Establish a Political Framework for SEIS Set-up conceptual principles of SEIS: decentralised but integrated system Practical measures to facilitate the implementation of SEIS

24 24 A European Programme for SEIS Practical measures to facilitate the implementation of SEIS Reinforce the co-ordination of ongoing activities at European, national and regional level in line with SEIS Ensure SEIS, INSPIRE, GMES are mutually supportive Include SEIS in the eGovernment National Action Plans -Effectively liaise with Aarhus Convention Implementation and Directive - EEID (2003/4/EC) Revision of standardised reporting directive to move towards an eReporting based on SEIS Develop a SEIS Implementation Road map - Task Force: EC, EEA, MSs Use of Community funds (structural, CIP, eContent LIFE+, Research) to complement MSs funding or building blocks of SEIS

25 25 Conclusions A number of major initiatives are taking place in Europe to improve the quality and timeliness of information to support environmental policies and policies that affect the environment. All components must work together and support each other: the infrastructure needs to support reporting, the information from reporting must be feed the infrastructure and be re-used to inform policy. Integration with e-government and PSI re-use crucial to maximise benefits.

26 26 Thank you for your attention !

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